How a 90-Day Blog Can Rank on Google and Earn $1000 Per Month

How do some blogs go from nothing to $1000 per month in only 90 days, while everyone else seems to spend years stuck below $100? Well, here’s the secret. In this comprehensive guide, we are going to outline you through the step-by-step process & exactly what tools & strategies will help you make your blog rank on Google in no time and start earning some real money.


Some other bloggers are able to rank and make $1000 in a span of 90 days. Yes, you heard me correctly — 90 days! It sounds crazy, but yes, you can and in this article today, I will dissect precisely how you can do the same. If you’re new and never started blogging or you’ve been at it for a while but still seem to not be getting there, this blog post is for you.

What, then, is this post about? In fact, we are about to go over all the fine extractable steps that you can execute to rank a blog in Google as fast as possible. No fluff, no filler—just quick things you can do today. I am going to demonstrate how tools like Google Search Console, keyword planner tool, and SEMRush are the best mates that you need on this journey. We will also discuss how to install Google Analytics (I promise it is not as hard as it sounds) so that you can monitor your progress and keep up to date. Oh and of course, Personal anecdotes and a few chuckles here and there cause what good is teaching if it doesn’t come along with entertainment!?

C’mon, let’s face it… blogging isn’t pulling a rabbit out of a hat: you write one post and boom — the first page of Google. That seems like a lot to ask, but with the right tactics, you could totally shop for a liveable wage in less than 3 months. You will be shown the ropes with Google Trends for breaking trends before they break, taught keyword research like a boss using SEMrush, and profiled how to speed up indexing of your blog posts than you can say organic traffic with Google Search console.

And saying that — who else has asked themselves — How long does a new blog take to rank in Google? or “Can I get $1000 per month writing?”, you’re in the right place. Get a cup of coffee and let us have it. Let’s get you to where you want to be, FAST, and I’ll let you into a secret — It’s going to be an exciting journey with great rewards!!

Section 1: How to Rank a 90-Day Blog on Google

Subsection 1.1: Google Search Console

So, shall we begin with the good old Google Search Console? This is your special tool to monitor and improve your blog’s performance on Google. I’d say this is like your blog’s backstage pass to Google’s world. I mean, you’ve got to tell Google your blog exists after setting the site up, right? That’s what this tool is for.

[ First of all, you should submit your sitemap. It’s like a road map for Google to visit all your blog’s pages. Without it, Google’s like a tourist without a map, moving in circles and missing all the interesting stuff! By submitting your sitemap, you let Google index your blogs faster, so it can show them on search results soon. And, do check out the Index Coverage report to see whether Google has issues crawling your blog. A page not indexed by Google? That’s like hosting a party and not inviting your BFF. You wouldn’t want that, right? ]

Subsection 1.2: Google Trends

Right, let’s talk about trends now. I mean, who doesn’t want to know what the world is searching for? Google Trends shows you what’s hot, what’s trending, and what people are obsessed with. In a way, this is like knowing what songs are playing at each party. But in this case, you’re doing it to get more ideas for your blogs.

[ And here’s a tip: write up-to-trend articles based on trending keywords that match your blog’s niche. Traffic waves can carry yours if you’re blogging about something people are searching for. Once, I wrote up a blog post about a diet trend, and in two weeks, my views shot up! Lesson learned: Google Trends is your new best friend. ]

Subsection 1.3: Google Analytics

Lastly, we’ve got Google Analytics—the dreaded numbers. I know numbers are boring, but trust me on this one! Google Analytics allows you to track who’s visiting your blogs, how long they’re staying, and where they’re coming from. This is basically like having a detective to investigate every visitor.

[ And why do you need this? By knowing your users’ behavior, you can make more informed decisions for your blogs. If a blog is getting heavy traffic, but people aren’t staying, maybe the content isn’t what they were hoping for. You can change it and see those numbers turn! For me, I once saw a too-high bounce rate, so I made my intro shorter and sweeter. Problem solved! So, don’t ignore these three friends. They’ll be with you through your 90-day journey of ranking your blogs! ]

Section 2: Timeframe for Ranking on Google

Let me guess, you’re probably asking yourself, “How long does it take for a new blog to rank on Google?”. Oh boy, been there and done that. I know that feeling is kind of similar to waiting for your morning coffee—the smell drives you crazy, but it’s worth it when it’s finally here! So, let me tell you everything you need to know step by step.

How Long Does It Take for a New Website to Rank?

Let’s face it. When your website is brand new, logging in, and seeing it on the top of Google in a couple of days will definitely be on your wish list. But hey, Google’s not that fast! In fact, it can take from 3 to 6 months till you see your new domain starting to rank for a couple of keywords. The time is long, but there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes that can impact this.

A few big factors? Quality and quantity of content, backlinks, and keyword optimization. Google will start to recognize your website throughout the web and do you a favor if your content is attracting enough traffic. So, if you’re on top of your game and have top-quality articles, you can see your website rank in 90 days, maybe even less. The fastest sprint you’ll ever make!

The situation got personal: runs a blog for the first time in three months, and gets the first page of Google. I wouldn’t be able to express to you the joy I had while writing these lines. In fact, it kind of feels like singing out of tune for weeks and then suddenly hits the right note!

How Long Does It Take for a Blog Post to Rank?

Well, the overall new website can take a couple of months to rake in, but as it comes to a blog post, the situation changes slightly. In fact, a well-optimized blog post can stand within weeks sometimes! Sometimes less in the time when you’re targeting keywords with low difficulty, meaning traffic is low competition.

The trick? Do on-page SEO correctly, and we’re halfway there! Treat your keywords right, add a couple of internal links, and add actual value to what you write! Oh, and did I mention backlinks yet? They’re basically a free-on-autopilot marketing strategy Google is getting you.

Section 3: Tools to Boost Blog Rankings

SEMrush: Get Ahead of the Competition

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. The blogging world might seem like a friendly, open space but it’s a marathon with a whole bunch of sprinters. If you’re not careful, you might feel like you’re running around in circles while everyone else zooms on. That’s why SEMrush is the secret weapon you never even knew you needed. It’s like having your very own personal trainer telling you, “Okay, this is what your competitor is doing, and this is how you can do better and make sure you’re ranking higher than them.”

Competitive and keyword analysis: SEMrush lets you do a little bit of spying – in a totally ethical way, of course – on your competitors. Seriously, ever wondered why they’re there on page one and you’re not even on the top 10 pages? SEMrush will come and tell you one simple thing: these are the keywords that are getting your competitor’s traffic. But here’s the kicker – you can also find the low-competition keywords that your competitors haven’t even bothered to write about yet. You know, the ones that will actually make you rank in those 90 days.

I still remember the first time I used SEMrush. It was like I had been seen without my glasses all this time, and suddenly, everything I had been doing wrong was in front of me! Seriously, all you need to do is put in a single, simple word or phrase that your blog is about, and you’ll have an entire list of keywords to check out, with the search volume and even competition.

A quick tip: always look for a keyword that’s at least getting some search volume but with the lowest competition possible. These are the magic beans that will make you rise to page one in 90 days. And trust me, you can’t go toe-to-toe with the big fish in the blogosphere, and you’ll have to be extra smart about which of these small fish you’ll go after.

Google Ads: Give Your Blog a Little Boost

Alright, now let’s discuss Google Ads. I know what you’re thinking – ads? That’s cheating! Not really – Google Ads is like you giving your blog a little bicycle in that marathon we were discussing earlier. Totally fair play, right? If you’ve just about started, a small investment in Google Ads will get those first few eyeballs onto your blog.

Cost-effective approach: best of all, it doesn’t have to be a lot of money. Best of all, with a limited budget, you’re already betting on a keyword that you found using SEMrush as an opportunity. This kind of traffic boost is such a great complement to the traffic that goes up organically and will get you to climb up Google’s results pages twice as fast.

I remember I did a small campaign when I started my blog and I got 500 visitors in just a few days. Now, is it worth it? For sure! Because at the end of the day, those first few visitors are what start letting you organically rank. Sometimes, when nothing is happening on your blog, you need to give it that first push. It’s not about redoing the campaigns all over again, it’s just about starting that flywheel’s first rotation! So those were two straightforward tools that can get your blog ranking in these so-coveted 90 days! Try SEMrush and Google Ads and voilà – your blog will have a ranking in no time!

Section 4: Case Studies: How Bloggers Earned $1000 in 90 Days

There’s something about success stories that make my blood boil. Well, not literally—but who doesn’t like hearing about a “zero-to-hero” story? So, I wanted to bring you some real-time case studies of bloggers who made $1000 (or near that) in 90 days. Prepare for some excitement!

How I Made $1000 in Just 2 Months on A Blogger-Free Blog

Imagine the situation. You are a totally newbie blogger, setting up your first free blog on some platform. No SEOs, no promo—just you and $0. Sounds like a crazy risk? Well, not for one blogger. Armed with nothing but their wits and the luck of the Irish, they pulled off the big $1k in just two months. Yes, folks, that’s right—it was a free Blogger blog, with no fancy tools, G-suits, or premium plans!

So, what was the catch? Monetization, of course. They went big on affiliate marketing and decent CTRs for their ads via Google AdSense. But the secret weapon was also choosing an odd niche. Usually, they say “highly competitive—highly rewarding.” But our smart blogger recently delivered “low competition—low/no promotion—still cash flow.” Oh, and the content that didn’t make them spend money on promoting was seriously trending. How lucky, right?

How A Blog Post Got 10K Organic Traffic in 3 Months

What’s the dream scenario? We’ll tell you—a single blog post, pulling in ten thousand visitors in three short months. Jackpot! So, our blogging hero did what any sensible person should do. They picked a hot trending topic using the almighty Google Trends and went unapologetically heavy on SEO. Keywords? They were optimized to the heavens. But what made this post so special was its shareability. People clicked on it and just had to share it with their social media folks. A classic recipe!

Okay, don’t skip the part on content promotion. The blogger didn’t literally sit and wait. Every other day, they got their name out there on social media, threw in a link in a forum, stalked an Instagram influencer into a mention or a repost. Turns out, you can achieve a lot by doing just a little more!

How This Blogger Went from 0 to $800 per Month

So, that’s a case that tells you that persistence is key. Fifteen minutes into blogging, the blogger had zero traffic – that’s right, a grand total of nothing. They saw no change during the first month but instead of wondering if that stuff was worth it, they adopted the go big or go home approach.

Barely a month and a half in, and voila – the blog started seeing 0.41 page views per day. One thing led to another, and soon they were able to make $800 per month. Okay, you should be there by now. But this wasn’t about the go big philosophy only. The blogger was posting regularly – three times a week, to be more precise. What else? They also did their best to do SEO right and replied to every mail and comment. By the end of the three months, they already had somewhat of a following.

Convinced yet? Whether this is a $1000 blogger or a mere free Blogger blog, every case below shows that it’s totally doable. All you need for that is regular uploads, some SEO and ultimately turning the flow of visitors to your blog into money. So go ahead – don’t be afraid to get your share of the daily hustle, spread your new blog around, and interact with people. And maybe quite soon, you’ll get to your $1000 target faster than anticipated!

Section 5: Earning $1000 Per Month From Your Blog

Subsection 5.1: Monetization Strategies for a New Blog

So, you’ve got a shiny new blog, and you’re wondering, “How do I make money from this thing?” Well, the good news is, there are tons of ways to do it! Let’s start with the classics: affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and good old ad revenue.

Now, affiliate marketing is where you promote products on your blog, and if someone buys through your link, cha-ching, commission for you! Imagine you’ve just written a killer review on a must-have gadget – throw in some affiliate links, and you could be earning while you sleep. Seriously. And don’t worry, you don’t have to be a tech wizard with a master’s in something or other. Just sign up for affiliate programs like Amazon Associates, and you’re good to go!

Next, let’s talk about sponsored content. It’s essentially where companies pay you money to write about their products or services. It’s like getting paid to blog about things you already love. Win-win, right?

Finally, Google AdSense. You’ve no doubt seen ads on blogs where you’re like, “Why?” but, turns out, those same ads are probably making the blogger a bucketload. When people read your blog and click on the ads, you get paid. Easy. The trick is making sure your blog is optimized for earning, which involves making sure your content is relevant to the ads that are displayed. Before you know it, you’ll be raking in the riches on your way to $1000 a month! This is the point at which you give a smug grin.

Subsection 5.2: How long does it take to make $500 per month blogging?

Okay, let’s get real here. I know you’re probably thinking right now, “When do I get to the part where I’m swimming in Scrooge McDuck-style in the cold hard cash?” It’s different for everyone, but reaching that coveted $500 per month can come around quicker than you might think – especially with the right strategy.

In those early months, consistent posting and SEO are your friends. You can’t publish one post and drink a cup of tea waiting for magic to happen. No, you’ve got to work for it. Keyword research is your lifeline – tools like SEMrush even tell you what people are searching for, right at this very moment. Once you’ve nailed SEO, your traffic will start to increase.

From there, your earnings grow as your blog does. Most bloggers who reach $500 within a few months say they blog about niche topics. So, think about what you have to offer that’s different – something people can’t find absolutely anywhere. After that, $1000 is just a hop and a skip away. So, there you have it. With the right monetization and a little patience, your blog will be earning a fortune in no time. You’re welcome. What are you waiting for?


All right then, let’s do this! Finally, you’ve got a plan, but if you’re serious about ranking your blog in 90 days and making that $1000 you’ve been dreaming of, here are all the steps for you in one place. First things first, you need to get familiar with Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Those two will be your best friends on your blogging journey because it’s like you have a GPS for your traffic! See where your visitors come from and which content it is they love so much. Then, you need to use Google Trends to see the hottest topics within your niche. Believe me, this one’s like riding a wave, and you definitely want to get it! Oh and hey, don’t forget to check out SEMrush – it’s an amazing tool for finding all those low-competition keywords! Feels like you’re fishing in a pond with fewer people, and your chances of hitting a big one just got much higher. Oh, and if you wish for a bit of paid promotion, run some Google Ads while you’re waiting for that organic traffic to settle in.


It’s no rocket science, but hey, you do need some persistence. Bloggers who managed to hit that $1000 per month in just 90 days aren’t skyrocketing the internet by pure luck. They had a plan, they used the right tools, and they’ve kept going. You can do that too. Just make sure to proceed one step at a time and don’t be afraid to change intentions if something’s not working. Remember that blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. These are just that kind of numbers! The sooner you realize those will only climb if you keep at it, the quicker that $1000 target will be within your reach. Over to you!

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