Can I Get Google AdSense Approval for My AI Content Blog?

Hey! I see you are interested in such a question as “How to Get Google Adsense Approved for an AI Content Blog?” Honestly, it is a good question because many of us, who prefer AI content, are interested in it. Although you said about an “AI Content Blog”, let us explore this question and find out the answer.

Firstly, let us understand what you need to get the Adsense approved by Google:

  • Quality content;
  • User-friendly design;
  • A little bit of traffic.

The second thing you need to know is the requirement of using more human content than machine-written. Let’s explore all the facts around this idea.


Imagine this: you have just created a fabulous blog full of prime AI-generated content. You love it, and all your friends are highly impressed by it. However, you ask yourself: “Can I monetize this thing with Google Adsense?” The answer might surprise you – first, however, we need to take a closer look at what Adsense is and why it is so exciting. Don’t worry; I know how to do it right!

Importance of Topic:

The question of how to get Google Adsense approval for AI content blogs is a hot topic today. Why is it so? The main reason is that today, AI-generated content is becoming more and more common, and more and more bloggers are interested in understanding whether their AI-supported work can meet Google’s standards. Of course, it is also a very prestigious thing to be approved for Adsense. After getting a nice check or two, you might even consider it as your primary source of revenue.


Here, I would like to provide you with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to get approval from Google Adsense for your AI content blog. We will start with the basics – the requirements that are imposed by Adsense in the first place. Then, we will move to a more detailed overview of how such content can meet these requirements and what steps can be made to increase your blog’s chances of getting approved. Along the way, I will also share my funny failures and success stories. Let’s move on!

1. Understanding Google AdSense Approval Criteria

Overview of Google AdSense

Alright, so you’re thinking about getting Google AdSense approval for your AI content blog, huh? Let’s break it down like we’re chatting over a cup of coffee.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is like the magic wand for bloggers wanting to make some money off their hard work. You sign up, Google puts ads on your site, and you earn money when people click on them. It’s that simple! Well, almost. There’s a bit more to it, but we’ll get there.

Basic Requirements for AdSense Approval

Now, getting Google AdSense approval isn’t as easy as clicking a button, but it’s not rocket science either. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

Original Content: Google loves original, high-quality content. No copy-pasting, okay?
Site Age: Your site needs to be at least six months old, especially if you’re outside the US, UK, or Canada.
Sufficient Content: Make sure you have a good number of posts. I’d say around 20-30 posts of decent length.
Privacy Policy Page: This is a must-have. Google wants to see that you care about user privacy.
About Page: Tell your visitors (and Google) who you are and what your blog is about.
Contact Page: Make it easy for people to reach you.
No Restricted Content: Stay clear of adult content, copyrighted material, or anything illegal.

Quality Content Standards

Now, let’s talk about the biggie: content quality. Google’s picky. They want high-quality content that’s engaging, informative, and original. Here’s how you can meet their standards:

Originality: Google doesn’t like duplicates. If your content is like a photocopy of someone else’s, you’re not getting approved.
Relevance: Make sure your content is relevant to your audience. If you’re running a tech blog, don’t suddenly start posting about gardening unless you can tie it back to tech in an interesting way.

User Experience: Your site should be easy to navigate. Think of it as inviting someone into your home. You wouldn’t want them to trip over furniture, right?

Personal Touch

When I first applied for AdSense, I was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I made sure my blog was spotless. I even cleaned up broken links like a neat freak on a cleaning spree. It paid off, though! So, don’t stress too much. Just follow these steps, and you’ll be fine.

2. Specifics of AI Content Blogs

Definition and Examples: AI Content Blogs

Alright, let’s get straight into the world of AI content blogs. You’re drinking your morning coffee, scrolling your favorite blog, and — wait. “AI wrote this stuff?” — the answer is yes. All over the internet, every day, all the time, it is happening. So, what is an AI content blog from this peculiar future? A blog is where some, or even all, content is created by some artificial intelligence. That’s what I call an effort done by a person to impress other people.

AI Content Blogs: What Do They Do?

These special-purpose blogs use special-purpose algorithms to create an article, a story, a poem — whatever. These AIs process huge amounts of data and then write something just like people would. The main goal of an AI content blog is to create content and post stuff with keywords and topics relevant to the request.

Think of it as highly specialized robots doing all these little IMG write graphic descriptions of IMG at the speed of light. Here’s an example: let’s say you want to run a travel blog. One of the common problems is you can’t visit all the world’s top destinations, book all the hotels, or fly with all airlines to provide your readers with the content.

To solve this problem, you could use an AI tool to generate an article or a small review of the best hotels in Paris or to write a post about a travel experience in Bali. It will be your content I-M-P-R-E-S-S-I-V-E.jpeg, and at the same time, you won’t feel this horrifying feeling of burnout when you realize, that there are precisely 200 posts left until your next vacation, which are canceled, as you should write about them. Nice and easy.

Unique Challenges for AI Content Blogs

One possible issue of getting approval from Google Adsense for an AI content blog is not related to AI, but it isn’t entirely independent of it either. Maybe it is more of an algorithm problem? Here’s why generic AI content might hit just a little bump on the road.

  1. Quality Control

Submitted content isn’t always of super high quality. We all know, dear reader, that you can type. And you are probably thinking right now, “What’s the worst content an AI tool can create? I bet it’s pure fire. Show it to me.” But can AI create an engaging and sharp article that will make you think, “Wow, is this the Matrix?” Not always, my friend. People know the difference when they read generic stuff or something definitely human-made, and Google can probably tell the difference,

  1. Policy Compliance

Does your AI content pass the Google content policy? The scary thing is, that it is not aware of any Google content policy or the fact that Google even exists. It’s like a child, a very theoretical and conceptual child that can run a text for “Plagiarism”, but doesn’t always know that “copy-paste” isn’t winning.

  1. Human Touch

There. One of the reasons it might be a little bit challenging for you, we will insist on getting your Google Adsense request where Apple makes a CRT monitor.

Success Stories: Winning with AI Content Blogs

Of course, not all AI content blogs have such struggles. Some have already cracked the code and won the AdSense approval game. Let me share a couple of success cases to bring hope and maybe a sprinkle of inspiration.

Case Study 1: Tech Savvy Blog

Tech Savvy is a blog for tech-savvy people that talks about the latest gadgets and trends. The blog owners decided to engage with the industry pace and leveraged AI content. They were mainly crafting well-detailed and informative pieces, but human editors were reviewing the content before publishing. This was the golden balance of AI speed and human quality check to get AdSense approval in three months.

Case Study 2: Healthy Bites Blog

The Healthy Bites blog was focused on providing information about delicious healthy recipes and wellness tips to their audience. They used AI capabilities to generate numerous new recipes and health article ideas. They were making sure that no single piece of content was similar to another and that it was genuinely beneficial to their followers. What’s more exciting, they were adding their commentary and photos to every article to make it warm and human. That is how they managed to get the AdSense approval in two months.

The answer to the question, “How to get AdSense approval fast?” is easy. The recipe includes quality, compliance, and a sprinkle of human touch. AI content is cool, but like any power, it should come with responsibility. Remember about those AdSense approval checklists and make sure your content falls into the acceptance categories. And don’t forget to add your flavor to the blog! What about you? Do you have some exciting tips or case studies to share about getting your AI content blog approved for AdSense? Let’s exchange advice and keep winning together!

3. Preparing Your AI Content Blog for AdSense Approval

So, you’ve got an AI content blog, and you’re itching to get Google AdSense approval, huh? Well, buckle up because we’re diving into how you can ensure your blog meets those high-quality standards that AdSense loves. Trust me, it’s not as tough as it sounds!

Content Quality: Tips on Ensuring High-Quality, Original Content

Starting with the most crucial one, quality is king. You can have the most attractive, beautifully designed blog, but if your content is a mundane one, well, AdSense isn’t going to even spare a glance at you. So, here’s a tier-by-tier foundation on how you can elevate your content:

  • Be original: Google ain’t no dummy; they’re like your old high school teacher pushing your essay through a plagiarism checker with the power turned up to 100. They prefer fresh content that you create on your own. They’d rather hear your voice and experience when you’re speaking to them. So, imagine yourself easing back on a sofa, sipping a cup of coffee, and sharing your experiences with a friend. Keep it real, folks!
  • Engaging Headlines: Make sure that your title is strong enough that people want to click on it. So, imagine that you’re standing in a bookstore. You have a thousand options in front of you. Now, the title on the front cover of the book is your name card, guy! Make sure that you create a compelling, urge-inducing one.
  • Add Value: Throw in some value for the reader. Don’t just decide to write nonsense, stop your keyboard; and bring forth some tips, insights, and real advice that people can use. For instance, I’m talking about how one would get AdSense approval in a day, then you should add the detailed steps and your own experience at the end of the whole ordeal.
  • Be consistent: Keep a solid, consistent posting schedule, alright? Google prefers a healthy, consistently active blog, and so do your readers. Be sure to stick to a schedule so that your readers can expect the next article to come out. Take a page from the magazines back in the day!

Avoiding Plagiarism: Importance of Originality and Tools to Check for Plagiarism

Now, let’s discuss plagiarism – the big bad wolf that will ruin all your plans to get earning with AdSense. Here are some ways to make the content clean:

Use Plagiarism Checkers: many good tools such as Grammarly, Copyscape, or small SEO tools may help you to get some guarantee that you’re not breaking the law without even knowing about it. Check your work in these tools to be sure that it’s 100% unique and authentic.

Cite Your Sources: if you’re still referencing other work, cite the source! Quoting someone? Link back to the source. It is both right and useful for your work.

Paraphrase wisely: Trouble thinking up an original line from scratch? As long as you’re taking someone else’s point and rewriting it slightly. Add your insight or use examples of what you are discussing.

User Experience: Discuss Site Design, Navigation, and Mobile-Friendliness

All right, enough about your blog’s ranking, why don’t we talk about user experience? Just imagine that you’ve walked into a store and the shelves were a mess. You wouldn’t buy anything, would you? Same thing with your blog. Let me tell you how to make it a delight to visit:

  • Clean design: I mean it: keep your blog design clean and uncluttered. A simple and easy-to-read layout works wonders. Less is more, okay?
  • Easy navigation: Readers should be able to find what they’re looking for without a treasure map. Menus, categories, search bar – these are your best friends. If they ain’t found it, they’ll leave.
  • Mobile-friendly: More than half of your readers browse on their phones, and a horrible mobile design can ruin it all. Use responsive design templates. Both your readers and Google will appreciate it.

Now let’s get back to the business.

Traffic and Engagement: How to Build Traffic and Engage Your Audience

Finally, here are some helpful tips for those who want to gain more traffic and keep the attention of their audience:

  • Get the Hang of SEO: It won’t hurt if you search for more information about SEO and choose the proper keywords for your articles. “How to get Google AdSense approval in 1 minute” and “AdSense approval checklist” may come in handy. The better you know SEO, the higher your article ranks.
  • Use social media: If you know that your friends and random strangers from Facebook love to spend most of their time on Instagram, share your blog updates on Instagram. Join the groups with like-minded people, and share the articles with them as well.
  • Don’t ignore the readers: Answer the comments they leave, and ask them what they want to read. Make them realize that a real human is being behind the screen, and people tend to feel more attached if others pay attention.
  • Make an email list: Once people find your blog interesting, they will give you their emails, and you can notify them of all the news.
  • Be less formal: When I first launched my blog, I was too arrogant, thinking that readers would love my flawless writing. They didn’t pay much attention. However, as soon as I started talking about things that had happened to me, and expressing my opinion and not just “giving professional advice,” the number of views and visitors started to increase dramatically, and the traffic became heavier and more substantial.

I hope my memories will help you, guys! Follow my advice, and you will be able to get this bloody AdSense approval without much difficulty!

4. Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Let’s be honest. We all are guilty of it. You may have thought of “ Hey, AI can do everything for me” and write blog posts with AI but it’s awkwardly strange if you overuse AI content for your blog. It’s almost like that terrible idea to use AI to write a love letter to your sweetheart – it’s simply awkward and not appealing to anyone. While AI tools are good at producing content quickly, not all content made by machines would work with people. It might sound too dull and not funny as if the blog post was written to punish the readers by trying to bore them.

For example, I did try to use AI to write a blog post once. And yes, the content contained all the keywords: “How to get Google AdSense approval in 1 minute” and “Pages required for AdSense approval”. Yet, it did miss the point of a better-converted post as it wasn’t personal at all. I could still feel like a machine talking at me, not to me.

So, what can save the day? Well, as always the right way is a bit of a mix. You can try to use AI for idea-finding and possibly even for writing but it’s essential to make it more personalized, add some anecdotes, and be funnier. Thus, you would achieve equilibrium in tandem with human-machine content.

Policy Violations: Common AdSense Policy Violations and How to Avoid Them

Well, let’s get down to the rules. Google AdSense has a bunch of policies, and violating them is a surefire way to get rejected. You don’t want that… okay, so here they are:

  • Plagiarism – Google loves original content. If they think you just copied and pasted your blog posts, you’re in trouble. Yours truly found this out the hard way… I thought I found the perfect blog post for my first site from one of the writing services. It turned out, it was already on another site. Oops! So always check for plagiarism before posting using the right tools.
  • Misleading content – Don’t lie to your readers. If your title claims to offer “How to get fast AdSense approval,” be sure your advice is sound. No need to create clickbait titles to mislead and then click, right?
  • Invalid click – Got your friends to click your ads or did it yourself? That’s a no-no. Google will know, and you will be banned. So keep all your clicks organic.

Inadequate Content Volume: The Importance of Having Enough Content Before Applying

Have you ever gone to a bookstore only to find that there are just three available books? You will leave. Google is in the same mood when they realize that your blog is too thin.

They want to be sure that you are real and that you can provide a lot of content to choose from; that will engage the visitors. It was the same when I showed them my very first blog with only five posts and got the answer, “Please, bring them something else.” Therefore, I would suggest that one can apply after 20-30 quality posts. It is like creating a variety of dishes for a buffet.

Many interesting and connecting themes will be a guarantee that many visitors will come to compare them. The same applies to your blog: Usually, I write about different themes and ways to get AdSense approval for the WordPress blog, and would also use the keywords mentioned to make it sound more workplace-related and Google-optimized.

5. Optimizing Your Blog for SEO

Greetings, young AI content blogging padawan! Are you wondering how to get those sweet Google AdSense approvals? Well, I hope you like researching keywords because today, you and I are going on an adventure! Believe it or not, it’s much cooler than it sounds!

How to Find the Right Keywords

Let’s start at the beginning with the issue of keywords. You need to always think about the keyword terms that will help people find your posts because they are rather like the magic ingredient that makes your blog post a tasty dish with a greater chance of being discovered. If you didn’t spend time identifying these magical words, then of what use will be this fabulous piece of AI blog content?

  1. Get Inspired: simply take a piece of paper and pen along with your favorite cup of coffee. Just write down what exact areas are covered in this AI blog content. Let’s avoid any exact copy attempts for now, ok? Just don’t chase away any ideas, get them straight onto your paper.
  2. Keyword tools: now that you’ve got this list, it is high time to turn it into something way more specific and strategic. Let’s switch to these well-known tools: Google Keyword Planner – Ahrefs, SEMrush. What they will help you with is to get a better idea of the most popular keywords.

Make sure to aim at a balance: there should be both high-volume as well as a few long-tail keywords. Search types into the browser extra-long or extra-specific phrases. What you need to know about your competitors is some information about which keywords they have up their sleeves. Ahrefs will perfectly help you with this.

Try to answer the key issue here: what are your customers searching for? Are they in a position to purchase what they want or just to make/edit their choice? In any case, your well-organized blog post will be heading in the direction of fulfilling precisely these needs. For instance: if somebody types into the search “How to get Google Adsense approved in 1 minute?” Now, then no doubt they are in a massive rush. This is a clear indicator of what kind of tailored-made and experience-using blog post they would like to read.

On-Page SEO: Best Practices for Optimizing Your Blog Posts

So, you have your keywords now. What to do with them? Well, let’s move on to sprinkling them in your blog posts without overdoing it. I would say, let’s make it your content “seasoning” – a little bit can change everything.

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Your main keyword needs to be included in your title tag and meta description. Make sure it still looks and reads natural. It could be something like “How to Get AdSense Approval for Your AI Content Blog in Record Time.”

Headers and Subheaders: H1, H2, H3 – all of them are good to include your keywords. And it’s beneficial not only for SEO purposes but also makes your content look more readable. Google loves organized stuff!

Content: And now, when it’s about your content, adjust your keywords here as well. Around 1-2 % of keyword density would be ideal. If you use more keywords, your content could look spammy, and we don’t want you to want to be ignored by Google or, even worse, be banned forever.

Images and Reminders: Not only text is important in your blog posts. Go back and make sure you’ve included pictures. And give them descriptive names and alt texts. Let’s say, your keyword is “AdSense approval checklist, ” and you found a picture for this “section.” In this case, your picture could be more, so, “AdSense approval checklist for AI content blogs.”

Links: Do not forget about internal and external ones. Internal links are the ones that will send your readers to the other pages of your website. The external ones will be directed to other resources.

Technical SEO: Ensuring Your Site Meets Technical SEO Standards

  • Now, let’s get to the point – let’s talk about the nuts and bolts of your website. Technical SEO might sound scary, but you will need to do this – if you want Google AdSense approval.
  1. Mobile Friendliness – make sure that your site is mobile-friendly. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to find out if that’s the case. Most of the people nowadays are browsing on their phones, and Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites. Don’t underestimate it.
  2. Site Speed – no one likes a slow website, and that includes Google. Use some tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to test – and then apply some of those recommendations I am pretty sure they will display, on how to make your site load faster. It’s worth it.
  3. SSL Certificate – make sure that your site is secure. An SSL certificate nowadays is a must and has become a standard. If you have the padlock in the URL bar, we are all good, it’s a trust signal to users and Google.
  4. Clean URLs – use clean URLs and make them descriptive. Instead of “,” go with “” It’s understandable and it‘s also beneficial for the site as regards SEO.
  5. Sitemap and Robots.txt – make a sitemap and a robots.txt file. Use some tools – I assume you are using WordPress, Yoast SEO will also be able to generate your sitemap and your Robots.txt file simply. Also, one cannot improve what he cannot measure, as well, search engines need sitemaps to crawl your site quickly, so you don’t want to simply ignore it.

6. Applying for Google AdSense

So, you’ve got this awesome AI content blog, and you’re wondering, “Can I get Google AdSense approval for my blog?” Well, you’re in the right place! Let’s walk through this together, step by step.

Step-by-Step Guide: Applying for AdSense

Steps to Get Google AdSense Approval

  1. Create High-Quality Content

First things first, make sure your blog is full of awesome, original content. Google loves that! Who are you writing for? Write for your readers, not for the bots.

  1. Set Up Essential Pages

You must have these pages on your blog: About, Contact, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer. Important, that you look more trustworthy to Google with these pages. And trust me, these pages are a big deal in the AdSense approval checklist.

  1. User-Friendly Design

No one likes a website that is difficult to navigate. Make sure your blog is easy to browse and looks good on both desktop and mobile. A neat, professional look helps a lot.

  1. Get Some Traffic

Google loves seeing some activity on your blog! Share your post on social media, connect with your readers, and grow the page views. You don’t need a huge number of views, but you can show Google your blog is real and it means business.

  1. Google’s Policies

Google has hundreds of boring policies. As boring as it sounds, know those! You want to make sure your content complies with the Google rules. No cheating on this one.

  1. Sign Up

Go to the Google AdSense website and sign up. Fill out your details and add the AdSense code to your blog. That’s it!

What to Expect: Review Process and Timelines

Once you hit submit, the waiting game begins. Usually, it takes about a week or two for Google to review your application. Sometimes it’s quicker, sometimes it’s slower. During this period, Google will crawl your site to ensure it meets their criteria.

Here’s a bit of what they’re checking:

  • Content quality and originality
  • Site navigation and user experience
  • Compliance with AdSense policies

Reapplying After Rejection

Rejected? It’s okay, it happens to everyone! Here is what you can do:

  • Determine the reason: Google provides a reason after rejecting your site, so check what went wrong. Maybe your website is too bare or contains policy violations.
  • Solve the problem: Take content for your future website seriously. Add posts and pictures if the problem is content-related, and change the design if it is design-related.
  • Wait a bit: Do not reapply after one day – wait one week at least. Google will understand that you want to address the issues and improve your website.
  • Reapply: If you have solved the problem, you will get the desired “Congratulations” email. Good luck in getting Adsense approval!

A Little Humor to Lighten the Mood

Trying to get AdSense approved is just like waiting for your crush to respond. You will find yourself checking your inbox the following five minutes, hoping for it to be good news. Anyway, it does not matter whether you are approved immediately, or there is something you will be required to fix, but as they say, persistence pays. Besides who knows, maybe your AI content blog will be the next big thing!

How to get Adsense Approved Fast

  1. Posting consistency: Keep your content always fresh and engaging.
  2. Original work: It is always good to avoid plagiarism at all costs since Google is smarter than you can ever imagine.
  3. Opting for SEO: while you still have to get on point or avoid the terms “How to get Google AdSense approval in 1 minute” and “Pages required for AdSense approval”, it is always necessary to naturally include them in your post.
  4. Engage your audience by responding to their comments.

There you have it, a simple, step-by-step guide on how to get Google AdSense for your AI content blog. It’s nothing too tricky, but it does require some time and effort. Just do what you have to do, and soon enough, you’ll see those ad dollars racking up in your account. Hope this helps and happy blogging!

7. Maximizing AdSense Revenue

Ad Placement Strategies: Best Practices for Placing Ads on Your Blog

Do you want to know how you can make those Google AdSense ads work and bring you money on your AI content blog? Well, let me tell you about some sensible advice that has been helping me a lot.

Ad Placement

First things first, you can place them in the right locations throughout your blog.

Throwing a Party or Serving a Dish?

Again, think about your blog as you would a party or a meal. You want your guests or ingredients to be in the right place where they can be seen but not imposed.

Above the Fold

These are like the canapés that you place on the side tables. They are the parts of your blog that visitors see without having to scroll. Since first impressions are the most impactful, it’s a good spot to place an ad.

Within Content

When your guests have entered and you have conveyed the message of the party or the meal, the time will be right for the second serving of canapés, or ads in our case. Since your readers are already reading your content, they would not mind the information bombarding them.


Keep it there for the rest of the meal.

Think of adding the ads as seasoning the meal. You would not want to overwhelm your visitors with flavors to an unbearable extent, but you would not want them to miss out on the flavor either. You can think of ads as flavors that can enhance the taste of your content in the right amount.

2. Understanding Ad Types: Choose Wisely

Various ad formats may play a role in the success and performance of your Adsense experience. Depending on the type of environment that you have on your website, not every ad will offer the same advantages. It will also depend on the types of visitors to your website, and how they consume your content.

Text Ads: They are simple but efficient. They typically complement your content and are less intrusive types of ads

Display Ads: This type of ad format is more visual and may trigger a visitor’s attention. It is best used in small quantities

In-feed and In-article Ads: These Illicit types of ads beat the balance between banners in terms of being intrusive, they match the flow of your content and are less annoying for your readers.

Matched Content: This is one of my favorite features as however being an ad type, it suggests other interesting articles on your website. It is a known fact that the longer you keep the visitor on your site, the higher the chances of conversion.

Imagine being at a buffet. You would not consume just one type of food, would you? Fish and meat to keep things evenly appealing!

3. Continuous Improvement: Keep Tweaking for Success

Now, it all begins here. Getting the approval is nice and all, but you have to keep improving.

A/B Testing – try the different ad types and placements and see what works best. Maybe the end of your posts is a better place for an ad than the beginning? Who knew?

Monitor Performance – money and power, or at least the power to cut off poorly performing ads. Check which pages the ads are on and which ones get the most attention while the others sit there being ignored.

Content Quality – always improving on what you have. If you have high-quality posts, you will have high-quality traffic as people will be more interested in reading. Google loves original content and is better if it’s fresh.

SEO Practices– do not let your knowledge become outdated as the search algorithms change. The higher you rank, the better ad revenue will be.


## Recap: Key Points from Our AdSense Journey

Right, let me summarize all our discussions. First, we mentioned the basics of Google AdSense and its approval criteria. We talked about such important points as quality content, a good user experience, and following Google’s policies. You know that it is a must if you want to have your blog approved.

After that, we discussed AI content blogs specifically. I mentioned some features that make them stand out and some extra efforts you may need to make to earn approval. I know that after reading some success stories it becomes clear that it is possible!

Then we moved on to the steps you should take to get ready for applying to AdSense. We talked about the importance of original, high-quality content and how to make sure that your blog is user-friendly and interesting. Also, we discussed some common mistakes you should avoid, like relying on AI too much or violating AdSense Policies.

Of course, it was not the whole list of things to do – we also discussed some SEO tips, including keyword selection and on-page optimization. Finally, I told you about the application process and what to expect.

Encouragement: You’ve Got This!

Let me get a bit personal here. Applying for AdSense might sound like a nightmare, however, from the perspective of an experiment, it is ok. Think about the tastiest cake you could have ever baked. Oh, remember that kitchen disaster I had just before my 16th birthday? In those feelings, passion, commitment, and efforts, my way to baking one of the most delicious cakes ever, you will find an AdSense approval for your blog.

You need just to keep working hard and improving the content and user appreciation. Yes, you may not get approval for the first, second, or even the third time. But it is the same as driving a bicycle. You may fall at first, but still, you will be able to balance yourself to drive. So, do not get depressed and get to work. The success is closer than you can imagine!

Call to Action: Share Your Journey

Well, friends, now the floor is yours! I would like to hear your opinions. Have you ever tried to get approval to use AdSense on your blog? How did it go? What problems, if any, have you faced and what recommendations can you give to others?

Don’t be shy to share some of your experiences and concerns below. We could create a small community where we can all help one another. And, by the way, if you have any interesting or amusing stories related to AdSense to share, you are welcome to do that, too. After all, life is great when it is full of laughter!

Remember: all of us are one big family. Let us all support each other and make our blogging dreams come true. Good luck with getting approval for AdSense and otherwise happy blogging!

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