The Best blogging tips and tricks for beginners(How to Blogging Tips)

Blog Writing Tips for Basic Bloggers.

Are you disgusting with writing blog posts, do not you know blogging tips which are helpful to promote your Blogspot? Here, I am also tired of writing long posts on the blog but what can I do, I chose to blog as a career but I do not have income since the initial days of my blog. I have been thinking for a long time but I could not find any solution to earn money through blogging. It is not that much easy as I thought early days.

How to start a free blog

How to create a blog or website

How to Get Google AdSense Approval for Your Blog

How to Write a Blog Post

What is SEO and How Does It Work for Your Blog?

How to Use Pictures on Your blog Legally[Copyright Free Images ]

How to Create Images for Website free(Custom Graphics)

How Much a Blogger Earn in India[Top Bloggers]

How to Make $5,000 a Month in Passive Income[Blogging]

Few expert bloggers are earning opted money across the world. Without any skills, is it possible to earn money, no it is not possible, why every unique blogger needs distinct skills to create a popular website or Blogspot for that we have to add a lot of hard work and some luck. These two things are very important for every online money-seeking aspirant.

Remember These Important Tips Before Creating a Blog

First of all, ask yourself, why are you choosing blogging as a career. Is it self-thought, are you motivated by inspired people. Be clear yourself, do not confuse because it will be time pass writing but it will give you popularity if you write useful content useful for people around the world.

  • Learn HTML ,JAVA SCRIPT, CSS,JQUERY , ASP.NET web designing languages .
  • Create 10 themes yourself to test your talent, will you be successful in your blogging career.
  • Learn good writing skills to post quality content.
  • Learn one of the most demanding skills in the market.
  • Choose a niche for your blogger which will be useful for internet visitors.
  • Create the best responsive website for easy navigation.
  • Practice writing posts before publishing them, by doing this, you can write better content for each article.
  • Know all digital Marketing ways to get good income through your site.
  • Know the internet visitors’ interest to get more traffic.
  • Write the content that users searching for.
  • Know all Google webmaster guidelines and Adsense rules.
  • Once, you created the site, do not back into editing your site so before creating research a famous website that is related to your blog.
  • Make Money Online using your Blog.
    Know, how many ways, you can earn money online, for this, learn digital marketing skills which will give you the overall idea to get money in different ways on the internet. In the market, there are many adverting mediates like Google ad sense for that you have to sign up to the publishers of their ads and follow their terms and conditions to publish ads on your web page.
  • Know the Advertising organizations are Google Ad-sense, Propeller Ads, and ads now. These are the most popular Advertising organizations.
  • Know the Affiliate marketing sites through which you can get good commissions by selling their products through your website.
  • Learn Social Media strategy skills through which you can promote your content or blog across the world in a short time.
  • Daily post one or two articles to update your site.
  • Reach people with helpful content to revisit your blog again and again.
  • Learn about the free Google Adwords Key planner to build your website with popular keywords.
  • Follow the Google SEO guide to build SEO ready website.
  • Keywords are the heart of your Blog so keyword research is very important for every blog post.
  • Visit this Google webmaster blog to learn more and more about the blogger.
  • The final point is. If you have strong skills in any of the market skills, You can become a successful blogger, otherwise, think before initiating a blogging career.

SEO Tricks for Your Free Blogger  

I am also new to Blogger, when I created my Blogspot, I was like a small baby. I  completely nothing know about a blog and how to do SEO for the blog. But I started with a small hope to start my career as a blogger because I have read about earning money through blogs that are thousands and lacs. I also started creating a new blog that is related to software technologies, till six months, I do not know how to write posts and meta descriptions of posts .even if I do not know anything, I started writing posts, but the funny thing here is, nobody views my posts till six months, then I felt disappointed and I decided to quit blogging.

After six months, I started searching for SEO tips for new bloggers, at last, I found major mistakes which I did when I was creating a Blogspot. then I thought that immediately I learned the basic settings which are mandatory for every new blog to optimize it in the search engines. The steps I had followed are;

Step 1: whenever you are creating a blog, you should do the basic settings of the Blog which are very important for every blogger. You can see these settings in the below image.

SEO for New Blogger Blogspot 

You can do all the basic settings of the blog from the above Creating a Blogspot link. In the basic settings, the major important part is Search Preferences in which you have to define Met description, Custom robots.txt, and Custom robots header tagsSEO for New Blogger Blogspot 

SEO for New Blogger Blogspot 

when you are changing these settings, you have to follow google search engine guidelines because this will affect your total Blogspot. After doing the basic settings of the blog, you have to add your blog to the google search console, where you have to register your blog through ADD A PROPERTY button. after adding your blog, you have to verify the blog through the verification method HTML tag which you must paste into your blog code and should verify. After adding it and you have to submit a sitemap in the google search console through the sitemap option and you can generate your blog sitemap through this site XML sitemap for bloggers.

SEO for New Blogger Blogspot 

Step 2:Now you have completed the all basic settings of the blog. Let us learn how to write quality content and how can we do SEO for our content. As a new blogger, I was initially doing so many mistakes in writing posts but gradually somewhat improved my content writing skills. I do not have header tags of posts and a google keyword planner tool using which we can learn top search and demanded keywords in the blogger. Writing search descriptions of posts is also very important .these are all common SEO basics that everyone should follow but I do not know, how to use them and where to use them. Keywords are very important for every post, it is like a heart for a human being.

Top SEO post should have these qualities:

  • Quality content.
  • Useful content.
  • Keywords in header tags and content paragraphs.
  • Keywords in the post title and meta description.
  • Images for a better understanding of the user.
  • Keywords in introduction and end of the post.
  • Every post contains text paragraph writing, not only images and videos.
  • Do not use copy content.
  • Write content in your own style.
  • Learn using google keyword planner

Step 3: After following the above two steps, you have to market your blog through social media which is a powerful tool to top your blog in the search results and to become your Blogspot popular within a short time for this you have to sign up for all social media website in which you have to create like pages or like buttons which you can add into your Blogspot. Moreover, join social media groups to share your posts and reach all interested people. To utilize all social media options as much as possible.

The Best Personal Secret Tips to earn Money from Your Blogger

This post is about when to apply for Google Adsense if you are a new blogger to earn money before this you should have a lot of patience to get the results that you will be expecting through the blog.
Apply for Google Adsense as a Blogger after Minimum SEO Care

Anyone who is working on a blog and they are new to blogging and they want to earn money from blogging, for all these achievements, you have to wait for some time that gives you profit in the future, everybody expects quick results but it is not true to get the actual result what we are expecting, in the initial days of blog writing, we would have some curiosity to attract traffic and get approval for google AdSense but it is not happening overnight before that we should do a lot of hard work, moreover we have to learn some basic SEO tips.

When to apply for Google Adsense

Privacy policy and Contact us maintain for google AdSense approval.

We have to maintain a privacy policy and contact us pages in our blog to maintain our confidentiality as an ideal blogger to trust our viewers including google Adsense so we will be a liable author to give knowledge to our blog visitors and they should believe us and our content so we must maintain privacy and contact pages.

Create all device view-friendly blog layouts.

Our blog must be adapted for all devices like mobile, tablets, and computers, thus our blog would be responsive and SEO friendly design. Users can view our blog content on all devices comfortably to read content so this is also a major step to crawl our blog to show top results of any search engine blog design is also one of the important things before applying for Google Adsense.

Complete all basic settings of the blogger.

Before doing the basic settings of blogger, read the information what experienced bloggers did and follow their guidelines and read the web central blog posts which are most helpful posts to continue our blog and designing it according to Googlebot crawler.

Know about what are GoogleBot crawler, indexing, search console, and keyword planner.

These are basic and most important tools that we must know before writing blog posts, designing a blog, and doing SEO for blogger so as a blogger, you must learn how google spider crawl our pages and index pages and show our pages at the top of search results and what quality content we should write to attract the visitors and we have to know what visitors are expecting from our blog and we follow the google privacy policies to get approved for Google Adsense.

Finally, we keep remembering that we have to create unique content that will be useful for targeted people and it should have some qualities along with this we have to learn SEO tips and follow what search engines telling.


If you have more ideas on what is the exact time to apply for Google Adsense for your Blogger to get approval quickly, please comment below, or share this article to help others.

From this lesson, you have learned, how to SEO blogger Blogspot for new blogger people.

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How to Start a Blog for Free and Make Money

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