How to Make $5,000 a Month in Passive Income[Blogging]

How to Write a $5000 Earning Post in One Day?

Really, is it possible to make $5000 a month passive income with a Blogging Career? Yes, it is. I have been earning 5000 dollars from this stunning post per month, which I have written in a single day. 

So, how you can create your blog posts for maximum readability? and get maximum business results with your blog posts? 

For this single post, I get 3,00, 000 monthly organic visitors along with social media traffic. 

Never think about earning money ways, only concentrate on a niche which you should take from a single topic. 

Write a nearly 5000 words long blog post, include all keywords within it, and create the link posts for each keyword in the main post. 

Wait for three months only, it slowly creeping on the first page of search results on the google search engine on one fine day. that you never expect it. 

Update it with quality and useful content until it comes up with the most useful blog post then your competitive posts on rank 1 on SERP. 

Content marketing is a great way to generate more traffic on your website, but there is a problem. It takes a long time to write a blog post. 

Keep this post-reading up to ending, note down important points which you can apply to your blog post. 

Today I will share with you how to write a wonderful blog post? and Passive Income Ideas.

1.Brainstorm Your Post Topic 

The first thing you need to do, and I know it’s negative, is take your time to write the first blog posts. 

Find your style, what you want to write, what readers like, what they don’t like. 

Once you have it, you can start the model. 

When you start creating a model, the first thing you need to do is understand the structure of all the posts on your blog. 

You create the basic model, Introduction, Body, End. Now that you have your model, you need to fill it out every time you have a new blog post. 

For example, when I read a blog post, I write the introduction first. 

I know that three or seven titles are always in my model. 

I take the main ideas and turn them into titles. 

So, I write my end because my blog post ends everything. 

So, I go back to the body and fill each title with content. 

It could be a few paragraphs, it could be some bullet points, I decide what I want and fill my template with it. 

The next step is the pictures. 

2.Use High Quality Images within Post 

You want to find a way to get pictures faster. There are many free archival photography sites out there. I like to use Pixabay

I pay for photos, but I can do some quick searches, find the image and add it inside the post. 

To increase the speed of my blog post. 

Without pictures, your blog post won’t even do it because an image says a thousand words. Nobody just wants to read the text. 

3.Choose the best Post Format 

The next thing you need to do is create rules. Here are some rules that I use for my blog and you can copy them if you wish for your blog. 

I always use the words “you and me” in my blog post. It looks like a conversation between you and me. The next thing I do is always use short paragraphs. 

My paragraphs are usually no more than five lines long. I try to keep them around four or six lines. 

Sometimes I also have a line of paragraphs. The next thing I do is use five or seven images throughout my blog post. 

I also link to sites that mention my research. These are my main rules. 

You can create your own. 

If you follow these tips, you can model your blog’s writing process and it shouldn’t take more than two hours to write a blog post. If you spend more than two hours there is something wrong. 

4.Keyword Ideas 

It could be “Hey, I don’t know how to come up with ideas.” If you don’t know how to elaborate ideas, I have talked about it in previous posts on other blogs. 

BuzzSumo, type in keywords, which show what’s hot and what’s not. 

The problem is that if you have Writers Block, what do you know? Exit, do something or some activity, then go back and write. 

Keyword tools: Google Keyword toolSemrush, and Ahrefs 

You may be distracted. 

If you are distracted, find a different place to write your blog post. Follow all these tips and you will be able to quickly write a fantastic blog post. 

So here we will talk about how to create your blog posts for maximum readability, formatting structure, etc. You need to get commercial results and it depends on what to be done in your blog post to be hired by big names and company blog posts go viral. 

Including those who paid 35K of shares and paid two hundred and 5000 dollars per blog post for work on the blog client and are not afraid to post or sometimes charge. 

I’m talking about confidently ordering two to 5 thousand dollars or more for blog posts, so let’s talk about each section of the blog post. 

5.Think in reader Perspective way 

And I will give you some tips to write every part of it, the first part of a blog post that caught your reader from the beginning. This is crucial, you have to do it because it will attract people’s attention and they will want to continue reading. 

So here are some effective ways to connect your blog visitor so that you can immediately share some relevant statistics with the reader. Finally, it works well because it builds trust with the reader. 

Let them know you’re not throwing something at them and tell them that you will teach them something else you can do. Another thing you can do is share a personal story on the topic of a blog post. 

Some customers may not like it if you are running for customers, but some of them don’t care and especially if you are writing for your blog and trying to create a personal brand. 

History is a great way to go, and another thing you can do is worry about the problem in Formula Solution that is Copywriting that we will discuss here. 

Basically, what you need to know is that you will present your readers’ problems relatively well. then, you will fix your post by introducing your blog post. 

Because these blog posts you write, solve your blog visitors’ problems and you can combine some of these techniques to make your introduction to your blog post super effective. 

6.Insert real life examples within Post 

So, share a personal story and weave some relevant statistics. Since it’s a good way to start your blog post and attract the reader. My perfect blog post writing process takes upon the visitor’s problem-solving orientation. This is what customers expect when they charge hundreds of dollars. 

So, step by step, your post introduction should be the motive for the issue finder. Take reader questions as many as possible, fill in the all solutions to that question. Because visitors can find many solutions for a single cause. 

Thus, visitors come again and again to find solutions from your Blog post, eventually, it led to a good conversion rate to create huge traffic. 

When you explaining the solution for every question, take one example from readers’ comments within your blog or quora

To build the great body content of your post, write unique and quality solutions. 

Especially if you have a long blog post. When you writing it, you want to treat each section of the header as a mini blog post. 

7.Maintain Body cohesiveness 

So, for example, in this blog post, we are thinking of writing about the content of the body we are seeing, each of which has its own blog posts, because if I thought about it, I would not only have this mentality but I would encourage myself to write a bit of more. 

Because tomorrow it can be the $5000 to $10000 post per day. 

If you’ve never written a blog post before, deciding what to do is the first challenge. 

To write about. 

Choose the one that interests you and you already like reading, speaking, or listening. 

If you are passionate about something, you also like to write about it. 

Before you start writing on any particular topic, you need to have subjective knowledge of the topic. 

If you already know these things, if you are not sure, read other blogs, you can find magazine articles, books, anything. After doing your research and gathering information, start writing. 

9 out of 10 people read the title and only 3 of them read the content. So always start with an attractive title that attracts readers’ attention. 

If your headline isn’t attractive, nobody will read your article. Plus, writing the title of your blog post first can help you stay away. 

Many people spend hours, days, or even weeks writing their first article, why? This is because you write fear first and negative thoughts come to mind. But you don’t have to rethink, get out of fear and start writing. 

Proceed with the right content that readers love. Good content is between 500 and 1000 words, something less than 500 words is negative from an SEO perspective, and more than 1000 words are annoying for readers. 

Then divide them into smaller paragraphs and make the essay incomplete, so that it doesn’t look unpleasant for the reader. 

When you start writing your first blog post, it’s easy to get involved with other successful writers and copy their writing styles. But don’t try to copy anyone’s style. Write in your own style, be yourself because your writing style is your brand. 

When writing things, always assume that you are speaking directly to the reader. The reader sits in front of you. Make your essay interactive and speak directly with your reader. Use (you and me) throughout your article. 

What I did is 1,500 to 5,000 words and it helps your mood because instead of this huge crazy 5,000-word blog post you think it’s okay, I’m writing some short blog posts that are a way to flow, so your introduction to what you want to do it will connect you. 

So, divide the content of your body into different headings, which will still provide you with your topic, but will also give you the logical division, in addition to what you need to do, and create those titles in front of you. 

Start writing and you will find other tips for writing your main content here. This is important, you need to divide the text with bulleted lists of white spaces, images, subtitles, etc. 

If your blog post is difficult to read, people won’t read it. If you struggle to read from the point of view of your grammar vocabulary, improve reading the text. Look at the Hemingway app and know that your content must be written level of middle school reading. 

it’s important to focus on the people you can read and how to make your blog post easy to digest. 

8.Reader Problem solving content 

You have now reached the third stage of your blog posts. 

So, what you need to know is that people who read your blog posts until the end will be more interested in getting in touch with your brand or your customers’ brand. Only write for customers. 

Because it is in-depth, there are examples and more detailed information on how to deal with your blog posts and if you want to know more about how to build a blog post and write it from a marketing point of view. 

Write results-oriented blog posts for customers, so you can confidently upload freelance customers by writing $ 200 or $ 5000 or more per blog post. 

Use images in your blog posts because “Images do the talking” and sometimes they do the explanations in a much better way than what your thousands of words can’t do. 

So, use images in your blog post to make it more beautiful and professional as well. 

If you ever visited those boring websites from the 2000s era, you must have noticed how tough it is to read those articles as the writer didn’t format the articles for better readability. 

Don’t be one of those writers. 

Use proper writing formats and consider: using bullet points to make it simple and catchy, bold letters to emphasize, headlines categories such as h1, h2, h3, etc. 

when requiring Proper formatting, it is crucial as it makes a good impression and provides a better reading experience. 

What a reader should do after reading your blog post? Don’t keep them hanging in the middle, let them know what to do next. 

Always end up with a call to action. 

A call to action can be anything depending upon your preferences but not more than one. 

End up your blog post motivating your readers to do something like asking their views about the topic, asking a question, or simply a request to share your blog post. 


Writing a blog post that earns $1000 to $5000 per day is simple as imagine, but you have to take a single topic. twist all sub-articles around the main article keywords until it present on the first page of google search results.

If you have another idea to make a $5000 per month passive income through Blogging, comment below. Otherwise, share this if it helps others.

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