How to Sell Your Own Products on Instagram

Hey buddy entrepreneur! Do you wanna level yourself up and start selling your designed products on Instagram? If you do, then, sweetheart, you have clicked on the right guide. In the blog that I have here, we covered everything you need to sell your products on Instagram. That includes how to set up your shop on it, and also other useful selling points. Let’s find out!

Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Selling Your Own Products on Instagram Shopping

Hey, darlings! Are you pumped to begin crushing Instagram Shopping? If you are curious about what Instagram Shopping is and how you can begin selling your own products through it, you’ve come to the right place. This full guide will introduce you to all the steps that you need to follow to get started with Instagram Shopping and transform your account into a killer online store.

This is one of the ways to make money from Instagram.

I. Introduction

Instagram is more than just a fun platform to share your photos and videos with friends— it’s also a lucrative hub for e-commerce. The easy-to-use platform and broad audience reach make Instagram an amazing online place for businesses to sell their products.

In this post, we will discuss why you should use Instagram to sell products. First, the social network has more than one billion active users worldwide. This fact confirms that you need to search or present your products where the audience is.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a start-up or a well-established company: the social network gives lifestyle checks to both. However, numbers are not enough.

Instagram is designed to get the audience interested in visuals. Eye catchy images can make people stop in the news feed and click on the post. Use high-quality images to narrate a heartwarming story about offered goods.

In our post, we will discuss all the necessary information about selling on Instagram. We will provide relevant information regarding setting up your business account and optimizing posted products to the best-selling Instagram strategies.

Additionally, there will be some extras and tips for advanced selling. Stay tuned and get ready to empower your e-commerce skills. In our selling on Instagram guide, every user will find valuable advice!

II. Understanding Instagram Selling

A. Instagram Shopping

Hello there! Today. I want to speak with you about Instagram Shopping. It will really change the life of any seller, and especially my life, as an Instagrammer. Instagram shopping is like having your own store on Instagram. You can upload products and sell them to your followers without them ever leaving Instagram. This is the best shopping experience I’ve ever had for me and my subscribers. Will tell you all about it today.

B. Shopping tags, what are they

Let’s start with a discussion of shopping tags. These are icons that you can press as soon as you see a cute thing in some publication. The label shows us more detailed information about the product: if the user likes the tagged product Instagram will offer more items similar to this; we can also go directly to the seller’s account to see all available products. This is very convenient if you have a favorite store and it is necessary to look at other similar products. For me as an Instagrammer. It’s ideal because my followers have the opportunity to buy the product directly without my participation.

C. Storefront and checkout features

Last but not least, let’s talk about the storefront and checkout features. Basically, your Instagram profile works as your very own little storefront. You can sort your posts into different categories, like “New Arrivals” or “Best Sellers”, making it easier for your followers to browse. And, when they decide it’s time to get buying, they can simply do so without leaving Instagram’s platform — it’s seamless and convenient for both of you.

D. Of course, the key differences between using Instagram for selling and other platforms like Etsy Nevertheless

let’s compare selling on Instagram and selling on other platforms like Etsy. In my opinion, the largest difference is the social part. On Instagram, I feel much more connected to my customers. I can show them daily updates from behind the scenes, I can chat with them in real-time, I can create a community. And, even when I’m not posting my textiles, Instagram algorithms show my profile to new potential clients. This is something that is simply not available on platforms like Etsy.

III. Getting Started: Setting Up Your Instagram Shop

Now that you’ve understood the basics, let’s get into the details of how to create your Instagram shop.

Your first step is to create a business profile. I created mine as follows: creating an Instagram business profile is straightforward. Navigate to your profile’s settings, and you will find an option called “Switch to Professional Account.” After selecting this option, follow Instagram’s prompts as they guide you on setting up your business profile.

This step is critical because it allows you to access other features such as insights and promotions which are crucial for growing your business on Instagram.

Secondly, concerning your product catalog, you could either add your products manually or via synchronizing with your Shopify account.

If you’re just starting, and you don’t have a ton of products, manually creating your product catalog could be the best way to get started. Gather high-quality photos of your products, type engaging descriptions, and create categories for each item.

After getting all this done, go to your Instagram profile settings and click on the “Business” option. After this, select “Shopping” and then proceed to include your products one by one.

Although somewhat time-consuming, this can easily be one of your best moves. If you are using a platform such as Shopify, syncing your product catalog is a breeze.

Shopify syncs with Instagram, and all you need to do is connect your Shopify account with your Instagram profile. Then, your products will sync, allowing your favorites to shop conveniently from your Instagram shop.

After all your products are displayed, it’s time to get to work. This step is essential as it allows you to tag your products in posts and stories so that your audience can easily shop from your feed.

To activate shopping, open your Instagram profile settings, click on “Business,” and tap on “Shopping.” After following Instagram prompts to link your product catalog to your account.

After Instagram has approved your application, you can start tagging your products in their posts and stories.

There is it! Now that your business profile, product catalog, and shopping are up and running, you are ready to become a certified Instagram sales professional. Happy selling!

IV. How to Sell Your Products on Instagram for Free

However, some “smart” solutions for selling on Instagram will not force you to spend a lot of money. I will share my secrets:

First, start work with opinion leaders. Influencers have gathered audiences of their subscribers and have established themselves as credible sources of information.

Therefore, when they recommend your product, you get a flood of customers. However, be sure to check with whom the public persona is dealing — its followers must coincide with your target audience, otherwise, it will be a waste of money.

Second, use the capabilities of targeted advertising on Instagram. This way, you can reach a large number of people quickly and inexpensively. In addition to difficulties similar to those aimed at “hooking” your product people, you will get rid of irrelevant payments since you only pay for conversions.

One more thing that may considerably boost your sales is posting reels. 15-to-30-second videos are a great way to quickly showcase your products, show them in action, and catch viewers’ attention.

Moreover, they can help you convey your brand personality and connect with followers on a more personal level. Sharing user-generated content is a great way to establish brand loyalty and credibility.

When people see real-life customers enjoying your goods, they are more likely to buy them. In addition, it is good for the existing customers because it shows that their input is valuable and summarises them as a community going along with your brand.

Of course, not to consider power hashtags is a must. They help your posts reach viewers searching for content like yours. Thus, ensure relevant hashtags so your posts get to the right searches.

And lastly, video content can be significant in selling on Instagram. A video of your product demonstration, a look at your manufacturing center, or even a satisfied consumer presentation can be what sets you apart from the competition.

Selling on Instagram does not have to be expensive, and with these tips, you can be on your way to more sales and a growing business. Why wait, start implementing these strategies today.

V. Selling on Instagram: Best Practices and Strategies

Understanding the functioning of Instagram’s algorithm has a significant impact on your sales strategy. The algorithm decides what the users will see on their feed and hence, understanding its workings could help you to reach your target group.

The second most essential thing is creating the most engaging content. Engaging content helps users to stand out and repeat visits. It acts as a magnet to attract your customers to your profile, and interestingly, they will always come back.

Furthermore, you ought to develop a large and loyal customer base. Regularly engaging and interacting with your target group helps to build trust and loyalty among them.

This means that building a relationship is like depositing and withdrawing from a bank. Lastly, it is essential to use analytics to track your performance and improve your selling strategy.

Analytics give you a better understanding of what works and what does not. By analyzing the engagement rates and other conversion metrics, you can make the necessary corrections and maximize marketing and sales.

To sum up, mastering Instagram, understanding the algorithm, creating the most engaging content, developing a large and loyal customer base, and using analytics mean that you’re taking the safest route to reach your target group and making sales.

VI. Maximizing Your Instagram Selling Potential: Advanced Tips

A. Leveraging Instagram Stories and Highlights for product promotion

Hello there! Is Instagram falling short of promoting your product? Let me introduce you to the mind-blowing world of Instagram Stories & Highlights. Well, what are Instagram Stories anyway?

They are interesting little snippets of content that stick around for just 24 hours. But here’s what makes them super cool – you can upload photos and videos of your product multiple things such as boomerangs or gifs, you name it! Show off its style, features, or journey from production to finally being made!

Short tutorials or upcoming product previews, your audience will surely enjoy its appearance It’s quick and easy to use, and it’s a great way to catch your audience’s attention, and that’s not all!

What’s Instagram Highlights, you might ask?

They are collections of your best Stories content that you can organize in whatever way you like! You can sort them into “New Arrivals,” “Best Sellers”, and “Customer Favorites” to ease your audience’s product selection! Sounds like a virtual shop, doesn’t it?

B. Exploring Instagram Live as a sales tool

Next up – Instagram Live. Imagine that you’re running a live video conference where you can connect to your audience in actual time. It’s like a virtual shopping spree held from your own couch! The best part is that you make your products appear more human. Sure, you could use Instagram Live to broadcast your products. Still, you could also give viewers a sneak peek of the creative process, reply to all the FAQs, or even extend discount codes for audience members exclusively. It’s completely up to you. What’s more, that Isn’t solely a way to advertise your products but also build a connection and rapport with consumers. I’d hit the broadcast button if I were you.

The best alternative to do business with Instagram is affiliate marketing on Instagram.

C. Collaborating with other brands for mutual promotion

Speaking of which, what about collaboration? If you find brands that have the same target audience as you and collaborate with them, you can achieve excellent dynamics and consider it as one power. Here, for example, the dynamics of the interaction of the brand with the two brands: finding a brand that will bring something new to your customers – whether it is a product that goes well with your range or the attitude and aesthetics of your brand – and, based on this, think what kind of interaction can be: joint raffle, releasing a collaborative capsule, taking over each other’s Instagrams. In return, the brand gets the opinion of the second and third brands, strengthening.

D. Incorporating user reviews and testimonials to build trust

And finally, let’s not forget about the power of social proof. People trust people – that’s it. So why not take advantage of the good experiences of your satisfied customers to build trust with the potential targets?

First of all, start with collecting user reviews and testimonials from happy customers. These you can display on your Instagram profile, website, and even in your product descriptions.

Human testimonials of the quality of your product send a powerful message to the target. But it’s not that easy! You need to motivate your customers to share their thoughts on their experiences with your products.

And sharing this on social media is like gold. Be it just a photo with your product or a heart-piercing review, that’s what will help the client see your credibility and build their trust.

These were four powerful strategies for promoting their own products on Instagram. Products can be promoted in various forms: through stories and highlights, collaboration and live on Instagram, and user reviews.

No matter what form of promotion one chooses, it will only spark the buyer’s interest. Don’t hesitate and start selling.

E. Inspire from these Top 5 Brands that Have Mastered Instagram Shop

Ready to find out how some of the top brands are killing it at Instagram shopping? Below are the five brands that are slaying the game – and whom you should be following in their footsteps. I chose them because they truly mastered the skill of Instagram shopping, and their profiles can be invaluable for novice marketers:


– this brand specializing in shoes and clothing is a shining example of how to maximize Instagram shopping opportunities. This account is entirely devoted to selling products in an optimized environment. What’s eye-candy here is their product catalog – it is extremely detailed, allowing you to navigate quickly according to your interests. They also use dazzling-looking photos for their shoppable feed posts – no customer will ever be able to resist digging in further. And they increase social proof by sharing tags from the posts of other users.

Summer Fridays:

Summer Fridays does an excellent job of incorporating shoppable posts into her Instagram page. Their feed offers just the right mix of fun content and shoppable posts. I also appreciate how they create an Instagram shop with a comprehensive catalog of products and fully-fledged product pages. Additionally, their shoppable reels are a vibrant way to feature their products in use, enabling customers to picture themselves using them.

Artifacts Uprising:

One prominent example of using shoppable feed posts to enhance shopping simplicity is Artifacts Uprising, a high-quality photo printing brand. This brand has significantly improved the shopping convenience of its customers by posting shoppable feed posts on Instagram. More so, their Instagram shop has been an essential tool as it encompasses a well-organized product catalog that customers browse without difficulty. The Collection does the magic by grouping each category of an item, making it easier for customers to navigate where necessary.


Talking about engaging shopping experiences with Instagram, Anthropologie has a way to do so. Their Instagram shop is like walking into a virtual store. The shop-in Instagram has a visual version of the entire product line and categories. Moreover, Anthropologie added a Collection to show some products that are complementary or styled together. Lastly, all of their Instagram posts, feed posts, stories, videos, and reels are shoppable. Although some are not a store product, Anthropologie always has a way to shop within the app.

Victoria’s Secret:

A wonderful example of such a format is Victoria’s Secret Instagram. The virtual space has turned into a single shop window, where customers find different items of lingerie on shoppable reels, videos, and posts. I like how the Collections feature is used to categorize products since it facilitates the process of shopping for those who are looking for something specific. Moreover, by reposting tagged posts from clients, Victoria’s Secret increases its visibility and establishes closer linkages with the audience.

VII. Conclusion

Alright, that’s a wrap on this blog post; I’ve covered everything you can consider as an insider selling on Instagram. To sum it up, we’ve ventured through the Instagram platform from your first store set up there.

First, we figured out the importance of creating an Instagram business profile and synchronizing the catalog. Following those steps leads you to the right track to effectively sell on Instagram.

Secondly, we went through what should be done to sell through Instagram for free. From cooperating with Instagram influencers to using product tags, and creating a reel video post – we discussed a pool of tips for you to sell on you.

The importance of reviews and feedback from users was also considered to ensure the creation of an honest business profile that your audience can trust when selling on Instagram.

That’s all on my end – now it is your time to enter the field and start selling on Instagram today! With the right strategies and a bit of creative thinking, your business can scale up to amazing heights and reach huge audiences with Instagram.

Last but not least, let’s discuss the potential of Instagram for e-commerce. The shopping features and aesthetics of this platform make it appealing for e-commerce stores to showcase and sell products.

Use Instagram to develop your e-commerce, scale it up, and reach new customer bases more favorably than any other platform.

In conclusion, selling on Instagram doesn’t end with making sales – it’s more about sales, development, growth, and providing a whole and memorable brand experience to your customers.

What are you waiting for, click here and start selling on Instagram now!.

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