What should Bloggers Learn from Google Search Algorithm Core Updates in 2024

Hello fellow bloggers! Do you sometimes feel like the new updates from the Google search engine are a mystifying riddle? Yeah, I have been there too. But do not worry; this time, it is a post that will help you unravel the mystery of Google’s most recent core updates and their implications for us, writers.

Unlocking SEO Secrets: What Bloggers Should Learn from Google’s 2024 Algorithm Updates

Hey there! Ever wondered why sometimes your website’s ranking on Google seems to shift?

Well, that’s because of something called “core updates.” You see, a few times each year, Google ends up making tiny tweaks to its search algorithms.

This is to make sure that they’re always presenting people like you who use our search engine with the best, most accurate results. These tweaks are called core updates, and they’re kind of like little gear shifts for Google’s search engine.

They’re designed to make sure that when you type something into the search bar, the websites that best answer your question are what pop up first. So, if you notice your site climbing up and down the search rankings after a core update, don’t get too panicked.

That’s just Google making sure everything is squeaky clean. But I should tell you about how they might affect your website. Google’s goal is to present internet users with reputable and informative content.

So, if your pages offer top-quality information on a topic people are interested in, you’re likely in safe hands. But if not, all is not lost!. Firstly, keep an eye on Google’s announcement about upcoming updates.

After all, you can’t change something you didn’t know about. Secondly, take a quick look at the content on your own site. Does it bring the guest certainty? Does it cover everything they’re looking to know?

If the answer is no, a tweak or two should be just the thing. Google is striving to present information that is displayed to cover expertise, authoritativeness, and credibility.

That is what you should focus on generating quality content that shows your users these traits.

Also, make your site very user-friendly- they want to make sure users have a very easy time accessing the information you put out to them.

By watching out for announcements on core updates and tweaking your content accordingly, you can keep ensuring your site will rank well and encourage users to come to visit. So keep creating great content, and you’ll be just fine on the next update!

How core updates work

Did you ever notice that when you Google something sometimes, the search results change?

Well, that’s because of something called core updates; the thing is, core updates don’t target any specific page or site; it’s about making sure you see the best content out there in search results.

Think about it this way: you write down your list of best movies of the year, like a top 100, a few years go by, and now, you need to rewrite that list. And you’re probably sticking some movies that came out in the meantime, right?

Or maybe some of the older ones will move up the list. That’s a core update for you; Google sees it as refreshing the list.

Some pages that weren’t “good enough” a while back will be the top pages now because Google’s algorithm will simply measure if they’re of the best quality; the ones that fall “off the list” are still good; it’s just a matter of showcasing the newest and best stuff.

So, next time you see your search results look different, don’t worry – it’s just Google making sure you get the most accurate information.

Assessing your own content

Ugh – so you’ve seen some changes in your website’s performance following a core update, huh? Yeah, I know – it stinks, huh? Well, look: don’t worry, k? Sometimes shifts provided by the update may not indicate that you’ve done something faulty.

But, you know: I understand the desire to take action, don’t you worry. Here’s what: just ensure your content is amazing. The “outstanding content” goes hand in hand or it should. Would you like to learn more about creating awesome content?

Go ahead and click over to our help page about creating helpful, reliable content that doesn’t forget about priorities. That could mean having answers for common questions or being a great source of authority or whatever other qualities are crucial for your readers”.

Okay, let’s get to the specifics: which pages/ what searches took a hit? Take a dive into those pages and compare them to the self-assessment questions we talked about earlier.

There might be other pages out there that have similar or better answers than yours.

Perhaps even have a friend you trust with direct feedback. Anyway, it’s always going to be about making sure your content is the perfect fit for your visitors; you keep it up, and you’ll continue to rise to the top.

How long does it take to recover from a core update?

Hey! So, you may be wondering, “But how quickly can I bounce back following a core update?” In plain language, here’s what I see as the answer. You see, the thing about large core updates that Google releases is that they only appear every few months.

Therefore, if your content was impacted by such an update, it may not recover until the next one arrives. That’s right; sometimes, it can be a little bit of a waiting game.

However, there is something else you should know. Remember that Google is still experimenting with search algorithms. They do minor updates all the time, even when they do not advertise them all over the internet.

And sometimes, one of those smaller updates may be exactly what your content needs to get up and running again. Here’s the catch: this is no guarantee that any improvements to your site will get you back up in the dignity rankings.

Everything comes down to what Google declares acceptable for its top rankings. So, to sum up, the moral of the story is to be patient.

Continue using SEO for WordPress to improve and make alterations to your site as you see necessary; eventually, your rankings will return. Remember, the SEO world is completely unpredictable.

It swings up and down just like a rollercoaster! If you ever feel lost, please don’t hesitate to ask for advice. Many professionals can guide you through the process.

New ways they’re tackling spammy, low-quality content on Search

Read What Google is saying:

Hey there! Ever get tired of all the Search results that look like they were pulled out of thin air just to game the system?

Yeah, us too. But fear not! We’re on a mission to make sure you get the most helpful information every time you hit Search. Here’s the lowdown: We’ve got some new snazzy techniques to take down the spammy, low-quality search results.

We know you want accurate, valuable content—not just fluff. For starters, we’re fine-tuning our algorithms to drive the good stuff to the top of the page and bury the rest.

You’ll see even more of the relevant, high-quality, and original content you’re looking for. And there’s more: we’re tightening the reins on our spam policies to weed out the really, really shady stuff. You know that pesky obituary spam you’ve been seeing?

What about those domains that expired years ago but got bought and filled up with spam links? Don’t worry! We’re on it. Our mission is pretty straightforward—deliver the best information easily, from trustworthy sources you know you can count on.

So, when you type in your next Search query, feel at ease knowing we’ve got you covered. In a nutshell, we’re pulling out all the stops to make Search more of a delight, one algorithm adjustment at a time. Go on, crack that query, and we’ll bring you the answers.

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Reducing low-quality, unoriginal results

Understand this topic and what Google is saying:

Hello there! Let’s talk about how we’re making your search results even better. We’ve actually been working on it since all the way back in June 2022. We wanted to be totally confident that when you tap that search button, you’d get the best stuff, not just the words and phrases that others copied from each other.

Now, in March 2024, we’re finally ready to show you some of what we’ve discovered. It’s like fine-tuning our search engine, so it can better recognize a page that isn’t very useful to do you a favor.

Remember that kind of page that seems like it was just made to fool the search engine?

Yup, we upgraded. ‘Cause we only want you to get the real thing, real websites that actually have what you’re looking for. We’ve done the maths, and we bet this change will keep away 40% of the bad stuff, but the best part?

We got there early. On April 24, 2024, we lowered the number of problem pages by 45%! So, the next time you ask us to look something up, just go ahead! We got your word – and else.

Together, we plan to bring you clear, helpful information that you can always trust.

Keeping more spam out of your results

Hey folks! Tired of wading through spammy search results?

Me too. But don’t worry, search engines like Google have your back! They’re always working to tweak and tune their spam-fighting systems and algorithms to keep crap content away.

Today’s news? Google has some new tweaks on its latest updates to its spam policies. The goal of these changes is to fight the new tactics that spammers have been using lately to poison and contaminate your search results with their low-quality content.

And I’m excited to tell you that this new crackdown begins today.

Scaled content abuse

One of the biggest problems is what we could call “scaled content abuse.” Ooh, fancy name, right? Simply put, it’s the ugly business of shady types using bots or some other method to spit out tons of low-quality and stolen content.

And they only do that to deceive search engines so they can push them up in rankings. Sneaky, no? But get this: spammers are getting ever more malicious. They’re learning to make their crap seem more authentic.

That’s why Google is toughening up its policy to catch the crafty wrongdoers red-handed. It’s not just a question of catching any rudimentary bots. If you’re churning out heaps of garbage content, whether it’s through non-human means or actual employees, Google is onto it.

Could you imagine it better? You have this one question tormenting you, and you finally find a most promising-looking link. And then you click on it, but what do you find? Exactly.

Nothing or an unintelligible string of ads. Google is trying to rein in that sort of misbehaving.

They want to make sure that you find what you came after. The next time you ask Google a million-dollar question, know that they’re doing their best to keep the garbage out. Because hey, we all deserve quality, right?

Site reputation abuse

I’d like to share a short video with you about keeping the internet a safe space. Have you ever clicked on a link in your search results and found a site that seems completely legit, but sprinkled within the results was some not-so-aboveboard content?

Trust me, it happens more than you think. You’re on one of your favorite educational websites reading up on student loan information. You trust this site because its reputation is always factual and solid. As an article scrolls, self-contained reviews of payday loans pop up.

This whole time you thought you’ve been chowing down on a healthy salad, but somewhere in the middle, is a bit of greasy cheeseburgers and fries. This tactic is called “site reputation abuse.”

It’s when a reputable website opens its doors to third parties posting low-content fact posts only to hinder their ranking on the web as that of the main site.

Perhaps a threatening wolf in sheep’s clothing, a statement that claims something to be fact but is all but a lie. What does this mean for you? Well, instead of searching online for the best savings account to manage your financial adversity, and end up landing on payday loans for marketers’ page.

It throws people off of the wagon of good advice and trustworthy sites, leading the new site down untrustworthy grounds. That’s why for the first time, we’re actually going to confirm updating our policy on the web.

No longer can reputable site owners change the meaning of moral integrity and allow poor-quality content on the web to maintain its top-ranked; Essentially giving bed and breakfast to scammers and deceitful people.

We are warning site owners a total of four weeks before the update goes live.

Our reputation is giving you thirty days from today, so if you are looking to have success in your site’s growth, you better remove all bad-quality content before the update goes live. And don’t worry we’ll keep you updated when the update goes live.

Expired domain abuse

Do you know what some people do with expired domains? Let me tell you all about it. You see, sometimes a domain name expires, but instead of genuinely updating the content, people decide to use it to advertise low-quality things.

They do this to get on top of a search list. Sneaky, huh? Imagine going online to find some information, and you come across a website that looks familiar to you particularly. You end up thinking it is the same one, but in reality, it had its content swapped with something else entirely not as good.

This is what we call expired domain abuse, and people, using search engines like Google, are already one step ahead of that. They are constantly monitoring and getting rid of junk stuff to show you only the best results.

Yes, the internet can be a wild jungle full of mysteries, but trust us: people are already on duty to make the experience cleaner and more straightforward. And we at are, too; we want you to have the most accessible and accurate information, so we fight expired domain abuse to provide you with the most reliable information you need.

Here’s a friendly guide to recovering from Google search algorithm core updates in 2024:

If you’re currently feeling the effects of Google’s most recent core algorithm update, don’t worry. Much like the world outside, everything changes, and these updates can be that one storm that jostles up your online statistics.

However, fear not; here are a few saving steps to help you emerge even better than you were: first things first, take a deep breath. Panic won’t help, not you and certainly not your site. First and foremost, stay calm and prioritize. Let me propose a few simple next steps.

Analyze, analyze, and analyze: Start with analyzing your website’s performance before and after the update. Note any patterns and changes in traffic rankings, and user engagement among others. Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console will be your best friends here.

Quality over quantity: Check your content thoroughly. is it high-quality, relevant, and engaging? Google’s algorithms prefer content that genuinely helps users. Ensure your content meets all the above requirements and actually adds value to your audience.

E-A-T your way to the top: Don’t forget that E-A-T is still a thing. Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness are critical for Google ranking. Ensure your content shows off your expertise, positions you as an authority in your niche, and leads to building trust.

User experience matters: Again. check your website for user-friendliness and ease of navigation. User experience is critical for your search rankings. Ensure the website loads fast, is mobile-friendly, and isn’t a pain to browse.

Backlink Audit: Also, do a proper backlink audit to see if there are toxic or spammy links dragging you down. Look into getting high-quality, relevant backlinks from reputable websites in your niche.

Stay Up-to-Date: Google’s algorithms are constantly changing. Be sure to stay in the loop with the latest in SEO and SEO trends. Stay connected with online communities and follow industry experts.

Be Patient: As corny as it sounds, Rome was not built in a day, and neither is your SEO success. Recovering from a Google algorithm update might take time, be patient. Gradually and continually engage in proven recovery strategies.

Again, recovering from a Google algorithm update is a marathon, not a sprint. Just keep giving value to your audience, remain relevant to your brand spirit, and adapt. Let me know if this helps you handle the puzzle of Google algorithm updates.

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