What Programming Language Should I Learn in 2024

Going to get into the programming world in 2024. Want to know what’s the best programming language for a job, I’m about to outline it in detail. You’re not alone! For anyone who has been in the tech scene as long as I have, we all know how overwhelming it is to pick a suitable language for different projects with so many available options. Still, don’t fret – I got you. So let us go through it, and come to the best for you IDE.


Why Staying Updated in your Programming skills is Vital in Times of the Evolving Tech Landscape

And yet, at some point, I would think; God this tech world is moving so fast… I know I do! New programming languages and technologies seem to be released every other day, making it feel like a herculean task in order not to fall behind. Seriously though, if you really want a kick-ass job in software development then there is no denying that keeping up to date with programming skills matters.

Imagine yourself at an indie little coffee shop, drinking your lovely latte, and browsing through job listings. There are too many openings from top companies like MAANG (Meta, Apple, Amazon, Netflix) / FAANG. They all want the hottest & freshest developers, who are in with new coding. Then you wonder, “What programming language will I have to learn in 2024 so that maybe one of them nice jobs becomes mine?

Well, let’s dive into it. I know I have been there myself, in deciding what programming language to learn next. I know it can be hard, but do not fret. I am here to guide you through that.

A close look at the Top programming languages to learn in 2024

Let’s break it down. Whether you’re an absolute beginner, OR a trained and talented developer looking to dabble into another toolset — there is at least one language/stack out there that might work for ya. These are the best options I have found for different uses:

For Job Prospects

Python – If you need versatility, Python is your language. Used in data science, AI, and web development- basically everything. Also, it is much in demand across various industries.

JavaScript:- This is the king of web development. JavaScript is the go-to language if you want to create websites or apps and do front-end, full-stack programming.

Java: If you want a tried and tested language that is designed for stability (backward compatibility with really old code) can be compiled to run on virtually any platform, which in large enterprises translates into “we have other software written in it we must interface with” or if Android dev seems like your jam then Java might just so nicely scratch that itch.

Go (Golang): Go is a statically typed, compiled language and has been used by organizations such as Google due to its performance – it can increase the efficiency of writing concurrent software systems – and scalability properties. This is perfect for Serverless, cloud services, and backend development.

For Beginners

Python: Yes, Python again. Thanks to its easy syntax it is ultra-easy for a beginner. There are plenty of online courses, and tutorials to help you get started.

JavaScript: Not Only for Professionals officially For beginners, you can jump right in and already create websites with interactions.

Scratch – Ideal for those who are new to code altogether. It is a block-based visual programming language for kids but it’s an amusing way to understand the very fundamentals of simple programming logic.

Reddit Opinions on Learning Coding Languages in 2024

Reddit is fantastic for finding advice and the programming ones are full of information. People share advice, suggest tools and technologies they used that worked for them or things are getting popular now.

For instance, one Redditor noted “Python put me into data science and web development to a crazy degree. That thing is the Swiss army knife of programming languages! JavaScript looks intimidating to the uninitiated, but it’s not that bad once you get familiar with how things work together and there is a great deal of power in being able to build anything for the web.

New Programming Languages of 2025

In the future, we will see that some languages are gaining popularity:

Rust: Although it is still a new language, Rust has the potential to become extremely popular in systems programming due to its emphasis on performance and memory safety.

Kotlin — It is an official language for Android development and provides modern features Java does not.

Swift: This one goes without saying, if you are working with iOS, then learning Swift is a no-brainer. Powerful but Simple to implement

Is Coding Worth it in 2024?

Absolutely! Here’s why:

Professional Benefits: Acquiring the knowledge of coding, in this new age multilingual era would predispose you to high-paying job opportunities within software companies, IT, and beyond.

Self-Help: Dynamic feeling that improves problem-solving and creativity.

On The Horizon: Much like with Siri Shortcuts and Nintendo Indie Highlights, there are simply too many resources to document; you will either be reading for the rest of the year, or two sentences can only direct a person so far. The internet has many resources to start your own class of programming from learning new languages with online courses, to coding boot camps, etc.

Section 1: Why Learning a New Programming Language in 2024 is Crucial

Been noticing how advancements in technology seem to move at breakneck speed nowadays? Programming and software development changes almost every time you blink. Conversely, while I am no wise sage of every trend that has come and gone over the years in the tech industry (quite far off as a first-year CS student), just a few short years ago Python was still seen as something relatively fresh-faced which everyone is talking about currently.

Blistering Technological Change

Technology moves quickly–seriously, fast. I mean, smartphones on their own were fairly recent a decade ago; remember how we now can’t imagine life without them? It works the exact same way for programming languages. As new languages emerge, others are updated – and some fade into obscurity entirely.

For example, remind Ruby on Rails? Startups preferred it as a go-to framework However, Ruby still exists but then came languages like Python and JavaScript on the show. If you are in the tech, business or any industry dealing with it — these changes define where things are heading.

Job Market Evolution

Let’s talk about jobs. Being a newcomer to software development, or just wondering what you should be learning in 2024… one of your top concerns might be — which programming language is required the most for me to get that good job. The job market changes as technology innovates

Those in the MAANG group (FAA•MAANNG according to some) — Meta, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google— are always on the hunt for developers who know certain languages. Currently, the 2 major players in IT are Python and JavaScript as they find applications everywhere, so depending on your work experience you can select among them. It is the language of data science, Artificial Intelligence, etc in Python and Cannot build a web without JavaScript.

I spoke to a friend, who works at one of these companies and he said that they are still trying to hire people needing less adaptation time when switching technologies. Therefore, learning a new language which is in high demand can really enhance your employability.

Future-Proofing Your Career

Now, that turns personal. Picture yourself as a time traveler from two decades into the future, and you want to get ready for what is coming. The process of learning a new programming language is akin to having a prescient vision of life in days to come. Direction and forward movement, what is the best way to not become obsolete.

For instance, languages such as Rust and Kotlin are becoming popular. Rust gets a lot of hype for its performance and safety – it’s no surprise that Rust is now one of the go-to languages we use to build systems. Meanwhile, Kotlin is taking over Android development with its latest features and the stamp of approval from Google.

I started to learn Kotlin last year and it has changed the game for me. This is so much more intuitive than some of the older languages I have worked with. Also, the fact that you know this is what makes it advantageous as most of them out there are still trying to learn about mobile app development.

Section 2: Best Programming Languages for Job Prospects in 2024


Well, alright I will start with Python. Ultimately, the key question is: what programming language to learn in 2024 directly corresponds with a choice, and here python should be on top. Why? Well, one of the reasons is because Python is so damned flexible. It has become a go-to tech stack for web development, data science, and AI automation.

Kind of like a chef with the one tool that chops, mixes, cooks, and serves. That is the programming world of Python for you. Easy to learn for a beginner Moreover, Python language is also in vogue. Finance and healthcare are common sectors that hire Python developers, but even industry outsiders like tech or education organizations also look for such bright minds. Python experts are still highly demanded by companies, including giants like MAANG (or FAANG). Hence, if you are planning to get into those all-so-desired software jobs too python is the best option ever.


Next up, JavaScript. Well, JavaScript is now mandatory even if you are half intrigued by web development. It’s everywhere! JavaScript is used for everything, from adding interactivity to websites and creating client-side applications to developing server-side code.

Think about this from a shopper’s perspective: you go to the site, and nothing works buttons don’t work; it won’t let you fill out your info in order form. Disastrous, right? JavaScript makes sure that everything on a webpage is interactive and responsive. Is JavaScript in vogue that’s the quickest way to write a fully functioning full-stack app for new startups and tech companies. JavaScript is king; front end or back, you will be working in JavaScript. Therefore, if you are looking for both flexibility and job opportunities JavaScript is your way to go.


Then there’s Java. Why do you think Java has been around for so long? It is just because it works, period. Java is widely used for many enterprise-level applications, mostly big corporations. This is the language to learn if you want a career in software development for big systems, banking applications, or Android apps.

Imagine a large corporation, such as one of the banks that makes several million transactions every single day. All they require is some reliability and Java gives that (it also serves simplicity )! Therefore, if you are considering a job with large companies for some years to come then Java is something definitely not out of sight.

Go (Golang)

Next up, Go! And this time I am not referring to Pokemon. For performance and scalability, you can follow (pun intended) the path of Go. Go: intended for Cloud Computing and Backend Systems, Created by Google

In a way, Go is like riding on an efficient high-speed train. Go is equipped with high throughput which lands many tech goliaths, especially in the cloud domain to leverage using it for their use case so, given that, Companies leading the world like Facebook are already investing in Go – Google Doc The Go developers are going to be a lot in demand the cloud computing rise up. As such, if you want a part of cutting-edge technology Go is an amazing bet.

Honorable Mentions

However, do not rule out due to the incredible potential there —a language that is one of the most popular web languages among internet users sacrificed for its niche use English JavaScript Python Ruby Other noteworthy as each supports their respective technology stack closely.

C and C++: For system programming or game development the need to learn these languages. The other reason is that they provide low-level control – and thus high performance.

Swift: You can only think about the next biggest iOS app, Swift is your buddy. So, it seems Apple Synergy is the native language.

Kotlin:- Kotlin is taking over the complexity of coding skills in Android development over Java with its modern features.

C#: Great for developing Windows applications or Game Development — Unity

R – R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, it finds itself particularly useful in academia and research.

PHP: While not as sexy a language as Python or JavaScript, PHP is an important server-side web development tool and the driving force behind major platforms like WordPress.

Personal Experience

It feels like yesterday when I was first getting into coding. Meta Markdown was my first language, and it felt like this sort of discovery. All of a sudden, things that became impossible new features were just a few lines of code. It was like the best superpower ever. Python made everything appear trivial, be it automating the mundane or processing data. And the best part? The community. Or there are so many things and people waiting to help you out.

Section 3: Best Programming Languages for Beginners in 2024


If you want to know what programming language should I learn in 2024Reasons Well, if you ever do have a plan to enter the world of automation then Python should be your first choice. Let me tell you why. Python is the good next-door of programming. Its syntax is easy to understand, i.e. rules and structure are simple The code is not as messy and impossible to understand as in the example above (it’s a classic tangle) making it ideal for first-time coders. It also has a lot of libraries, so it’s very flexible. Think of it as the Swiss Army knife in software development: if you want something, Python has got your back.

Hundreds of learning resources: When I started Python programming, There were hundreds of online courses, and tutorials that made a huge difference to me Coursera, Udemy, and Codecademy are platforms with novice courses. You can nearly always find Python tutorials on YouTube. Oh, and the Python communities like Reddit or Stack Overflow are great places to – well you know — ask questions.


Reason: It is, JavaScript next up. Lifeblood of the Web The great thing about studying JavaScript is that you receive instant feedback. You write a bit of code, you refresh your browser, and bam there it is right in front of you alive on the page. This makes it great for new learners, as you can measure your progress quickly and thus stay motivated. JavaScript is used for most types of applications including rendering websites interactive to server-side and backend programming.

When I began learning JavaScript, I adored free online gateways like FreeCodeCamp and Mozilla’s MDN Web Docs. They dissect the heavy topics in smaller chunks, and learning feels less intimidating. Interactive tutorials like Codecademy also lend players or learners the opportunity to practice what they learn.


Reasons: If you’re new to programming, especially if you’re younger or just want a really graphic and whimsical introduction, Scratch is amazing. Scratch – Introducing Computer Science with Drag and Drop instead of a Typewriter Like with digital Lego blocks you can use them to create animations, games, or stories. It is great for complete beginners or kids who have just started programming.

The Scratch Website – This is a great resource all on its own. Learning Materials Huge collection of community projects that you can explore and remix With many tutorials for your first projects It is very community active which means you can upload your work and receive feedback, something that is super motivating when you are a beginner.

Section 4: Insights from Reddit: Community Opinions on Learning Programming ## Languages in 2024: Insights from Reddit

Hey there! Looking for a programming language to master in 2024? In other words, here is the talk of Reddit where developers get a bit loose and share their thoughts. Honestly, it is like being in a room full of veteran coders and getting entirely sucked into using all their experience.

Public Thoughts: What Everyone Is Saying

Reddit Threads – It gives you kind of the vibe of what a programming community is. There will be a lot of buzz around which programming language is in the air Here are a few gems I found:

Python — 59k GitHub Repositories The people it is attracted to for its natural versatility and fit even at the beginning. Also, with the advent of Data Science and AI; its popularity in situations when using Python is skyrocketing.

JavaScript: It’s everywhere. If you are considering web development, JavaScript is your best friend. Another thing you will hear echoed by Redditors is the importance of knowing it for both frontend and backend development.

Go: Gaining popularity, especially in the cloud computing and back-end development universe. They are fast and efficient, and people love them.

The best way to describe it is like a polite argument over coffee between two enthusiastic coders discussing their preferred practices.

Reddit Polls & Surveys: Do The Community of Reddit Agree?

Not only is Reddit about opinions, but it’s also a veritable smorgasbord of polls and surveys. This provides a better picture of the opinions shared by the programming community. Here is the result of a recent survey conducted for instance —

Another reason for Python leading the pack is that 40% of us chose it due to its simplicity and a huge list of libraries.

JavaScript (30% because it is the uncontested emperor of Web Development)

And you decided 15% to select Java for enterprise applications.

10% opted for Go on account of its cloud application performance.

These numbers seem like a snapshot of what’s happening right now in decision-making on programming. It is like using a map that tells which career path in software development looks quite promising.

Industry Expert Advice: Little Gems With Giant Guarantees

There are actually some Reddit experts that comment from time to time, too. I read a senior developer from MAANG (now FAANG has become more famous) who says that the first thing you need to master is Python and JavaScript. They highlighted the importance of these languages in getting software jobs at top-tier companies.

An IT veteran mentioned that Go was booming and sharing information on how learning Golang can provide an edge when it comes to cloud computing positions. Their advice? Track Job market trends and adjust as needed. It’s your own personal mentor that leads you through the maze of coding languages and IT opportunities!

An Example From My Own Experience

My first brush with programming and I still believe it was one hell of a dive. In College, I started with Java. It was grueling, but oh-so-satisfying. I have used Python in most projects since then, for its strength and simplicity. And whenever I have to create anything on the web, JavaScript steps in. These are the languages that were being talked about on Reddit and remind me of how it was like learning to code in those days, trying out new crazy ideas with some simple pseudo-psychology built into everything.

Section 5: Future Programming Languages to Watch in 2025

Memory Safety and Performance in Rust

Hey there! Are you tired of those bugs and crashes in your code? So, what is Rust? In the realm of memory safety and performance, as in there is no superhero to this language. I have a systems programmer friend, who was so excited about all the problems Rust saved him from.

Why Rust is Awesome

Rust prevents many common memory-related bugs. Say goodbye to null pointer dereference anxiety!

It is quick, properly fast. C++-level performance but safer code.

Where You’ll See Rust

Systems Programming: Rust is your choice of weapon if you are like me in building OSes, game engines, or any other performance-critical software.

Rust for Web Development Assembly: As a compilation target, Rust excels in WebAssembly especially due to low-level control and synchronization with JavaScript APIs.

One can dream, of typing your code and Rust’s compiler automatically catches any mistakes you might have made even before running the code. It’s a game-changer!

The New Android Development Language; Kotlin

So, If you are looking to build a career in mobile app development then Kotlin is the language that you must explore. It was announced as the official language for Android development years ago by Google and continues to improve.

Why Kotlin Rocks

Slick syntax: Fewer words, more power — with easy coding features of modern-day FP. I started a side project in Kotlin last year and damn the syntax was so intuitive.

Java Interop: If you already know Java, learning Kotlin is only a matter of reading through the docs because they work together seamlessly. You can still use your old Java code — they work together harmoniously.

What Future for Kotlin?

Android: From social media apps to the simplest of the to-do list, Kotlin is an Android developer’s dream.

Backend Development: Kotlin has also gained popularity in backend development with frameworks like Ktor.

I still remember the first Android app I wrote in Kotlin, and it felt like a breath of fresh air after Java. So this was one of those things that just worked and made life so much better from then on for a more streamlined development process.

A go-to for iOS Development – Swift

If you are dreaming of building beautiful iOS apps, do not count Swift out. Apple launched Swift to improve the development experience and capabilities of iOS, and it became very successful.

Why You’ll Love Swift

Modern Language: Swift is a modern language with an emphasis on safety. Your code simply becomes so much simpler! One of my friends was transitioning Objective-C to Swift and she couldn’t stop talking about that.

Swift makes your development quicker and more interactive by cutting out a lot of boilerplate code you need to maintain Objective-C apps.

Where Swift Shines

iOS and macOS Apps: Swift is the best way to write software for iPhones, iPads & Macs

Imagine: you are in a coffee shop, working on your MacBook and building an amazing app that will change iPhone users’ lives. And, sure enough… Swift will make that vision a reality with its easy-to-use structure and powerful features.

Section 6: Should You Learn Coding in 2024?

Hey there! Alright, so you want to get started with programming huh? That’s awesome! I will tell you something; there are some extraordinary career benefits of learning a programming language in 2024. Let’s break it down.

Increased Job Opportunities

To begin with, the job market is practically overflowing with opportunities for software developers. All Companies, in particular the big ones (MAANG/FAANG) are always looking for new talent. When you know a computer language, these tech conglomerates can promote with all the opportunities.

We are talking about a subject that covers almost all sectors: who does not need developers, whether in the financial industry or health; entertainment, and commerce. The funny thing is, this extends beyond just the big ones. People who can code are in demand by startups, mid-sized companies, and even non-tech firms. Hence, learning a new programming language in 2024 would be similar to opening yourself up for bid on the job market. Trust me, there’s nothing like the sense of security that comes with knowing you have a set of skills in very high demand.

Higher Salaries

Now, let’s talk money. One of the best things you can do to increase your salary is to learn a programming language. Some of the highest-paid IT professionals are software developers, as shown in recent statistics. Really, a starting salary in software companies can be 60k/year, and with not even five years of experience, you could easily reach six figures.

According to the job search website Glassdoor, a software developer earns around$95.000 per year on average in The United States for example. And the worse is that these can go higher if you are a subject matter expert like machine learning or cybersecurity. This is an awesome practice for making sure that you have financial stability as well as career growth.

Personal Growth: Problem Solving, Creativity

Of course, there is more to it than just the financial incentive and job prospects. Codecademy will even teach you social networking style to tell your friends of the world that, yes indeed,,,, you CAN code! HOW IT MAKES YOU A BETTER PROBLEM SOLVER One of the biggest advantages of these hacks is that they sharpen your problem-solving prowess. Because during programming you are always obliged to solve puzzles using your very good logical and creative skills. It is a real cerebral massage that can help keep your brain active and agile.

There is even a creative aspect to programming, something that often goes unrecognized. Design a stunning website, build a game, or come up with a nifty app and turn your ideas into reality. It is like being an artist but instead of paint, you are using code. This type of creativity can bring a lot of joy into your life and, dare I say it, help you think outside of the box in other aspects of your life.

So you can launch this: You in 2024- Tips to Get You Started on Your Coding Journey in the Future

Well, you are now all charged up and decided to begin your coding journey in 2024. So, here are a couple of pointers to get you started:

Pick the Right Language: If you are a beginner Python is an excellent fit for that. It is easy to learn and can be used in so many domains (Data science, Web development, automation). JavaScript is another fantastic language, especially if you want to get into web development.

Online Resources – There are literally thousands of free resources available online. Sites such as Codecademy, Coursera, and FreeCodeCamp have fantastic beginner courses Finally, to enhance your video editing skills please do not forget the goldmine of tutorials on YouTube as well.

PRACTICE A LOT: Consistency is the name of this game! However, like anything else practice is the key to success so focus on just coding every day even if it’s only 30 minutes. Practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the better you become at it

Join a Community: Learning in isolation sucks. Get involved in online communities (like Reddit, stackoverflow) or attend meetups offline. They can support you, answer your questions, and keep you motivated.

Project Works: ‘

You should work on some side projects; apply whatever you learn. It might be something as simple as a website to learn on, or even a basic little game (I still count my first turn-based trivia strategy game with nothing other than the core classes as an official “project”)… This is because projects prove that you have learned and, if the project has quality to it; they can be a bonus on your resume which helps both open doors for jobs as well reinforce learning.

It can feel like a lot to take on when you first start but remember too that everyone had to be a beginner at some point. My first ever coding project was to build a really simple calculator app. It wasn’t the cleanest code, but boy did it feel good to finally have something working. You know, that’s what it is all about: learning, growing and simply enjoying the ride.

So, what are you waiting for? Jump in, begin with coding, and the sky is the limit for you. Happy coding!

Section 7: Programming Language Examples and Their Use Cases

Python – Data Science, Web Development, and Automation

Sure, we can discuss Python. Picture yourself standing in a busy marketplace, Python is the all-in-one vendor that appears to have anything you could ask for. It’s really powerful, and you can work with it in data science, web development, or automation.

Python: Your companion in the wilderness of data Data Science It is used by data scientists to contextualize giant pools of information, be it predictive models or visualizations. Not long ago when I first started venturing into the realms of data science. It was a lot more user-friendly, and the community support plus all of its libraries (like Pandas & NumPy) made it very accessible.

Web Development: You have to think of an artist with a palette full of color. But Python is different and it provides many frameworks like Django, and Flask to make its web aspects more beautiful. From a trivial blog to an extensive e-commerce site, Python has it all covered for you.

Automation… Well, let’s say you got the point of repetitive tasks and Calls. For me, Python is like a kind of magical servant that does those tasks for you in the background. Starting from scripting daily tasks to handling servers, it can do all. As a personal assistant: I implemented at least most of my daily emails using some Python script.

Moving onto another juggernaut in the world of programming, what about JavaScript?

JavaScript is: Web Development, Server-Side Scripting

If you liken HTML to a flour and water paste, JavaScript is the duck fat that makes those basic web components delicious. That feeling of clicking on a button and something cool happening — that is JavaScript doing its magical tricks.

Web Development: In this analogy, let’s assume you are building a treehouse. JS is merely the toolbox to put all that weird and wonderful stuff — windows, doors, secret compartments. It is required for building responsive websites as well. If you have ever been impressed by the animations on a website, whether it be an entry animation or as simple as having the navigation bar collapse and expand responsively with the rest of the content; Javascript was there building that experience.

Server-Side Scripting: Imagine if JavaScript were a chef like Julia Childs, and could both make AND cook the meal with Node. With node.js, there exists the possibility to manage interactions with databases and user authentication right on your server keeping the language consistent throughout. When I first used Node. When I first found out about Node. js, it blew my mind how one language could be used for both the front end and back end of the projects!

Java After coming from several strong, reliable languages that had some very pleasant qualities about them.

Java: Enterprise Applications, Android Development

Java is basically the tortoise of programming, slow but steady. Best-in-class works for large-scale enterprise and Android development.

Enterprise Applications: Java is more like a skeleton for creating software as a high-rise building. Big corporations use it to construct robust & scalable applications. Java is used for critical systems by banks, insurance companies, or any kind of big institution. Java: While working on a project at one of the top-tier financial institutions, I realized that software must be stable, secure, and without crashing every now or then. This is where Java comes into to play due its characteristics for stability along with security features.

It’s like a toolkit made specifically to build mobile homes – Android Development. Java is the established language behind Android development and it’s commonly used for creating mobile apps. If you have ever played with an app on Android, someone likely used Java to create the application.

Readers, a more modern and practical migration to go: inline-block.

Go / Cloud Services, Backend Development

Go, that is Golang The new kid in the block who is smart and efficient Being made by Google, it is meant to run way faster for ease of usage.

Cloud Services: Think of Go as the Usain Bolt equivalent in programming languages Lightweight and great for cloud services, hence quite popular with companies like Google. Go is ideal for creating cloud-based, scalable & performance-intensive applications. The speed and simplicity of Go – for concurrent programming in particular- were super impressive to me when I first started using it.

Backend Development: Go is like that detail-oriented architect who plans and designs the infrastructure of a city. It’s very efficient and low-level with multiple requests, so good for backend developments. If you are dealing with a high-traffic project, Go is definitely your pick.

Wrapping It Up

As exemplified in the first section, making a decision on which programming language to learn can be likened to standing at a cross/ T-junction, and knowing your goals is what will steer you toward that right direction. Python is flexible, JavaScript is dynamic, Java scales well, and Go performs efficiently – coding languages have their own superpowers.

What programming language should you learn worth 2024? Well, it depends on where you want to go in your programming journey. These languages will set you on the right path if your goal is software jobs at top software companies such as MAANG/FAANG. Jump in, play with each one, and find the best fit for you. Happy coding!


Hey there! Therefore, take a look at the best programming languages to learn in 2024 according to your goals. It is necessary to pick the right one as a new competitive field has been rising if you see yourself working in top software firms of MAANG (Meta, Amazon, Apple II Netflix Android Google) or any other well-renowned IT firm.

Top 3 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

Terrific for beginners and super flexible – Python. Ideal for This: Web development, data science, automation. Companies love it (is good) and it is easy to read/write.

JavaScript – Hence it is vital for web development This is the language you should choose if your goals are dynamic websites or front-end development.

It is still in demand and it seems to remain valuable as long as the future expectations for Android use Java. Java is the backend of choice for numerous enterprise-level companies.

Go (Golang): Very good for performance and scalability. Trendy for cloud services and backend development, even Google developed it.

Rust – Performance, and safety (obviously). This is increasingly popular for systems programming and performance-critical applications.

Click To Action: Begin Learning How to Code Now!

There you have it, your run-down of the best programming languages to learn in 2024. Well, Now take the challenge and start learning- Just believe me, THE SOONER YOU BEGIN IT THE BETTER. Whether your goal is a lucrative job at an elite IT firm or you want to acquire some practical knowledge, there are dozens of resources available for beginners.

Additional Resources

Here are some great resources to get you started on your learning journey:

Online Courses

Source 7 – Coursera: This top-of-the-line resource for learning programming (often through course partnerships with leading university programs.

Udemy: Offers very cheap regular sales on every programming language you can imagine, for life.

Codecademy Codecademy is my all-time favorite coding resource, this was the first website I used when learning to code.

Books and Tutorials

Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes: A hands-on, project-based introduction to Python.

Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke: A good book especially if you are planning packing with Workshops on the same subject.

Head First Java by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates: Fun, simple-to-learn textbook-style intro to Java.

Community Forums

Reddit, there are some really helpful Subreddits like r/learnprogramming and r/coding.

Perfect for demanding TBD problems. Something is practiced (you can ask developers) The page of the best contestants’ answers

GitHub: Suitable for discovering open-source projects and working with others.

Personal Touch

When I started my coding career there was too much of a choice. Mainly because Python sounded basic and had a large community behind it. I can remember being up until 3 or 4 am several nights working through those Codecademy exercises and the rush I would feel when my code actually worked! The journey was spectacular, and I had been hired for awesome software jobs as a result.

Closing Thoughts

Knowing a programming language is like knowing another way to think and solve problems. This creates many opportunities in software development as well as IT. So, what are you waiting for? Alright, dive in, pick a language that interests you, and get coding! You’ve got this!

Start small and stay consistent! Happy coding!

Post your own experiences or queries in the comments section below. Join me on this journey of learning and growing!!

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