Does AI + Human Mixed Content Rank on Google?

I am happy to share with you some insights into Google search technologies and how you can benefit from AI to improve the ranking of your blog posts. You may wonder to what extent the use of AI-based tools influences the overall work of Google search and how much the final decisions taken by this search engine can rely on artificial intelligence. Let us discuss the way both the AI and your human creativity can serve your purpose.

1. Introduction

So, how about mixing AI content with a pinch of human well-thought-out ideas to make Google rank you? With AI becoming more developed every single day, the idea of this combo doesn’t seem that ridiculous. At least, we definitely can not claim the opposite due to the lack of a profound verification. Still, is mixing human and AI content a reasonable idea?

AI content is like a person who tries to run 1000 miles per hour to keep up with their work. However, the quality isn’t defined by how fast it goes, correct? In this article, we provide examples of bloggers – from some beginners to experienced professionals, who tried mixing AI with their human-inspired texts. Through AI, a primary draft, so to say, is always covered. This draft can later be perfected with the humanistic element of the notion – personalization and context. However, in SEO meaning, doesn’t this combo work?

The article discusses the question: Can a mix of AI content and human writers’ content rank in Google? It also explains how Google’s search algorithm works and how this factor is relevant to the idea we’re discussing now. Obviously, everything we write here should lead to some useful tips. Plus, we’ll emphasize some essential mistakes to keep in mind when dealing with AI texts along with some problematic and positive aspects of this phenomenon we’ve experienced. I’m sure you know where I’m heading to! Using AI shouldn’t deprive your text of your personal flare.

I mean, if AI works alone, its creation will probably serve the purpose due to being bland, inaccurate, and general. If you try to spice it up in the cooking process, your text could add some of your human expertise. The added blend of your research’s results and another human specialty instinct will then appeal better to Google’s search algorithm. This article won’t be a plain theory. What you’re gonna see here are concrete strategies and tips. I’ll also talk about specific mistakes made by AI and its strengths. You see, in the rapidly developing and polyunsaturated industry, quality is key. Aren’t you excited, by the way? At the end of this wild journey, you’ll have everything you need to know. Will you join me?

2. Understanding Google’s Search Algorithm

Google’s Core Algorithm and How Google Evaluates Content

Ever wonder how Google picks which blog post gets to be on top of the search? It’s not really magic, but Google’s core algorithm is like the brain behind its search engine, and it’s doing the dirty work of crawling, evaluating, and ranking every piece of content on the internet. The secret sauce to Google ranking? It’s what Google calls E-A-T: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness. Yep, Google really wants to make sure you’re not reading some blog for the sake of filling it up, but high-quality content that can be trusted by both people and bots.

Let me break it down for you: Google sends out these little crawlers (imagine a little robot running across the internet). They go to different websites, read content, and judge it based on the author’s reputation, whether the information is credible or not, and whether it satisfies the users’ needs. The more experience you have, expertise (research-based say), and trustworthiness you present to your readers (cite your sources, add an author bio, for example), the higher the Google rank.

Let’s say you’re writing about nutrition and you’re not a nutritionist but following your personal diet. Google ranking will be lower, compared to an article coming from certified nutritionists (or at least using reliable sources ) because it’s providing human valuable content.

AI Content on Ranking

Now, let’s talk about AI content, it’s all the rage now, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want content under a minute, created by a machine programmed with complicated algorithms, and then you’re out there and pretending that it’s you who’s out there trying to whip an article for a week? But here’s the catch, it’s super useful for research, and drafting especially when you’re stuck, but it can’t win Google’s heart because, let’s be honest, Google has a huge… heart, sometimes. But seriously, it can be seen when a certain kind of content is super robotic and lacks a personal and human touch. Ever been to a job interview and got those canned overly formal corporate-made empathetic responses? Yeah, Google’s algorithm can pick that. This can also be seen in the release of the Helpful Content Update form, the Search Central since AI-generated content isn’t winning Google’s heart, so what’s the point then?

So, the moral lesson is having AI and humans, but still content, don’t forget to add your touch of flavor. You have to add your stories, perspective, thoughts, expertise, and the human you are in your writing because no matter how useful AI can be, human authenticity matters most. This is because Google is a sex-positive algorithm. So, in conclusion, the Google algorithm loves high-quality content that can be trusted, and AI can be super helpful, but don’t forget the personal touch.

3. Does Quality Still Matter with AI Content?

Let’s be real here for a moment: even though the world is evolving in the direction of AI at an incredibly fast pace, and content could theoretically be generated within minutes, quality content is still the king. You may wonder: “If AI can generate new content in a matter of minutes, why is quality still relevant?” But guess what, the answer might be surprising. Quality is not going anywhere, and here is why and how combining AI and human logic can help you attract an exciting target audience.

First, what does quality mean in Google’s eyes? Google is all about high-quality content; it should not only be insightful but also engaging, informative, and worthy of attention. In fact, Google is more likely to value E-A-T – Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

So in other words, if your content is lacking these features, there is simply no chance it will get a ‘yes’ from Google. AI is great, no doubt about that; your AI assistant would do anything to please you and help you write your content in a matter of minutes or hours, depending on the topic and specifications. But AI does lack that personal touch that Google is so much in favor of. Yet combining AI and human content can be a perfect solution. Imagine your AI assistant provides you with facts, structure, and the main message, while you provide it with stories, emotions, and details.

It is like a classic cake scenario, isn’t it? AI will provide you with just a recipe, but you as a ‘baker’ know what to add or change to make the cake truly delicious. So to sum it up, what can AI not do exactly in this context? In fact, the answer is pretty simple; AI can not make the content it creates creatively appealing and highly emotional. Imagine using a blog post generated by AI as an example; it is going to contain facts and information only. No stories, no emotions, no human touch. Meanwhile, a blog post with a combination of AI and human elements would be more exciting, appealing, and enjoyable.

4. The Benefits of Mixing AI and Human Content

If you’ve ever wondered, “Can an AI help you write faster?” then I have the answer. Yes, it can. But you still need that sprinkle of human magic to make it shine. Let me explain.

How AI Makes Writing Faster

AI is kind of like a super-smart assistant. You know, the type of assistant who doesn’t mind the boring stuff. Tools like ChatGPT can help you with all the parts you hate — research, structuring, and even drafting, all in minutes. Neat, huh? For example, let’s say you need to collect data on blog writing trends in 2024. An AI can probably pull all the relevant stats and sources in no time. And all the time you waste? Minimized.

But hold on, tiger. AI’s not the magic wand a lot of us would love it to be just yet. Sure, this helpful little sidekick gives you all the building blocks, but they’re not going to create a masterpiece for you. It’s like someone laying out all the ingredients to bake a cake on your kitchen counter. You still have to bake it. The AI chucks your way through a semi-baked draft of a blog post, and it’s up to you to turn it into something exciting.

Use Your Overall Superiority as a Human

And when I say you, I mean, you. Because you are special. Facts are facts, darling — the AI is not going to come up with a funny story or a heartfelt piece. I’ll tell you a little story. The other day, I was tasked with writing a blog about changes in the SEO content game. The AI part gave me some chunky stats and helped with that. But it wasn’t going to tell a funny anecdote about walking into SEO land and getting lost in a maze called “how to please the algorithm.” And so I did.

The main thing to remember is that you, my dear human, oh so full of feelings and emotions, have something the AI will never have. And that is….feelings. Readers feel the feelings in your words, so jazz it up! Sprinkle in some relatable details, use imagery, and share the excitement you feel when Shane from the office finally rounds up the report, or the frustration you experience when no one else bothers to meet the deadline. In other words, use your feelings and creativity to add that personal touch. In conclusion, using AI cuts your content creation time right down, but don’t forget that magical human touch. Your readers will thank you!

5. Why Is AI Content Not Ranking Alone?

Pitfalls of Relying Solely on AI Content

Alright, let’s be real here – AI content is pretty cool, right? You can easily generate a blog post in minutes, cover lots of ground, and never have to worry about writer’s block again. But… there’s a catch (there’s always a catch!). Unfortunately, AI-written content often has some serious sports to jump through to actually rank on Google. Let’s discover why exactly relying solely on AI might not be the magic pill that we think it is.

First of all, thin content is a huge issue. Do you all know those AI posts that ramble on and on without actually saying anything? Yeah, Google hates that. If your content does not provide depth, real insights, or useful information, it’s “thin.” Imagine reading an article and feeling like you’re just kind of chewing on air. Not that satisfying, right? Google feels the same way.

Then, there’s the lack of authority. AI does not have the real, human experience or in-depth, thoughtful research that actually sets authors apart. It’s like seeking advice from a robot who has never stepped outside. Frankly, readers and Google alike want the content to feel real, with a person who really knows what they are talking about behind it.

Not to mention those repetitive writing patterns! Do you ever notice how AI posts often just keep saying the same thing in slightly different words? It’s exactly like that one boring man who keeps telling the same uninteresting story. It’s incredibly dull and, more than that, it’s not engaging at all. And if the readers dip, so will Google.

Google’s Stance on AI-Only Content

So, what is Google’s final word on this? Well, they’re not actually the biggest fans of AI-created content, at least when it’s the only source. In fact, its guidelines on auto-generated content state specifically that, if AI content does not provide actual value, it will not rank. They have been working painstakingly on improving their algorithms to make sure they can tell simply generated and frankly bad content. So, if you’re asking “If AI content is generated, why shouldn’t it rank?” It’s that simple – quality, relevance, and trust. All of those vital things are difficult to impossible for AI to provide without a human touch.

Specifically, Google’s recent updates, such as the Helpful Content Update, are geared towards rewarding content that was written for people, not a heartless machine. And posts should be more than words on the page, too – they should solve issues, provide answers, or simply offer unique perspectives. Or, in other words, Google wants to see content that actually looks like people made it, with brains and hearts behind it.

The Bottom Line

Thus, if you’re hoping to build an SEO strategy purely on AI, you should probably reevaluate your priorities. Sure, it’s a wonderful tool to help you out, but it’s no magic pill. So, don’t shy away from mixing things up. Finally, it does not have to be either AI or humans – take all the help you can get! Trust me, Google will know the difference, and so will the readers.

6. Tips for Ranking Mixed AI + Human Content

The best way to describe creating content with a mixture of AI and human input is like baking a cake. Yes, the basic measuring and mixing of the ingredients can be done by AI, but it is the human touch, human flair, and human creativity that make it unforgettable. Here are some tips to help your AI + human content not just rank on Google but truly shine.

1. Human Editing and Personalization

AI is smarter nowadays, but it is still not good at spotting errors, and it certainly will not make your content personal or relatable. Review the content created by AI, as there might be inaccuracies. Consider adding some examples, a little story, and perhaps some unique data or stats. Human work might make your content even more appealing to readers and to Google.

Example: Once I gave AI a chance to write a whole blog post for me. It was tough and certainly not very insightful. But after editing, adding personal anecdotes, and a few funny jokes, it instantly became more exciting and you know what? It started to rank!

2. SEO Best Practices

Do not forget to cover a few basics. Yes, AI-emitted content needs to resonate with SEO best practices and keyword research is still a king. Make sure-to-be-strong blog titles and meta descriptions, but find a way to include those all-important keywords naturally. Nobody, even Google itself, likes keyword stuffing. You can, for instance, consider transition words to make sure the writing flows.

Your keyword could be “AI + human content”, so make sure it can not cloud the writing, make it seem natural, almost like you are chatting casually about it with your friends over coffee.

3. AI for the Bulk, Human for the Magic

Use AI as a content sous-chef. Go in there, prepare the ingredients, and then let those AI ovens bake it. Do not be afraid to use AI to draft paragraphs. It can summarize bulk data for you and help you find a structure for your piece. Humans get to add fun and personality because AI can not do charm and flair. It can not empathize or create emotions. It will pass that job to you.

Pro Tip: Do let AI handle the grunt work, but the final touch of the story, emotions, or humor should be done by you so as not to ruin the piece.

4. Keep an Eye on Google’s Algorithms Updates

The best argument here can be that Google is like that friend who suffers a constant identity crisis. The search engine, which is likely your biggest source of traffic, rewards fresh and relevant content. Stay updated and keep adjusting. If you are dropping in traffic or in Google’s rankings, you are likely not meeting those standards. Google loves it when content is created to serve users, and so should you.

Even though AI is a wonderful invention, the best aces the content can have are humans and their creativity. So, go ahead and experiment. Make the content better. Make it yours.

7. Pitfalls to Avoid with AI + Human Content

So, you’re caving yourself into the AI + human mixed content adventure to rank on Google? Awesome! But hold on—there are a few bumps that you might want to avoid. You see, I’ve been there, just like you, staring at an AI-generated paragraph that was as alive as a robot reading a novel to me. Here are the mistakes that I made along the way so you don’t have to repeat them.

Pitfall 1: AI reliance

Hands up if you’ve ever felt victimized by a bot and thought, “Wow, why should I even edit this masterpiece?” Believe me, I’ve been there, too. Yet no matter how lazy I sometimes am, we won’t win big without small adjustments. It will make your content feel more human, and that’s something appreciated both by Google and its readers. Have you ever tried to read a manual? I have, and it’s terrifying. Regularly published unedited AI stuff doesn’t look any better to a reader.

Tip: Add little pieces of yourself to the text. It could be a joke about how this morning was the sixth in a row when your coffee machine rebelled against you. It could be a personal story that is relatable to your readers. Just remember: Google will like your personal answer in the content.

Pitfall 2: Ignoring user experience

Honestly, what are you trying to achieve with your mind-blowing article if it’s an actual headache to read? Do you want your awesome thoughts to just stay with you? Trust me, no human being on Earth wants to read a never-ending paragraph, let alone the whole post just made up of long, wide ones. It’s like…you see a wall of text in front of you and just shrink to “Help, I’ve been trapped!”

Tip: Regular breaks are the key. Short paragraphs, bullet lists, pretty subheadings, and if you can—add a picture or a few. Break it before you get tired of reading. Remember, if your content is not comfortable for people to read, Google will be more likely to ignore it in its ranking system. In other words, breaking the content bias will keep your readers hanging around your content longer. A friendly reminder never hurts!

8. Conclusion

All right, all right, let’s get this show on the road..! Long story short, we’ve learned that AI is some handy stuff. Useful when you want to speed up your research or even when you’re trying to crack out an entire blog post from scratch. But, big but, it’s not the be-all and end-all of getting your post to rank on Google.

Generally speaking, nothing can beat a high-quality post when it comes to Google’s search results. Google loves content that feels real, relatable, and valuable. Yeah, AI content can give it a good run for its money, but let’s face it—if it was any good at cracking jokes, you’d be out of a job. Unless, of course, you’re a stand-up comedian, but what are the odds, right?

Think about it this way: you wouldn’t send a robot to console your best friend and tell them you can’t make it to their birthday, right? No way. So, the same goes for your blog! I hope you’re beginning to see why I keep telling you that AI + human content is the way to go with blog writing.

Anyway, you don’t have to take my word for it! I’m urging you to go write some AI + human content and see how readers vibe with it. Add a funny story or two for added drama, I know you’ll pull this off..! And while we’re on the topic, if you have any tips or gags or if you’ve had any success stories, don’t be a stranger! Drop a comment and let me in on the fun—it’ll be our little secret! It’s a wrap, friends! Keep mixing AI with your own creativity, stay true to your writing, and don’t forget—the internet is loaded with advice, but people are wittier than you’d think..!

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