How to Choose a Keyword That Ranks on Google

Don’t you often find yourself throwing keywords at Google as if they were pieces of confetti at a wedding? If that sounds familiar, then you’ve probably dreamed of getting that coveted first-page ranking to no avail. The competition is fierce and the tactics feel like trying to decipher some ancient hieroglyphs. However, fellow bloggers, do not despair!

We are here to provide you with a secret weapon to solidify your keyword domination that will not require extensive knowledge of Google’s secret algorithms. Keep reading, and in a few minutes, you will be confidently picking keywords that will make Google happy and your audience devour your content!

No more need to rely on pricey “top ranking keywords on Google” sold to you by modern snake oil salesmen because we are free and effective here. No more need to passionately ask the all-knowing Google: “How to rank your website on Google’s first page”, because you will already be doing it like a boss!

At this point, you must be asking: “But is there really no free Google ranking checker that I can use?” Indeed, there are tools, but completing the task without understanding the criteria of why a keyword ranks where it ranks is like ordering two dozen cupcakes instead of one – there is no harm, but why would you?

Moreover, there are still enough confectionary issues that we’ll try to explain in layman’s terms! After finishing this post, you will be able to rank for keywords on Google for free without any external help.

However, we are all a bit different, aren’t we? While this post is mostly concerned with blog keywords, it will also tell you how to get My business on top of Google search. So, make sure you have a cup of SEO juice, and read this text that will become your personal Google Search Console for keyword-related issues.

How to Choose a Keyword That Ranks on Google (and Avoid the SEO Sad Trombone)

Let’s face it, nobody wants their website buried on page 17 of a Google search. It’s like that pair of shoes you know you bought, but can’t find because they’re chilling behind a mountain of mismatched socks. But fear not SEO grasshopper! This guide will equip you to choose golden keywords that Google will adore, propelling your website to the top of the search results (or at least somewhere viewable by humans, not just persistent spiders).

First things first: What is Google Ranking?

Imagine Google as a giant library with information on everything (and sometimes things that aren’t quite real, but that’s a story for another day). Google Ranking is like the Dewey Decimal System for websites. The more relevant your site is to a search query, the higher it ranks on the search results page.

Now, back to Keywords: Those Magic SEO Words

Think of keywords as the search terms people use to find what they’re looking for. Choosing the right keywords is like picking the perfect song at karaoke: everyone has to know it, but you gotta avoid the overplayed classics. Here’s how to find the sweet spot:

  • Top Ranking Keywords on Google: Sure, these keywords might be the Beyonces of the search world, but competition is fierce. You’ll be up against established websites with SEO muscles that would make Popeye blush.
  • Free Google Ranking Checker: Hold on there, champ! While some free tools estimate ranking, true ranking power comes from understanding search intent. This means figuring out what people REALLY want to know when they type in a keyword.
  • How to Increase Google Ranking for Free? Content is king, queen, and the whole royal court! Create high-quality, informative content that answers users’ questions. Think of yourself as the friendly neighborhood SEO wizard, here to enlighten the web with your knowledge.
  • Google Search Console: This is your free website BFF. Sign up for Google Search Console to see how your website is performing in search results and identify areas for improvement. It’s like having your own personal SEO cheerleader.

How to Rank for Keywords on Google?

So, you’ve done your keyword research and written an amazing piece of content. What now? Well, now you hope that the Google Ranking Algorithm will smile upon you. What is that, you ask? That, my dear friend, is Google’s very own brand of secret sauce. Over the years, the recipe has changed fairly often, with the exact ingredients and proportions being a tightly guarded secret. But Google has always had a taste for high-quality content, robust website structure, fast load speed, and mobile-friendliness. At the end of the day, if you follow Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, you’re likely to perform well.

Bonus tip: “How do I get my business on top of Google search?”

If you’re running a business that serves customers face-to-face, make sure to claim your Google My Business listing. It’s a free tool that will help locals to find your company in the search results.

Also, just a final reminder: “SEO is a marathon, not a sprint”. Stay excited but patient, and your website will eventually start to crawl up Google’s search results. And remember, even if it gets challenging, there’s a whole community of SEO enthusiasts who are cheering you on. And you could always drop us a message for a 2-hour coffee + SEO secrets session!

Why Ranking High on Google is Like Winning the Internet Popularity Contest (But Way More Useful)

Okay, let’s admit it: everyone secretly dreams of being popular. In the good old days of high school, it meant you were voted “Most Likely to star in a viral video” Cool. So, why is ranking first on a search engine results page rather than being asked to sit at the popular kids’ table? Well, keep reading, and we’ll go over this in more detail.

Okay, put it this way: Google is like the most happening party in town, but not everyone who wants to get in. But just as at any party when you’re with VIPs in their VIP section, which ranks number one. Yes, it’s the first time. More website visitors. More potential customers coming through the door. And while we’re on the, let’s face it, every business wants that. higher likelihood of a popularity contest winner. Well, you get the idea.

And while we’re on the topic of visitors, isn’t it easier not to make small talk with people who share your interests? Believe me, when a visitor stumbles upon your website after typing the. Translation: Higher click-updated through rates and hoping for higher conversion rates, because who wouldn’t want to pay for something that has answers to all their questions? You’d better not have found it otherwise!

Apart from visitors, there’s another thing that ranks higher: credibility. Staying at the top of the Google food chain is like getting a celebrity endorsement, but the main proof doesn’t exist, and Google is good enough. In other words, people rank websites vouch for it. in the best interest of doing business with a company.

Now, You Might Be Asking: How Do I Achieve This Glorious Google Popularity?

Man, that’s another blog post. For now, I want to leave some helpful stuff with you. It’s like giving my shy friend the best jokes to tell at the party – they have to speak up for themselves, right? Here are some good starting points for you:

Not All Keywords Are Created Equal – How to Choose a Keyword That Ranks on Google. For starters, if you don’t know how to pick ’em, you won’t see ’em. I promise you, they’re on Google. Chilling on the first page, ranking high, having a party – and your website’s not invited, because Google couldn’t hear you ask: “Can I come in?”

Google Ranking Checker Tool – How to Find Where Your Website is Ranked. How do you know where your website is on Google today? You check, you see, and you lift the last bar of that curiosity burden. It’s just like stepping on the scale before hitting the gym. You might not like what you see, but you’ve got to admit where you’re at to be able to move up.

Google Search Console. It’s like looking at your website through a microscope, and you’re getting a detailed report of newly found suspect issues. This is your free ride on the Google roller coaster. Now, who wouldn’t want that?

This question is especially relevant if you’re running a local business. Maybe you have a shop downtown, or you offer a specific service for your region. If you have a local business or you want to get more local traffic, this article is for you:

How to Get My Business on Top of Google Search: I mean, you can’t compete with that flashy business across the street turning away customers from your shop with its glow. If you get what I mean. You know it’s Google, right? But my friend, there’s hope for your shop to get noticed. That’s the inviting sign people walking past your business see and go: “Number 1 – this IS for me!”

How to Improve Keyword Rankings on Google

Choose Relevant Keywords: The Secret Weapon No One Talks About (Except Now)

Ever feel like you’re throwing keywords at Google like confetti at a wedding, hoping some will stick? You’re not alone. Picking the right keywords can feel like deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. But fear not, SEO grasshopper, for this section will be your Rosetta Stone!

How to Choose Keywords for Research (and Not Look Clueless)

Let’s face it, keyword research can be a snoozefest. But here’s the truth: it’s like picking the perfect ingredients for your blog’s recipe. Would you throw random things in a pot and call it dinner? Probably not. (Though, a surprise culinary adventure might be fun… for someone else’s taste buds.)

How to Choose the Best Keywords? They Shouldn’t Be Cryptic Crosswords

Think about what people are ACTUALLY typing into Google. Are they searching for “revolutionary pizza topping ideas” or just “best pizza toppings?” Aim for keywords that are clear, concise, and relevant to your blog’s content.

How to Select Keywords for an Article: Think Like Your Audience (Not a Robot)

Put yourself in your reader’s shoes. What questions would YOU ask about your blog’s topic? Are you writing about dog training? Keywords like “how to stop my dog from digging up the yard” or “funny dog training fails” might be gold.

Hold Up! Where’s This SEO Keywords List You Promised?

There’s no magic keyword list that unlocks Google’s front page. However, there are some fantastic tools to help you on your keyword quest.

Introducing the Google Keyword Planner: Your Knight in Keyword Shining Armor

This free tool from Google is like a treasure map leading to keyword riches. It helps you discover search volume, competition level, and even related keywords you might not have considered.

Need an SEO Keywords Example? Let’s Make it Memorable

Imagine you have a blog about cat behavior. A good keyword might be “reasons my cat stares at me like I stole the tuna.” It’s specific, attention-grabbing, and likely something curious cat owners would search for.

Ready to Choose the Right Keywords with Our Research Tools? Let’s Do This!

By following these tips and utilizing the fantastic tools available, you’ll be a keyword ninja in no time. Remember, the right keywords are like bait for your ideal readers. Choose wisely, and soon you’ll have a loyal audience hanging on your every blog post.

Conquer the Google SERPs: How to Outrank Your Cat Videos (Seriously)


Have you ever used Google to look up stuff and instead of finding anything useful; you found SERPs? No, it is not an email-related term, nor is it a breakfast cereal. SERPs is an acronym for Search Engine Results Pages. This is when websites go head-to-head with each other to make you click on their website. Naturally, the website that makes it to the first page is more likely to be clicked on, and therefore, this is something we all want for our blog post. However, unless you have a really popular cat video compilation, it is highly doubtful that you will make it to the first page. You need to put in some work, and by work, we mean SERP analysis. You know, to see the enemies before you fight the enemies? You wouldn’t charge blindfolded, would you? (unless you really like being hit by rubber balls). Why, though, would you carry out a SERP analysis? Here is why it is your new best friend.


Find Your Special K: Just like Superman has problems with kryptonite, you might find your own special kryptonite in the competitive keywords that you aim to chase. You are only human: you do not have what it takes to outrank that guy who posts humorous cat videos. A SERP analysis is likely to show you which keywords are highly competitive and not for you.

Cater to Google’s Preferences: At some point, you will have to admit that as much as you want to write that new post about how your cat finally caught her tail, there is a good chance that Google prefers the 37th article about the ten most dangerous diseases in carriers of Neanderthal genes. And to be honest, that is the most intellectually honorable thing to do. If you are writing your health blog post, you will be boosting your SEO by following your immediate realization about your competitiveness and just writing about the next ten most lethal illnesses in carriers of the Neanderthal gene. It will drive you mad but think of it like chess game practice.

Look for Hidden Opportunities: Sometimes, the SERP analysis results in something known as The Barness Effect. When people named John Barnes started writing blogs about ancient water-well construction in Acre instead of Israel, they had very little competition. Maybe you are a bestselling author but, unfortunately, not John Barnes. However, a SERP analysis has allowed you to realize that John Barnes does not want to write about animals doing the macarena or water-well construction in Acre. So, do you – and get that domain name.

Using a Tool

How can you do a SERP analysis without burning holes in your pockets? You do not have to, especially if you are a young magician who is in the middle of a breakup and wants to fill time. Here are some free tools and how you can use them.

Free SERP Analysis Tools: Use them for your keyword. Use the SERP overview provided by Google’s Keyword Planner or install a browser plug-in that displays the most important information at a glance. Chances are you will not use them again, but hey: they are free and they work, right?

With Ahrefs and Semrush: If you want a SERP analysis on steroids, you need to use the industry standard. One, Ahrefs is a lot of fun, and they have a lot of data. However, if you are seeking a sugar daddy and want to do your homework beforehand, you can take a Semrush contract; go for one of your own choosing. There are a ton of more features you can use with Ahrefs and Semrush, but we are going to leave those as an exercise to you.

How to Make Your Own SERP Analysis Template

It is simple: just make a spreadsheet with the following columns.

  • First column: Keyword – the keyword you want to rank for.
  • Second column: Top-ranking URLs. Yes, Google shows certain websites that own the SERP, and they’ll come in handy when creating the content.
  • Third column: Content format. Is it a blog post, an infographic, or something else?
  • Fourth column: Word count. How much do you need to write?
  • Fifth column: SERP features: Are there any featured snippets, image packs, or “People also ask” blocks?

By using this template, you ensure standard parameters of what you are to expect.


SEO can be quite a long and trying process. But with the power of a SERP analysis in your hands, the task will begin looking like anything but impossible. Give your blog a little magicking up to put it on Google’s first page, because doing so is one of the most magical things in the digital realm and the equivalent of winning a million-dollar lottery five times over. So, click-clack those keywords and do your utmost not to fall into competition with the cat videos.

Check Search Intent and Match Your Content to It

*“Not sure why we’re talking about Search Intent. Just tell me how to make Google like my content.” *

TL;DR: If you want to be at the top of Google search, know who you’re writing for. People who ask questions won’t appreciate an exciting tale of your cat gobbling down some delicious tuna treats.

So, you’ve found the killer keyword phrase for your new fabulous post. It’s catchy, relevant to your niche, and you’re sure it’ll bring you all the traffic you’ve ever dreamed about – and then more.

But not so fast, cover girl!

Here’s what many bloggers miss on their journey to the Top of Google. Search Intent.

Here’s a simple analogy for you to expand your horizons. Imagine you’re throwing a big, fat wedding party for all those previously mentioned keywords. You invite all sorts of people: those to whom you want to chat about the latest cat videos, those who’re ready to buy the tastiest tuna treats straight away … and a couple of confused aunts who’ve lost their way around the city and need the exact address.

Ultimately, if you serve all your guests some lovely tuna, it’s the cat video enthusiasts that get a bit frustrated (and scared, let’s be honest). Basically, that’s what happens when you

match your content to your audience’s Search Intent – or don’t, to be more precise. Google’s obsession: making sure they give as much as much information as a tired computer user might be possibly looking for. If your content doesn’t meet their needs, you can say goodbye to your search place with the speed of light.

So, Known Your Audience: The Four Main Types of Search Intent

  1. Informational. Those searchers are a truly curious breed, I promise you! They are asking, seeking, exploring. They want to know.
  2. List ItemTransactional. Those users are browsing your post, all ready to tap that “Give me what I want!” button. They can buy stuff, book places, or download your or an appointment app. Normally, you should get your antennas up about those types of searches when you see them marked “ best prices ” or “order now.”
  • Navigational: Such searchers know where they want to go. They just want to have a kind of map to guide them – or a search engine. So such users are very likely to use brand names or the names of the websites they want to visit.
  • Commercial: The so-called window-shoppers! Simply put, a user might browse the web to compare products and identify the best one before buying it. They might also want to read some reviews first.
  • Informational: Examples of such search queries would be “ What are the best Italian recipes ”, and “How to learn French step-by-step ” In simple terms, a user would look up some information on how to do something instead of what to buy.
  • Transactional: Well, this is probably the clearest type of search intent. A user would check and purchase a product or a service. In search engines, such queries would sound like “ examples download ”. help me book a hotel before the concert

Let’s Dive Into Real-life Search Intent Examples

Surely, it’s all good and well to know from theory. But wonder how you can distinguish one type of search intent from the other and really understand what a user needs. Here are some examples for you!

Informational query: “ What are the Best Hiking trails near Yosemite ”. This user wouldn’t want to buy new hiking boots, they would rather delve deeper into the world of exploring.

  • Transactional query: “Buy a new iPhone 15 ” – short and clear, isn’t it? This user wants to acquire a new phone.
  • “ YouTube” – Navigational intent is very clear in this case.
  • Commercial query: Best laptops for video editing under 1000$. This searcher is obviously looking for options before they decide to go with this or that model.

Check Some Search Intent Tools: They Are Truly Indispensable!

Google wants to show users the most relevant results, and the way to get those users to engage with your site is by serving them content that aligns with your target search intents. If your blog post is the exact resource a user was looking for, you will be on your way to ranking high and seeing a growing, engaged readership. Now go forth and write content that will make Google boogie with joy!

Create High-Quality Content: The Secret Sauce

Ok, you’ve managed to choose your keywords and prepared everything for the SEO battle. But here’s the thing: keywords are like fancy invitations to a guest’s party. And if your blog post is a bowl of lukewarm bean dip – how many people are willing to stay? Quality content is what keeps readers interested and glued to the screen, and, above all, tells Google that you’ve got it all. And the secret is – it’s not actually a secret, it’s just fresh, entertaining, and bursting with information that serves your audience well. Consider it to be creating a masterpiece. And don’t worry, you won’t need a degree in “Blog Sorcery” to do that.

Free Isn’t Always Fantastic: Creating High-Quality Content on a Budget

Oftentimes, your budget isn’t comparable to a lottery win. Still, you don’t have to invest your last dollar in the sadly wrong gambling in hopes of creating something high-end. Want some examples? Here’s a couple of ideas:

Research Rabbit: be a wise nose going deep into the matter. This rule is applied to every type of content. If you’re writing an article, stick to quotes and credible sources. However, if you are to create something exciting, get the fun facts, and shamelessly funny references, and only remember that the bliss of napping won’t make you remember the article tomorrow.

Sherlock’s Mind Palace: find an unusual angle on your topic. Something no one has written about. And ask yourself those fan-favorites “What if..?” questions. Has it not been explored yet? Try uniquely writing the topic with a fresh point of view.

Gram-tastic Content

What’s Instagram mostly used for? Food, selfies, and travel pics. But it’s a nugget with content of all types and shapes. From tiny infographics to long reads in the form of photo carousels, no one can tell you how many slides there might be. You can also use some fancy Reels to show or simply shoot a fancy picture with a memorable caption. A photograph can say more than all the best sales if you set the right bibliographic tone as well.

Show, Don’t Tell: More Examples of High-Quality Content Examples

  • Blogs: Listicles “Top 10 Tips for… ” or in-depth guides may bring fantastic results.
  • YouTube: Educational guides, reviews with a sense of humor, or explainer videos may become truly high-quality content.

No Cheating! Why AI Content Generators Won’t Save You

Sure, AI content generators may seem like a ticket to paradise. In reality, oftentimes, they may deliver generic content that reads like a textbook written by a Roomba on caffeine. Unfortunately, no AI generates pieces with a personal touch and your “voice”. In other words, you should suck it up and write the piece from scratch.

The High-Quality Content Template: Myth or Reality?

No, there is no magic recipe to craft high-quality content. Yes, structure does help. So, here is the template:

  • Attention-grabbing Intro: start with a joke, a question, or a bombshell fact.
  • Problem/Solution: define the problem and the means your piece will apply to solve it.
  • The Meaty Middle: share the information your reader is after. Don’t forget about the examples, the data, and the pieces of your wit.
  • Compelling Conclusion: summarize findings and either make your reader crave more or be ready to act.

However, it is just a guideline, do not lock yourself in a cage! Experiment, find your voice, and get to writing something you would genuinely enjoy reading. As soon as high-quality content becomes your priority, results will soon follow and your piece will rank well on Google. Your readers will also appreciate you, so be ready to become the true king of the content!

Optimize On-page SEO: The Secret Sauce to Google Rankings (That Isn’t Actually Secret)

You’ve crafted the perfect blog post: funny, informative, and binge-worthy (like that reality show everyone secretly loves to watch). But if no one sees it, is it content and clicks lost in the internet void? Fear not, SEO grasshopper! This section is your guide to on-page SEO, the magic that convinces Google your post is a literary masterpiece deserving of search engine glory.

Why On-Page SEO Matters (and Deserves Its Own Dance Party)

Imagine a librarian filing away knowledge in a giant library (because that’s basically what Google does). On-page SEO is like labeling your blog post with clear, colorful stickers that scream, “Hey Google, this is about [insert your amazing keyword here]!” The better your labels, the easier it is for Google to understand your content and serve it up to searchers hungry for knowledge (or just really good cat memes, no judgment).

On-Page SEO Types: The A-Team of Ranking Factors

Here’s the A-Team of on-page SEO factors, ready to fight for your Google ranking dominance:

  • Keywords: These are the search terms people use to find your content. Think of them as tiny breadcrumbs leading searchers to your blog (just tastier than actual breadcrumbs…hopefully).
  • Title Tags & Meta Descriptions: Your title tag is the headline that appears in search results, so make it catchy and keyword-rich. The meta description is a short summary that entices users to click. Think of it as your blog post’s elevator pitch but with less small talk.
  • Headings & Subheadings: Break up your content with clear headings and subheadings that act like mini-signposts, guiding readers through your content. Bonus points for including relevant keywords!
  • Content Quality: Google loves fresh, informative content that solves user problems or keeps them entertained (think: “Top 10 Cat Videos Guaranteed to Make You Cry-Laugh”).
  • Images & Videos: Visuals are like candy for the brain, so sprinkle some throughout your post. Don’t forget to optimize image alt text with relevant keywords!
  • Internal Linking: Connect your blog post to other relevant content on your site. It keeps users engaged and helps Google understand your website’s structure.

On-Page SEO Checklist: Your One-Stop Shop for Ranking Greatness

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a handy checklist to keep you on track:

  1. Research and choose your target keyword. (Bonus tip: Aim for keywords with a good search volume but lower competition. You’re welcome.)
  2. Optimize your title tag and meta description.
  3. Craft compelling headings and subheadings.
  4. Write high-quality, informative content. (Remember, the cat video strategy applies here too!)
  5. Incorporate relevant images and videos.
  6. Link to other relevant content on your site.

On-Page SEO Template & Examples: Borrow and Conquer!

Need a little inspiration? We can’t share our top-secret SEO template (it involves a lucky rabbit’s foot and chanting), but here’s a basic on-page SEO example to get you started:

Blog Post Title: How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee (Without Offending Your Barista) (Keyword: the perfect cup of coffee)

Meta Description: Tired of burnt brews and lukewarm lattes? Learn the secrets to barista-worthy coffee at home (without breaking the bank)!


  • The Grind: Why It Matters More Than You Think
  • Water: The Unsung Hero of Coffee
  • Brewing Methods: From Pour-Over to French Press
  • Milk Matters: Choosing the Right Creamer or Milk

Internal Linking Example: Feeling peckish with all this coffee talk? Check out our delicious coffee cake recipe!

**Remember, on-page SEO is an ongoing process. **Keep creating fantastic content, optimize your blog posts, and watch your Google rankings climb higher than a squirrel on espresso!

Optimize Website Level Factors

Master the art of conquering Google rankings by choosing the right keywords for your website’s content. In this scenario, it may be described as a pathway to making your website appear on the first pages of Google. Keywords are what people write into Google’s search box, trying to look up answers to their questions. Your goal is to meet the user’s needs – whether they are hungry for information or a recipe for burnt toast – and your website will land high in their search results. But, how to choose the right keywords? Think of your perfect keyword as the comfiest chair in the grandma’s lounge – or imagine the perfect piece of sponge for your training. Do not think too hard – all the required information about the factors that should be considered can be visible online. First, familiarize yourself with your ranking’s two main types of factors.

Your connections and ability to link closely resemble the castle analogy, so think of your badly ranked site as a simple stone block, unnoticed and passed by hundreds of users. The on-page SEO factors are you – the king of the realm, and here are a few SEO factors you control on each individual page. In other words, these factors exist inside your website. Instead, you can collaborate with your colleagues or fellows to create new ideas or solutions. To direct you properly, there are two main types of SEO elements you have to keep in mind: Website-level factors and On-Page Factors. You will also learn more about the first ones – website-level factors and their purposes. Now let us look at a few on-page SEO factors:

  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • Header Tags
  • Images
  • URL

Do not forget to add your keywords in these factors to show Google what your content is about!

Your chosen keywords should be exploited at every opportunity. In your URL, post, title, and even when sharing on social media. However, ensure the readability of your article as you utilize the keywords. Other than the ‘income report’ keyword, ones such as “ in December 2019,” can be used.

If you optimize the image correctly, it can reach new traffic heights. Fill out the title tag and description of the images with the post’s keywords and keywords containing the post. The alt text can also contain the keyword.

Use H1, h2, and h3 tags in your writing to group the ideas. The keywords can be utilized in one of the final headers.

The title tag and the meta description are similar to a little advertisement for your content, so make it readable. First, make it in such a way that it entails the keyword. Make the post description and keywords entrancing to the reader. Further, you can make the keyword bold, which is important in that it signals to the search engines that the post is attached to the keyword.

High-Quality Content: The Ruler of Your SEO Kingdom

The information should be great and the site should also be remarkable in serving the readers well. When it comes to ranking, Google is fond of sites of high quality. You’ll surely win in the end when you build a site of high quality and one that is helpful to individuals.

Inbound Links vs. Backlinks

Not to confuse you too much, but they’re pretty much the same thing. This type of link is illustrative of incoming links, which may either increase or decrease the website’s credibility. In other words, when you place a link to another blog in the text of your post, you provide them with an inbound link. And vice versa, the link serves as a backlink to your blog. While outbound links are the clickable references leading the readers to another website. That’s some complicated material.

How Links Help You

Quizlet said it best. Think of Google as a giant popularity contest for various websites. The more backlinks you collect, the cooler you are in Google’s eyes. Ergo, higher rankings and more website traffic for you.

How to Catch the Backlinks

All that’s given for free or nearly free seems too good to be true. So yes, you still gotta put a bit of your back into that.

  • Guest Posting: rock your blogging world and write posts for your niche-related websites. Great content shall provide a link to your terrific website, of course. Pro tip: connect with WordPressers for free hosting and tools.
  • Broken Link Building: play the website detective and track down the blogs with relevant content to yours. Furthermore, find the links, which are leading either to the dead pages or websites. CoolHTTP seems like a handy tool to use in such a game. Then, contact the absent-minded webmasters suggesting a replacement with your content, and, well, a link.
  • Create link-worthy content: Yes, we can easily hear your eyes rolling. But think about it: who wouldn’t want to share, say, 9 Simple Ways A T-Rex-Crazy Kid Can Become a Dino Expert Today? Or 12 Signs You Are Addicted to Online Dating? We bet we already earned those pearly links.
  • Be nice to fellow bloggers and owners of relevant websites: Make useful and funny comments, share their posts, and, in general, try not to be a social network jerk. You never know when another portion of link love will hit you.

Rule number one: do not trade your soul for a massive spamming amount of links as it never does any good. And as long as you keep building substantial friendships and creating substantial content, you will soon get your monster share from Google. Kill `em all!

How to Choose a Keyword That Ranks on Google (and Avoids the SEO Black Hole)

Ever felt like you’re throwing keywords into the Google abyss, hoping something sticks? You’re not alone. Keyword research can feel like deciphering ancient scrolls…until you crack the code.

Here’s the truth: Picking the right keywords is like having a secret handshake with Google. It unlocks doors (organic traffic!), boosts your ranking (finally outranking your uncle’s fishing blog!), and makes you whisper, “SEO? Easy peasy.”

But before you go keyword crazy, let’s talk site structure. It’s the foundation of your website, the filing cabinet that keeps everything organized. Imagine Google crawling through a messy attic – not exactly a recipe for ranking glory. A good site structure is like a well-organized IKEA trip: easy to navigate, everything in its place, and maybe even a celebratory Swedish meatball at the end.

Website Structure for SEO: Your Internal Google Map

Think of your website structure as an internal map for Google (and curious users). It shows how your pages connect, making it easier for search engines to understand your website’s hierarchy and content. The clearer your map, the easier it is for Google to find the amazing content you’ve created.

Here are some easy-to-swallow site structure tips:
  • Flat Hierarchy is Your Friend: Unless you’re running an Amazon-sized website, keep your website structure flat. Aim for most pages to be within 2-3 clicks of the homepage.
  • Internal Linking is Key: Imagine internal links as breadcrumbs, leading users (and Google) through your website. Link relevant pages together to create a cohesive flow.
  • Use Clear and Descriptive Categories: Don’t confuse your visitors (or Google) with cryptic category names. Use clear labels that accurately reflect your content.

But wait, there’s more! If you like pictures and a visual representation, see the list of website structure tools, good website structure examples, or website structure diagrams. If you optimize your site structure, you’re creating a site that’s not only Google-friendly but also user-friendly. And of course, the happier the users are, the more likely they are to become repeat visitors – and that’s the type of traffic that you want on your site.

So, go forth, conquer the keyword jungle, and build a website structure that would make even Marie Kondo proud!

Conquer the Google SERP: Internal Linking Like a Boss!

So, you’ve crafted the perfect blog post, a masterpiece guaranteed to leave readers glued to the screen. But hold on there, SEO cowboy! Even the most brilliant content needs a little nudge to reach the top of the Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page). That’s where internal linking swoops in, like a superhero in tights…made entirely of hyperlinks (okay, maybe not that cool).

Internal linking is the art of connecting your website’s pages with hyperlinks. Imagine it as a web (pun intended) where your content is intricately woven together. Search engines follow these links like breadcrumbs, helping them understand your site structure and the importance of each page.

Here’s why internal linking is your new best friend:

  • Boosts SEO Power: Think of your website’s authority like a delicious pie. Internal links distribute slices of that pie (SEO juice!) to important pages, making them more relevant in search results.
  • Happy Dance for Users: Ever get lost in a maze of confusing website menus? Internal linking helps users navigate seamlessly, finding related content and staying on your site longer. It’s like having a friendly tour guide whispering SEO secrets in their ear (not literally, that would be creepy).
  • Keyword Magic: Strategic internal linking with relevant anchor text (the clickable text of the link) tells search engines what a page is about. It’s like placing tiny SEO flags on your content, shouting, “Hey Google, this page is awesome about [keyword]!”

Ready to unleash the power of internal linking? Buckle up, because we’re diving into the nitty-gritty:

Types of Internal Links:

  • Breadcrumbs: Those helpful navigation links at the top of the page? Those are breadcrumbs, leading users back to previous sections. Think of them as Hansel and Gretel’s bread crumbs, but hopefully less likely to attract hungry birds.
  • Contextual Links: These appear naturally within your content, linking to relevant pages on your site. Imagine it as casually mentioning a past blog post in conversation, like, “Oh, and for more on that, check out my post on [topic].”

Internal Linking in Action (HTML Example):

Let’s get a little technical. Here’s a basic example of how to create an internal link in HTML:

<a href="**[page-you-want-to-link-to.html]**">**Anchor Text**</a>

Replace [page-you-want-to-link-to.html] with the actual filename of the page you’re linking to, and Anchor Text with the clickable text users will see. So, if you’re linking to a post titled “The Secret Life of Squirrels,” your code might look like this:

<a href="**the-secret-life-of-squirrels.html**">**Unmasking the Rodent Rascals!**</a>

Internal Linking Tools:

There are plenty of SEO tools that can help you identify internal linking opportunities. But hey, sometimes the simplest solution is the best. Just revisit your old blog posts and see if there are natural places to link to relevant content.

Remember: Don’t go overboard with internal linking. A sprinkle of SEO magic is good, but a dowsing can backfire. Focus on creating a natural flow of information and prioritize user experience.

By mastering internal linking, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the Google SERP and establishing your blog as a content powerhouse. Now go forth and link with confidence (and maybe a little humor along the way)!

Conquering Keywords: From Brainstorming to Beating Google (with a Sprinkle of Schema Magic)

So, you’ve crafted killer content, a blog post so informative it practically begs for Google’s top spot. But hold on there, SEO cowboy! Even the most majestic content needs a little extra oomph to rank high on the search engine rodeo. That’s where keywords come in, your golden ticket to SEO supremacy.

But choosing the right keywords can feel like wrangling a greased pig. Here’s how to lasso those search terms and make Google do a happy dance for your website:

1. Brainstorm Like a Boss (Even if Your Boss is a Cat)

Think of all the ways someone might search for your blog’s topic. Are you writing about succulent care? Imagine someone desperately trying to keep their aloe vera alive. What would they type into Google? “Help! My cactus is turning purple!” (Don’t worry, purple cacti are probably a thing, but hopefully not yours!)

2. Dive Deep: Researching Like a Bloodhound

Once you have a bunch of potential keywords, it’s time to investigate! Tools like Google Keyword Planner can show you how popular each keyword is and how much competition you’ll face. (Remember, aiming for keywords with too much competition is like trying to win a hot dog eating contest against Joey Chestnut. You’re gonna lose.)

3. Schema Shenanigans: The Secret Weapon You Didn’t Know You Had

Here’s where things get interesting. You’ve chosen your keywords, and your content is shining, but there’s a hidden power you can tap into Schema markup.

Think of schema markup as a cheat sheet in a foreign language for search engines. It tells Google exactly what your content is about, making it easier for them to understand and categorize your awesome blog post. (Basically, it’s like handing Google a neon sign that says This is exactly what you’re looking for! )

There are tons of free schema markup generators available online. These tools will walk you through the process, (no coding knowledge required, we promise… unless your cat decided to take your keyboard hostage)

Here are some resources to get you started:

  • Schema markup generator: (There are many available, a simple search will do the trick!)
  • How to add schema markup to the website: (Insert your favorite guide here)
  • Add schema markup example: (Showcasing the code can get technical, so link to a helpful resource)
  • How to add schema markup in WordPress: (Some plugins can simplify the process)
  • Google Structured Data Markup Helper: (Another helpful tool from Google themselves)
  • Add schema markup javascript: (For the more technical users)
  • Schema markup examples: (Showcase different schema markup implementations once you understand the concept)

By incorporating schema markup, you’re giving Google that extra nudge to recognize your content’s brilliance. It might not be an instant ranking win, but it’s like putting on your best SEO suit – it shows Google you mean business.

So, there you have it! With the power of well-chosen keywords and a sprinkle of schema magic, you’re well on your way to conquering the Google search rodeo. Now, go forth and blog like a champion!

Continuously Optimize & Improve Your Content: The Art of Keeping Your Blog Post-Fresh (Without Actually Having to Write a Whole New One)

Oh, how excited you must have been! You poured all of your thoughts and feelings into that blog post, optimized it with the best keywords (high-fives for you!), and, finally, hit publish with the sense of completion that novelists probably feel when they finish a book. But stop right there, Shakespeare in the making – your work is far from being over!

Think about Google algorithms as a group of demanding fashion editors. They are always looking for the best and trendiest content to flaunt on the first page of SERPs. And, unfortunately, that first draft of yours was pushed out of elite rankings long ago. No matter how great your original blog post was, there are new trends and information that need to be taken into account. So, how do we do that without starting from scratch? Optimizing the existing content is actually a much less demanding and much more rewarding task. Let’s take a closer look at some of the tricks that can help you keep your blog posts fresh!

Become a content chameleon

Use tools to search relevant keywords that are in some way related to your original topic. Maybe a new sub-niche became popular or a different search term is now leading the trend. Choose your new favorite words wisely and incorporate them into your post. Just make sure that your writing does not sound like it’s been overstuffed with keywords (we do not want it to look like a Thanksgiving turkey, right?).

Refresh your statistics

Nobody cares about the studies that were published before you were even born – trust me on this one! Find new industry reports, studies, and data to support your thesis. It will prove to Google that your post is up-to-date and, most importantly, your readers will not judge you for still using old data that you found in that dusty encyclopedia.

The Internal Linking Frenzy

Think about your blog posts as a really fantastic party that you are hosting. You want your guests to explore and engage in all the wonderful activities that you have prepared, right? The same goes for your written content. Link to other blog posts that are relevant and interesting. This will keep your readers entertained and, most importantly, prove to Google that your blog is a cohesive and complete treasure chest of relevant info.

Respond to your readers’ feedback (and to that occasional troll)

Do not underestimate the value of discussions in the comments section! You should answer all of the questions, engage in all of the discussions and, if there is a polite grumbler in the audience, show him all the love in your heart. People love to see your responses to blogs and get back to them. Etiquette is key!

Fight against a monster, an awful beast that is called keyword cannibalism!

This monster appears when multiple blog posts start competing against each other for keywords. Go back and see if that happened to your blog. If yes, distribute your favorite keywords throughout your posts in a strategic way. Make sure that each of your blogs has a distinct purpose and a sufficient amount of keywords. Google algorithms will thank you (and so will your readers).

Keep in mind that the key to successful optimization is treating your content like a preschooler that you need to take care of every day. Do not neglect it and provide some love, and you will see how greatly your website treasures will pay off! Go ahead and try to conquer those SERPs!

Looking for more on SEO? Check out these awesome resources:

  • How to optimize blog posts for SEO (because who doesn’t love a good refresher?)
  • SEO blog examples (steal some inspiration from the best!)
  • Free blog optimization tools (because who doesn’t love free stuff?)
  • Google Blogger SEO (specifically for those rocking the Blogger platform)
  • SEO blogs for beginners (we all gotta start somewhere, right?)
  • How to increase blog traffic fast (because who has time to wait?)

Don’t Let Google’s Sandbox of Doom Trap You: Stay Ahead of the Curve with Algorithm Updates

You’ve just finished that killer blog post – it’s humorous, informative, and filled to the brim with SEO goodness. You hit publish with the assurance of a seasoned lion tamer standing before a housecat… but then nothing happens. Your masterpiece is doomed to stay buried on the 17th page of Google’s search results. Okay, not page 17, but you get the idea.

The saboteur that stops your content from reaching its well-deserved position on page 1? It’s Google’s never-ending parade of algorithm updates doing the dirty work of the SEO world. Google’s improvements and official announcements at the wrong time may turn even the best-optimized content into yesterday’s news. Keeping in touch with all those changes can sometimes feel like trying to catch a greased pig traveling uphill. But fret not, SEO warrior! This part is your trusty guide to navigating the shifting sands of Google’s algorithm updates.

First things first: you can dispel all those fantasies about the “Google Algorithm for SEO” once and for all. Every month, Google publishes numerous updates, and the priority of their formal announcements is to deter predictability. Think of the most recent Google algorithm update in July 2024 about mobile-first indexing; the most recent update in March 2024 was centered on content or page quality.

Here’s what you can do to stay on top of Google’s latest updates and ahead of the curve:

Find and follow Google’s Search Updates. What’s the purpose of having a blog if you don’t treat it like your favorite gossip column, but for SEO news?

Remember the friends you made among SEO experts? They track and decode Google’s hints all day, so do yourself a favor by following them and boosting your rankings with their hot takes!

Trust in your website traffic monitoring skills: an unexpected drop in search traffic could mean that being caught up caught up with you during a Google core update. Evaluate the facts, and, most importantly, don’t panic and alter your SEO plan immediately.

Last but not least: always remember that Google’s end goal is to provide the most appropriate and useful search responses to its users, which sometimes includes understanding what the readers can’t even articulate. Quality content that shines with your writing style, tickles the reader’s intellect and abides by SEO recommendations will eventually boost your Google search results. Don’t abuse the “Google updates today” black hole and focus on the long-term content demands and user needs. That way, your blog can be liberated from the Google Sandbox of Doom and bask on page one all day long!

### Choose a Keyword That Ranks on Google (and Doesn’t Make Users Bounce Faster Than a Clown Car)

Choosing the right keywords is like picking the perfect party outfit: you want it to be relevant (think “cocktail attire” not “beach bum”), eye-catching (high search volume!), and comfy enough to last the whole night (low competition). But what happens if you focus so much on keyword research that you forget about the most important guest: the user?

Here’s the truth bomb: Google isn’t just looking for keyword-stuffed content anymore. They’re like the bouncer at the coolest club – they want to see visitors having a good time. Enter user experience (UX), the secret weapon that can take your blog from “meh” to “most popular post on the block.”

But wait, what exactly is UX?

Think of it as the first impression your blog makes. Is it clean and organized, or does it look like a teenager’s room after a particularly sugary breakfast? Do visitors find what they’re looking for, or do they get lost in a labyrinth of menus and flashing ads (bonus points if they hear creepy carnival music)? UX focuses on making your blog user-friendly and engaging.

So, how do you identify a stellar UX? Here are some clues that might have you channeling your inner Sherlock Holmes:

Bounce rate: This fancy term basically means “how many people visit your blog and then nope right out of there?”. A high bounce rate suggests your content isn’t keeping users engaged.

  • Dwell time: This refers to how long visitors stick around on your page. If they’re skimming and leaving faster than you can say “SEO,” it’s time to revamp your content.

Click-through rate: Hm. Is anybody even opening your links? Maybe they’re just too blunt. Or, on the other hand, they might be a bit too enticing: who wouldn’t want to click “AMAZING weight loss technique in just 24 hours”? : Wait, hold on, this stuff doesn’t work. Or it does, and we just missed a gold mine; it’s worth taking a second look at that, huh?

So we see a few warning signs on our website’s UX: no biggie. But what do we need to do now?

Let’s just get down to work: there are four main blocks to build a comfortable UX. And before we tackle each and every one of them, let’s take a closer look at one of these:

Content: just as was the case with the meta-tags, it’s all about quality: no spammy, dry links found there, now, let’s make the content top-notch.

Mobile: Guess where people will be opening your website the most? Yup. From their phone. Let’s make sure our blog is mobile-friendly. Try not to make people zoom in to open your website: we’re working on the blog in 2019, not trying to read the Dead Sea plates.

At a breeze: The quicker, the better. No one likes a slow website. Not to mention how fidgety this site will be full of people who just opened your site for the first time: quicker and minimal, pictures optimized, code at maximum efficiency. Hurry up, but do not rush, after all.

Never lost: Let’s try the navigation around and make our blog easy to use. When in doubt, just make it as easy to use as humanly possible.

So we build a cozy place for our users, and we also make Google’s analytics algorithms a little happier. Quirky user experiences, do I hear ya?

How to Choose a Keyword That Ranks on Google (and Avoids the SEO Struggle Bus)

Let’s face it, choosing the right keywords for your website is like picking out the perfect outfit for a first date. You want to look good (relevant), and make a lasting impression (rank high), but avoid showing up in a neon green jumpsuit (ultra-competitive keyword).

Fear not, fellow SEO warriors! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to choose keywords that Google will love, all without the pain of keyword research turning into a full-blown spreadsheet nightmare.

But first, a word on our sponsor… (Dramatic music swells)

Just kidding (mostly). While there are fancy GMB optimization tools and Google My Business ranking checkers out there, the truth is, that optimizing your Google My Business profile starts with understanding your target audience and what they’re searching for.

Think of it like this: You wouldn’t open a bakery in the middle of the Sahara, would you? (Unless you have a killer line in cactus cupcakes.) Similarly, you don’t want to focus on keywords no one is searching for.

Enter the Magic of Long-Tail Keywords:

Forget the boring old “bakery” (way too competitive). Instead, target long-tail keywords like “best gluten-free cupcakes near me” or “vegan wedding cake bakery [your city].” These are more specific, have less competition, and tell Google exactly who you’re trying to attract.

Here’s a little Google My Business optimization checklist to help you brainstorm long-tail keywords:

  • What products or services do you offer? (Think beyond the obvious. Are you known for killer birthday cakes or custom cookies?)
  • Who is your ideal customer? (Young families? Health nuts? People who really love their dogs?)
  • What location do you serve? (Again, “near me” is your friend.)

Pro Tip: Use Google Suggest (those handy search bar suggestions that pop up as you type). This is a goldmine for uncovering long-tail keywords with real search intent.

Remember: Don’t just stuff keywords into your profile like a Thanksgiving turkey. Google is smarter than that these days. Focus on creating informative and engaging content that naturally incorporates your chosen keywords.

Now you’re on your way to SEO stardom! (Just avoid the neon green jumpsuit, okay?)

Track and Monitor Your Results in Google

How to Choose a Keyword That Ranks on Google (and Avoids the SEO Struggle Bus)

Ah, keywords. Those magical little phrases hold the key to unlocking Google’s glory (or so the SEO gurus say). But choosing the right ones can feel like navigating a keyword jungle filled with confusing metrics and enough competition to make even Tarzan sweat.

Fear not, fellow blogger! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to choose keywords that Google will love (and hopefully your readers too). We’ll cover everything from keyword research to that all-important step of Tracking and Monitoring your results.

Picking Your Perfect Keyword:

  1. Imagine you’re at a party overflowing with potential blog readers: You want to chat with people who are interested in what you have to say. Keyword research is like finding those people before you get there.
  2. Think like your audience: What are they searching for? Brainstorm a list of terms that people might be using to search for your niche and use free tools like Google Trends to see what’s trending.
  3. Find the sweet spot between Popularity and Competition: I mean, high-volume keywords are great and all, but if everyone and their dog is trying to rank for them, good luck getting seen. Aim for a keyword search volume that’s pretty decent but has manageable competition.

Now, Let’s Talk Tracking (Because Results Don’t Lie!)

You’ve chosen The One. You’ve crafted that epic content. You hit publish. But…how do you know whether your efforts were worth it? Result Tracking and Monitoring, that’s how!

There are several ways to see how your blog is faring in the Googleverse:
  1. Track and Monitor your results…in Google Search Console: This Emmy-Award-winning series gives insights into how your website is doing in terms of traffic and search performance. Basically, picture this as your personal report card. (This is where the magic happens!) You’ll see which keywords you’re ranking for, the areas of your site that could use word work, and maybe even let out a single tear of joy.
  2. Google Analytics: This powerhouse gives you backstage access to the source of traffic on your website, what users are doing there, and one of SEOs’ favorite words, conversions!

Bonus Tip: Do these things regularly and monitor your results through time, because guess what? Keyword rankings are volatile and are subject to change. Plus, keeping an eye on your progress helps to refine your strategy and pat yourself on the back when your SEO journey sees some success. how else would you high-yourself?

Oh, and before I forget: you can track and monitor your results through your WordPress site too, in your dashboard. This will help to see how changes you’ve made have impacted the visibility of your site. So there you have it! SEO, ain’t no one-and-done ordeal! Fine-tuning and tweaking is sort of a dealio we got going on here! So go on! Conquer the keyword jungle, you SEO ninja!

Social Media is Your Friend – Embrace the Chaos

You already have a solid SEO-friendly, optimized blog post with the best keywords and attractive content. Now it is time to get it in front of people. Do you know what is the best place on the internet to promote your blog post? Of course, it is on social media. Let’s take a closer look at how social media platforms can help your blog reach the heights of Google’s search engines. What Makes Social Media So Great? In reality, social media is one giant online party with a bunch of potential readers. The following reasons will outline why it is the perfect place for you and your blog:

It’s free money: in other words, it is free, except when it is not. Nowadays it is safe to say that you can use social media without any initial payings. All you need to do is set up your profile on one of the popular websites such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. On the downside, Instagram might become more popular than your blog in just one night, so be prepared. In other words, never let your mom’s dance video go viral.

You get to choose: no more shouting your blog post into the void. If your topic is about cats and crypto-currencies, Instagram can connect you with all cat people and people who want to invest in crypto. Remember, engagement is what creates the connection. If somebody comments, always respond. Try to start a friendly dispute on each post, just do not touch upon politics or religion unless you are seeking a blood bath.

Which Social Media Platforms Should You Focus on?

Now as you are ready for action, let’s explore the best social platforms to promote your blog:

Twitter: perfect for small posts that jump straight to the point, as well as for live-tweeting that beckoning blog conference.

Facebook: the platform to post longer posts, share some infographics, or even hold a poll to keep your readers interested. You may take advantage of creating a small Facebook group for your like-minded readers.

Instagram: a great platform for creative blogs. You can share photos and short videos that would correspond to your blog post and never forget to use the right hashtag. A cute cat picture will never go wrong.

Pinterest: if your blog is directed towards a do-it-yourself, recipe, or traveling niche, Pinterest is the right place for you to promote your blog by creating a “board” of your blog posts. Remember, the two best flowers in the world are hibiscus and inflatable.

No more hesitations, the perfect moment to start experimenting with all your social media platforms is now. Trust in having fun and eventually your blog will flourish.

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