How to Get More Likes on Facebook Free[ Page Followers ]

Several times I faced the questions like How to get more likes on the Facebook page for free? And moreover, cheats, quick tips, profile photo likes, personnel account likes, automatic likes, and the best ways to get Facebook Page Likes? So that here I am going to cover one of the best methods to increase Facebook likes or fans.

Do you have Facebook Fan Page on your Website or Blog, Don’t you know, how to Get More Likes on your Facebook Page to reach your Posts to too many people and generate more traffic? By receiving more traffic, you can increase your Ad Revenue, without organic Traffic. So, let us learn, what is the benefit. If Facebook Page has More Likes and How to obtain Likes for Fan Page

There is a huge benefit if you have more than 50000 Likes Page. Yes, it is true, if you post the article of your blog on a 50k likes page, it will reach at least 10000 visitors per day and you can earn at least 10 to 15 dollars per day if you have placed the Adsense ads on your Blog. 

The first and foremost thing is to Post Quality Content on Fan Page

Without paying a single rupee, you can get Facebook page likes

But Don’t cheat Page Fans to Get More Likes. 

There is a way to get fast Likes but read the Facebook guidelines before. 

Also, You can get free Facebook Fan Page Likes easily if you follow some tricks. 

How to create a Face fan Page for Your Blog? 

Now, you have to understand the Likes of Facebook Page and how much value they have. But is it easy to get Likes quickly and is there any way to get Facebook likes fast? As all expected, it is not an easy task and not much difficult. 

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Free

Now, we will learn different ways to get more likes on our Facebook Page. 

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Free

Cheats to Get More Likes on Facebook Page 

Post often on Your Facebook Fan Page 

Post your Blog Articles often to appear on your Public Timeline, when you are posting daily, keep one thing in you to avoid distracting your public fans on Facebook Post funny Images and Videos to entertain people. By doing this, they always looking for new Posts. But do not post over-limited posts daily. 

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Free

Entertain your Facebook Page Visitors 

As My Experience, the public visits Facebook for their relief and Comic so as that post visual images and amazing videos. Post short descriptions to understand what about your article. 

Ask interactive questions  

Another great way to get more likes is to be interactive with your Facebook friends, by asking engaging questions and requesting other people’s opinions. 

Like other people’s posts 

Even if you do not know other ones who are related to your niche, like their pages and seek their likes for your page, for this visit the groups and join in the groups related to your page content, by doing this you can build a mutual relationship with people like you. 

Do not post sorrowful content

In general, people don’t like Facebook posts that are solely intended to attract attention or garner sympathy. So I always write useful and inspiring content for people. 

Maintain The Correct Time

Timing is very important to post your content because you have to post when people are active on Facebook, So Pay attention to your own Facebook habits and keep an eye on chat to see who’s online and when. Then use this information to figure out the best times of day to post a status, so you can maximize the number of potential likes. Generally speaking, people are more likely to check their Facebook first thing in the morning and later on in the evening, after school, or at work. Therefore, you should time your posts to coincide with such periods of high activity. 

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Free

Invite your friends of Friends to Like your Facebook Page

This option is available to ask friends for liking our page. If you’re trying to get a new page off the ground, the first thing you should do is invite all of your current Facebook friends to like the page. As an admin, Facebook will give you the option to do this directly from the page. 

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Free

Offer incentives

Offer an incentive for people to like your pages, such as a special offer, coupon, or something creative. Make this offer exclusive to fans of your page, so people will have to like it in order to reap the rewards. This can be very effective and if the incentive is good, people will share it with their friends and families. 

Contest Trick to get Likes  

This is a contest that only people who like your page can enter. The prize can be anything from an in-depth feature to one of your products. The bigger the prize, the more likely people will be to like your page and enter the contest. They might also be inclined to share the contest with friends, encouraging even more people to like your page. 

Post-job-related information on the Facebook page

 If you have any positions opening up in your company or business, think about posting that information on your Facebook page, along with a short job description and details on how to apply. 

you can get Likes through Facebook ads  

For a fee, Facebook will promote your page to its users, giving you access to people you never would have reached otherwise. Make sure to use Facebook Insights to track your demographics so your ads are well-targeted to the correct audience, this will ensure that you get the most bang for your buck. 

You can buy Facebook likes

Buying Facebook likes is a proven method of increasing the number of people who visit your page. This also increases your page’s search engine ranking. Buying likes right at the beginning, just after you’ve set up your page, is good because it attracts real likes from people. 

Facebook page in real life 

There are many ways you can promote your Facebook page in real life. More often people notice your Facebook page in real life, and the opportunities for them to visit and like your Facebook page increase. 

 Facebook groups can have a large influence and can share your page with many Facebook users. Groups have the power to send out e-mail alerts to followers, whereas fan pages can only send a notification through Facebook. 

Try to attract the Group’s admins to share your page by providing good and related content and offering to promote their group on your page in interchange. A Facebook group won’t want to send out spam to its followers, so make sure your page is related and that the relationship will be mutually useful. 

This step is a little tricky when focusing on competitors, is one of the fair games. Say that you notice the page of a big brand or business is constantly getting comments from their fans asking for help or advice about their products, but no one ever responds to these queries. If you run a similar type of business, you can jump in and answer any questions and then post a link to your own page, encouraging their fans to come to you instead. You can also offer a better discount on one of your products if they join your page. 

Place Facebook Like Box on your website  

It’s really simple to add a Facebook “Like Box” to your business’s home page, which makes it simple for your website visitors to like your Facebook page without having to leave the website or go to the effort of searching for you on Facebook themselves. This is a good way as chances are that if a person is on your website, they are already familiar with your blog or product and will be more 

Posting Interested Content on your Facebook Page.  

Stay top of mind with people who are interested in your Page. 

Keep customers interested and engaged with industry information, product updates, event notifications, and more. 

Reach a larger audience with boosted posts. 

Share Valuable Content Posts 

Whether it’s content related to your industry or updates on what your business is doing, stay in touch with your audience with Facebook posts. Use short, fun-to-read copy, and eye-catching images to get attention. You can even schedule your posts to save time. 

Pin Post to Your Page 

Whenever posting is done, you must pin it to the page or we can embed our page posts code in our blog HTML code. By doing this, our posts will remain on top of the Page. Embedding a post means it will appear on your website. 

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Free

Next, Go to your Website and Paste this Copied code on your web page. 

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Free

Let your post to a larger audience 

When you boost a post, you select the audience that you want to see it. Choose people who like your Page, extend it to their friends or even select a new audience that you tailor by age, location, interests, and more. 

Plan your budget to Boost Post 

We can Boost our Posts by spending the amount within our Budget, depending on the audience, we have to spend money for each day or month and a certain time duration based on our budget. 

Use the Pages Manager app 

You can boost posts from your Pages Manager app, too. Simply create a post from your mobile device and tap the Boost Post button. 

Follow these above steps to learn how to get more likes on the Facebook fan page, and very soon you can get better results. 


After reading this post, please express your opinion about Facebook page likes through a comment or share this post to help other people. 

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