How to Get Google AdSense Approval for Your Blog

Google AdSense is an excellent ad network for monetizing your website or blog. It surpasses other CPC advertising programs by 90% in terms of effectiveness. With Google AdSense, publishers can earn significant daily revenue. As a new webmaster, it’s natural to aspire to monetize your website with this ad network. However, obtaining AdSense approval for your blog can be challenging due to the strict rules and requirements set by Google. Nevertheless, achieving this goal is not impossible.

The good news is that “Getting Approval for Google AdSense with a New Blog is Now Easier Than Ever” if you follow some basic rules from the start. Initially, I faced rejection when I first attempted to get approval. However, by following these rules, I now have an approved AdSense account. Considering the significance of this topic, I have decided to share the fundamental rules for AdSense approval.

First, Prepare Your Blog Before Applying for AdSense:

AdSense moderators always approve blogs that meet the requirements. Therefore, it is essential to ensure your blog is ready for the approval process. Start by checking if your blog meets the following initial basic requirements outlined by the AdSense team. Additionally, there are some proven hacks and tricks that work. For instance, the official AdSense page mentions that countries like China and India require website owners to have owned their sites for at least six months. However, this is not a strict rule. Many Indian bloggers have obtained approval with domains as young as one month. The crucial factor here is “quality.” Let’s explore the factors that will make your blog AdSense-ready:

Write High-Quality Content:

The saying “Content is King” highlights the importance of high-quality content for your blog. A high-quality blog is characterized by unique, well-crafted, and informative content. Some unethical webmasters claim that copying and pasting the content of 100-200 words is sufficient. However, I can assure you that this approach will lead to failure in getting AdSense approval. In my opinion, it is impossible to adequately cover a topic within such a limited word count. Moreover, Google AdSense does not approve blogs with copied or copyrighted content. A well-optimized blog post should be 100% unique and exceed 500-600 words. Always aim to write blog posts that surpass this minimum length and offer a clear focus on the topic.

How to deliver high-quality blog content

Establishing quality and usefulness in your blog
Optimize Blog Posts with Meta Tags and Make Them Search Engine Friendly:
Optimize your unique blog posts with meta titles and description tags. These meta tags provide information about the content to the search engine crawlers. Since AdSense’s editorial board cannot manually review every website applying for approval, they rely on crawler bots. These bots examine every aspect of your blog. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that you have specified the appropriate meta tags.

Remember to keep your meta title within 69 characters (including spaces) and the meta description within 156 characters (including spaces). If you are using platforms like WordPress or Blogger, you can find comprehensive guides that cover all the basic SEO requirements:

Have Sufficient Content or Posts:

Every page and category on your blog should have a sufficient amount of content or posts. Ideally, you should have 15-30 blog posts in total. Although this is not an official requirement, I recommend having at least this many posts. Aim for 3-4 posts in each category, tag, and page. Google AdSense emphasizes the need for sufficient content on every web page. Therefore, make sure to add content to all pages and categories. Avoid having any blank pages without any content. Furthermore, these posts should be at least 500-600 words in length, as this is considered the ideal length for a blog post. The longer the posts, the better your chances of getting Google AdSense approval.

Blog Domain Must Be at Least 6 Months Old:

In certain countries like India and China, AdSense requires a minimum domain age of six months for approval. Here is an official statement from the AdSense team:

“In some locations, including China and India, we require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months. We’ve taken this step to ensure the quality of our advertising network and protect the interests of our advertisers and existing publishers.”

However, some blogs with domains younger than six months can still get approved. Personally, I obtained my AdSense account with a domain that was just two months old. Can you imagine? Nevertheless, the average domain age for specific geo-locations should be at least six months.

Apply Using the Root Domain:

Always apply for AdSense using the root domain, such as “,” and avoid subdomains like “”

Be Mindful of Copyrighted Content in Images:

AdSense does not approve blogs that contain copyrighted content, especially images used without proper permission. Many webmasters unknowingly infringe copyright laws when choosing images. They simply browse image directories, select suitable images, and upload them to their blogs without verifying their usage rights. Unfortunately, many bloggers fail to get AdSense approval due to this copyright violation. To avoid this, consult guides that can help you find images for free:

Maintain a Pleasing Design and Blog Structure:

Your blog’s structure, including the header, content area, sidebar, footer, etc., should be visually appealing and well-designed. Consider whether visitors would find your blog’s structure appealing. If people like it, AdSense will likely approve it. The design of your blog leaves the first impression, so take advantage of professional-looking templates (free or paid) to enhance your blog’s appearance.

Check if Your Blog is Not Blocked by Google:

Ensure that your blog is not blocked by Google, as AdSense will check your blog’s statistics on their search engine. Not sure how to check? Simply search for “” on Google. If you see search results, your blog is not blocked. If you don’t, it means your blog is blocked.

Avoid AdSense Prohibited Content:

AdSense explicitly prohibits sites with adult content, copyrighted content, drug or alcohol-related content, hacking or cracking content, violent content, weapons-related content, and other illegal content. Make sure your blog adheres to these guidelines.

Visitors Are Not a Factor for Approval:

The number of visitors is not a determining factor for AdSense approval. Your approval depends solely on the quality of your blog. The AdSense moderators do not consider visitor count during the approval process. Therefore, focus on delivering high-quality content rather than worrying about visitor numbers. However, having sufficient visitors is crucial for generating revenue once you are approved.

Applying for Google AdSense:

If you follow all the tips mentioned above, you are likely to get your AdSense application approved on your first attempt. Before applying, make sure to read these two articles:

Once you are ready, refer to this guide to apply for an AdSense account. If you have any specific questions regarding AdSense approval, feel free to ask, and I will be glad to assist you. If you found this article helpful, don’t forget to share it on Facebook and Google Plus.

Read more:

How to start a free blog

How to create a blog or website

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