Top Blog Post Writing Format Ideas and Popular Blog Format Types

The Advancement of Blogging: From Thought Sharing to Strong Substance Promoting

Throughout the last ten years, blogging has changed from a straightforward stage for communicating thoughts into a profoundly compelling substance-promoting instrument. It has turned into a method for brands to lay out quick trust with their crowd and essentially impact deals. As a matter of fact, organizations that reliably distribute on their organization blogs create a normal of 67% all the more month-to-month drives contrasted with those that don’t participate in blogging.

In any case, whether or not a blog is private or business-situated, it faces a typical test: a great many people will generally skim through happy as opposed to perusing it in exactly the same words. By and by, there are successful systems for formatting blog posts that can spellbind perusers’ consideration and urge them to make a move, for example, tapping on connections or finishing up structures.

Before you set out on making a site and beginning a blog, look into these fundamental formatting essentials to create convincing blog posts that reverberate with your perusers:

Ready to begin your blogging journey? Start today with my idea.

Start with a powerful title

A dazzling blog title catches readers’ eye as well as passes on the fundamental information they look for. The more one-of-a-kind and unique your title, the higher the possibilities of drawing in clicks from natural query items and online entertainment. Also, as indicated by Optinmonster, blog titles containing 6-13 words will generally draw in the most rush hour gridlock.

On the off chance that you mean to rank for a particular catchphrase on web crawlers like Google, integrating it into your title can be worthwhile. For example, in the event that your objective catchphrase is “the way to compose a blog post ?” you could consider titles, for example,

Mastering the Art of Blog Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

Once you have chosen a title, ensure that it stands out prominently at the top of the page with a large, easy-to-read font. Just as the content on your page has margins for visual balance, your title should have white space on either side, making it easier for readers’ eyes to focus on the text. Fortunately, website builders like Wix offer preset margins, eliminating the need for manual adjustment.

Make your blog post skimmable

Recognizing that readers are likely to skim through your content, it is crucial to structure your blog posts in a way that facilitates easy scanning. Utilize subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to break up the text and make it visually appealing. This approach allows readers to quickly grasp the main points and decide which sections they want to explore further.

Include a table of contents

For longer blog posts, consider including a table of contents at the beginning. This provides readers with a clear overview of the topics covered and allows them to navigate directly to the sections that interest them the most. A table of contents enhances the user experience and ensures that readers can access the information they need without having to scroll excessively.

Add strong visuals

Engaging visual elements, such as images, infographics, or videos, can significantly enhance the appeal of your blog posts. Visuals not only break up the text but also help illustrate concepts, convey emotions, and captivate readers’ attention. Use high-quality and relevant visuals to complement your written content and make your blog posts more memorable.

Stick to readable fonts

When selecting fonts for your blog posts, prioritize readability above all else. Opt for clean, easily legible fonts that are comfortable for extended reading. Ensure that the font size is appropriate and that there is sufficient contrast between the text and the background for optimal readability.

Include relevant links

Incorporating relevant links within your blog posts provides additional value to readers. Internal links can direct them to related articles on your website, encouraging them to explore more of your content. External links to reputable sources can enhance the credibility of your information. Use anchor text that clearly indicates where the link leads, ensuring that it seamlessly integrates with the flow of your content.

Highlight your call-to-action (CTA)

Every blog post should have a clear call to action that guides readers toward the desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or making a purchase. Highlight your CTA using a contrasting color, a button, or other visual cues that make it stand out. Clearly communicate the benefits or value readers will gain by taking the specified action.

How to Make Your Blog Post Easily Scannable

Break up your content for skimming

When readers visit an article, they want to quickly find solutions or steps to solve their problems. To prevent overwhelming your visitors with text, it’s important to make your blog post skimmable. Break up sentences and paragraphs to increase white space on the page, making it easier for readers to scan through.

Utilize bullet points

Bullet points allow readers to grasp information at a glance. Incorporate at least one bulleted list in each blog post for the following reasons:

  • Adds more white space
  • Stands out from the rest of the text
  • Makes concepts more digestible
  • Easy to read quickly
  • Apart from bulleted lists, numbered lists can also be used for sequential items.

Utilize headers and subheaders

Headers play a vital role in guiding readers through your blog post and providing structure. They allow readers to quickly understand the content without having to read the entire article. In terms of search engine optimization (SEO), headers are referred to as H tags, which determine the title order. Incorporate a mix of headers in each post to aid readers in skimming. Additionally, search engines can better understand and rank your post with well-structured headers. Keep headers concise, clear, and to the point to avoid confusion for both readers and search engines.

Highlight key information in bold or italics

If you want readers to remember important facts or takeaways from your blog post, use bold formatting. This allows readers to quickly locate key information while scanning through the text. However, use this technique sparingly, as not every sentence is crucial to your blog post. Avoid bolding too many sentences in close proximity or entire paragraphs. Instead, focus on bolding the primary information that stands on its own and reinforces the message.

Italics can also be used to emphasize specific words or quotations but avoid italicizing entire sentences or paragraphs, as it can hinder readability.

Include a table of contents

A table of contents provides readers with a preview of the article’s structure and content. It allows them to quickly assess the length and level of detail. To enhance user experience, hyperlink the table of contents to each corresponding section. This enables visitors to easily navigate to the specific content they want to read.

Enhancing Your Blog Posts: Visuals, Fonts, Links, and CTAs

Enhance Engagement with Compelling Visuals

Including captivating visuals in your blog posts can significantly boost engagement. Studies indicate that adding images can increase views by a staggering 94%. Incorporating well-designed images, infographics, videos, informative charts, and graphs not only breaks up the text but also makes the content more digestible.

In fact, 32% of marketers consider images as the most crucial form of content for their business. To optimize visual impact, start your article with an attention-grabbing featured image, and strategically place photos throughout the text, aligning them with the content.

Optimize Readability with Font Choices

The choice of fonts can greatly impact the readability of your blog. Using standard, easy-to-read fonts is essential to ensure that your content remains the focus. It is recommended to stick to sans-serif fonts such as Helvetica, Arial, or Geneva, which lack the decorative feet on the letter ends.

While you can use different fonts for titles to make them stand out, avoid excessive font changes within a single page. Additionally, font size matters—keeping it too small may strain readers’ eyes, while overly large text can be overwhelming. Adjust the font size based on your chosen font, blogging platform, and whether the page is viewed on mobile or desktop.

Boost SEO and User Experience with Relevant Links

Incorporating internal and external links in your blog posts not only enhances your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) but also guides readers to additional information on related topics. Hyperlinks, similar to bold or italicized text, stand out since they are typically displayed in a different color than the main body copy. You can also include links to promote other blog posts or products, enriching the reader’s experience and increasing engagement.

Emphasize Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Clear and prominent calls to action are essential for guiding readers toward desired actions. Whether it’s subscribing to your blog’s mailing list or completing a contact form, make sure your CTAs are easily identifiable within your blog post. Utilize different fonts, contrasting colors, forms, or buttons to make your CTAs visually stand out. You can place them at the end of the post, in the opening paragraph, or incorporate them as pop-ups while readers scroll toward the end of the page. Strive for a balanced approach that is noticeable but not intrusive, ensuring that readers are aware of the actionable steps without feeling overwhelmed.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the overall quality of your blog posts, making them visually appealing, easily readable, and engaging for your audience.

Different Formats for Blog Posts: Exploring Diverse Approaches

When it comes to writing a blog post, there are numerous formats to choose from, each with its own distinctive style. While we won’t delve into the intricate details of each format here, we’ll introduce you to the main types of blog post formats to provide you with a glimpse of the various directions you can explore for your next post.

The Listicle

You’ve probably encountered these popular list-style posts before. Typically, bloggers present these posts as numbered lists, offering an organized and easily digestible format. For instance, check out this collection of blog ideas.

How-To Post

This format aims to guide readers on accomplishing specific tasks, such as making money through blogging. Your goal should be to address the reader’s primary query as soon as they land on your page.

Comparison Post

In a comparison post, you analyze and juxtapose two things, often products, side by side. Many companies utilize this format to showcase their product’s advantages over a competitor’s, as demonstrated in this article comparing Mac and PC.

What-Is Post

These informative posts provide comprehensive answers to questions like “What is a blog?” Utilize your blog platform to offer detailed definitions, examples, and frequently asked questions to provide a complete understanding.

Case Study

Case studies delve deep into a particular topic, such as illustrating a client’s success story with your product. Typically, case studies incorporate testimonials and emphasize the value of the product or service being discussed.

Product Showcase

Your blog serves as an excellent platform to showcase new products and demonstrate how customers can utilize them. For instance, these blog examples highlight the blogging tools offered by Wix, offering valuable inspiration to fellow bloggers.

Thought Leadership Post

Thought leadership posts establish you as an authoritative voice in your industry or niche. These articles aim to share insightful ideas, industry trends, and expert opinions to inspire and engage readers.

What Not to Do Post

This format focuses on highlighting common mistakes or pitfalls within a specific area. By providing guidance on what to avoid, you can help readers navigate potential challenges more effectively.

Beginner’s Guide

A beginner’s guide is an excellent way to introduce newcomers to a topic or subject matter. By breaking down complex concepts into easily understandable steps, you can assist beginners in grasping essential information.


Interview-based posts provide a platform to feature conversations with industry experts, influencers, or notable individuals. These conversations offer valuable insights, diverse perspectives, and engaging content for your readers.

By considering these various blog post formats, you can explore different approaches to engage your audience and create compelling content for your blog.

Provocative Insights:

In this thought-provoking post, an industry expert shares original ideas aimed at shaping opinions and challenging conventional thinking on a particular topic. These posts stimulate discussions and encourage readers to think outside the box, making them highly engaging and shareable on social media. For instance, our blog article on empowering small businesses to bridge the digital divide explores why their involvement in enhancing internet accessibility is crucial.

Avoid These Mistakes:

In this post, we shed light on common pitfalls that individuals encounter when embarking on something new. For instance, our article on blogging mistakes highlights prevalent errors and offers alternative approaches to help you navigate the right path.

Beginner’s Handbook:

A beginner’s guide provides a comprehensive overview for individuals unfamiliar with a specific subject. For example, our guide on blogging for beginners offers a step-by-step breakdown for those who have yet to start a blog or have just embarked on their blogging journey.

Conversations and Insights:

Conducting interviews with experts in your field adds a fresh perspective to your blog. You can structure the interview as a Q&A session or compile a selection of insightful quotes, as demonstrated in our article featuring branding expert Jackie Treitz.

Did you know that companies publishing 16+ blog posts per month attract 4.5 times more potential customers than those relying solely on traditional marketing? If you’ve been wondering about the most effective blog formats to include in your content marketing plan, here’s a comprehensive rundown of seven popular options. By leveraging these formats, you can enhance website traffic, encourage social sharing, and align your chosen formats with your integrated marketing strategy.

Keep in mind that some blog posts may incorporate two or even three different formats, depending on the desired angle. It’s crucial to consider both the angle of your blog and your target audience’s preferences. Dive into your analytics to identify the blog format that resonates most with your readers.

How-To Guides:

How-to posts have become increasingly popular among B2B bloggers. They excel in providing educational content, a cornerstone of inbound marketing, while also driving organic search traffic from individuals seeking tutorial-like information.

When employing this format, present your instructional content in a listicle-style manner, such as “X Steps to Accomplishing Something.” However, this structure is more of a guideline than a strict rule. To create an effective how-to post, include the following sections:
Hook: Begin with a compelling line that grabs readers’ attention and emphasizes the importance of reading your blog.
Introduction: Expand on the topic and provide a brief overview of what you’ll guide the reader through.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Present a detailed list of steps required to achieve the desired outcome (typically 3, 5, or 7 steps).
Conclusion: Summarize the steps and tie up any loose ends in a concise paragraph.
Bonus Tip: Including instructional videos or slide decks within a how-to post can significantly boost engagement rates.
Example of a ‘How-To’ Post:
Learn How to Build Trust and Credibility with the Right Content Marketing Mix

Exploring Concepts:

The ‘what’ post format is ideal for introducing or explaining specific concepts, and elucidating their significance to your readers. It serves as a response to the common question, “What is…?” posed by individuals seeking a thorough understanding of a subject. When structuring a ‘what’ post, remember that you are the expert, and your goal is to simplify the topic for your audience.

Consider the following guidelines:
Avoid industry jargon, or provide explanations when necessary.
Utilize analogies to illustrate concepts that your readers are likely to understand.
Write in concise sentences.

Example of a ‘What’ Post:
Bonus Tip: Optimize these posts to appear as featured snippets on Google. By aligning your keywords and creating well-structured content, you can increase the chances of Google selecting your post for a featured snippet that directly answers relevant search queries.

Exploring Significance:

The ‘why’ post format can effectively capture attention and emphasize the importance of a current trend, new tool, or general concept. Similar to the ‘what’ post, it introduces the topic but goes further to explain the reasons behind its significance, addressing the “why” element of the argument. To craft an exceptional ‘why’ post, follow the same three writing guidelines mentioned in the ‘what’ post.
Bonus Tip: ‘Why’ posts are also excellent candidates for Google’s featured snippets, especially for answering various “why” search queries.
Example of a ‘Why’ Post:
Why You Should Utilize Marketing Automation Software for Effective Marketing Efforts

The List Post:

Commonly referred to as a ‘listicle,’ the list post has become a favorite format for many bloggers. Its appeal lies in the straightforward formula it follows. Typically, this type of post presents a numbered list of reasons, secrets, types, or ways to accomplish something, offering readers a specific promise.

The inclusion of a number in the headline gives away its format, making it instantly recognizable. While the list post has garnered a reputation for being associated with low-quality content, in the hands of a skilled author, it can be an effective way to provide high-quality tips, tactics, or ideas on a particular topic.
Example: 5 Types of Content Marketing That Boost Brand Awareness

The Curated Post:

A curated post serves as a compilation of valuable resources related to a specific subject or topic. Although it may appear simple, creating a curated post requires thorough research. This format is particularly appreciated by readers as it saves them time by offering a single post that aggregates relevant content, such as statistics or industry examples.

Additionally, curated posts help build trust with your audience by aligning yourself with respected industry thought leaders. It’s an excellent way to establish your blog as a go-to resource and forge relationships with other bloggers and businesses you reference.
Example: 5 Laws of UX That Improve User Experience

The Fun or Culture Post:

Introducing a touch of lightheartedness into your blog, the fun or culture post serves as a refreshing break for your audience. While this post does not adhere to a specific structure, its focus lies in the type of entertaining content you share. Contrary to the serious tone of informative posts, this format allows you to display your personality and sense of humor.

Consider publishing such posts occasionally, particularly during holidays or at the end of the week, when your audience seeks a break from routine content. However, always ensure the content resonates, intrigues, or entertains your target audience based on your buyer persona.
Example: How to Delight Your Audience with Humor

The Infographic Post:

With their visually appealing design, infographics have gained immense popularity, especially among B2B marketers. They effectively convey information, particularly data, and statistics, in a concise and visually appealing manner.

While creating an infographic post demands substantial resources upfront, the rewards can be significant, including social love, shares, and inbound links. Ensure the infographic aligns with your blog’s topic and captures your audience’s attention.
Example: Creating Stunning Infographics for Your Blog


When selecting a blog post format, it’s essential to consider your target audience’s preferences and align your content strategy accordingly.

Careful analysis of analytics can guide your decision and help you determine which formats resonate most with your readers.

Regardless of the format chosen, ensure your blog is easily readable, and includes compelling calls to action, relevant images, bold text, and meta descriptions.

Additionally, incorporate features such as a “click to tweet” button or social media sharing options to facilitate easy sharing of your blog across the internet.

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