How to Set Up Facebook Shop[Add Facebook Shop to Page]

This complete post helps you to set up or create your Facebook shop for your small business. Along with the Facebook shop, you can learn how to promote, fee structure and add products to your shop page, and more. 

This is the right time to find a new opportunity for all entrepreneurs and business owners for using the Facebook shop. Recently, Facebook has announced a big new feature called a Facebook shop page. Further, this is a great opportunity to set up a Business store and run it through Facebook. And you can utilize Facebook partners like Instagram and others. 

1st Step: Set up your Facebook shop 

  • To create your Facebook shop, you have to add a shop tab on the left side menu of your Facebook page
  • The first step, if you don’t have a ‘shop tab’ on your Facebook page, go to your page settings, where click on edit page info in the left menu.
  • Then, click on Templates and Tabs, and next click on the edit option, and select shop template as a current template. 
How to create Facebook shop manager
  • If you find the ‘shop tab ‘on your page, then happily continue. 
how to set up Facebook shop in India
  • Next, you can drag the shop to a higher level in the tab menu, and also in the settings of the shop where you can switch it on and off your store. 
  • Similarly, you can also copy the URL of the shop as well as main settings of the shop are also within the tab. 
  • After installing the shop tab on your page, open your shop and start adding items to your store. 
  • Before all, you have to agree to the terms and conditions of the Facebook shop. And then click and continue. 
  • Once you have set up a Facebook store, you can sell whatever products you want. Like shoes, pieces of jewelry, and clothes through this shop app directly. 
  • As well as you can also ask questions, talk, and message through WhatsApp chat and Instagram DMS
How to set up Facebook shop in 2021

a) Track deliveries of Facebook Shop Products 

Consequently, you can even track deliveries through WhatsApp messenger and Instagram DMS by native integration. As a consequence, you don’t need additional plugins since there are no additional costs. 

While other online businesses are suffering severely due to corona, sometimes it is common we will suffer like this. Now, Facebook shopping has been accelerated and forced people to realize the true power of e-commerce. 

Therefore, this is the right time to set up your Facebook store. 

Right now, it is essential to set up the shopping tab on your Facebook page. so if you have a Facebook business page, go to the shop’s tab on your Facebook page. And follow the instructions to set it up perfectly. 

Still, You’re not sure, how the Facebook shop works? It could really favor small businesses, and of course, this works as well for larger retailers. Although Facebook officials said it has been specifically focused on small businesses. 

In fact, for several years, social commerce has been an important word in Mark Zuckerberg’s vocabulary. To accomplish people to open a storefront on Facebook and link it to their existing online shop. 

2nd step: Add products to your Facebook Store 

On the next screen of your shop, you can add products and the description of products that you sell. 

Well, now click on describe option to simply write your product description in a minimum of 200 characters about your business selling items. 

Next, click Save Changes and continue to add a video of your product, name, and price. Also, you can set an option whether the product is for sale or not. 

If you want to share this product on your Facebook page, you have to fill in the inventory information

Also, you can elaborate more about your product like sizes and colors. Moreover, how do you want to show it on your page? And who is accessible to see the product? 

a) Adding Categories of  Facebook Shop Products 

Configuration of your shop takes place in the shop settings, where you can see the products by category. 

As well as you can show the product specifications, photos, and price details. Similarly, link to the website in the shop setup. 

Also, you can manage all aspects of running your Facebook shop so that you can add products, collections, and an overview of the orders. The Facebook shop allows you to tag up to 30 products and links in your shop. 

You can tag items in your page posts, and people can see tags when they find your posts. If they click on that tag it will direct them to tagged name products on your shop. 

In any case, if your shop is not visible on the Facebook page, simply you can activate the shop tab from your page templates

3rd Step: Configure a payments section to your Facebook Shop 

The other important thing is connecting your Facebook page with a payment method. You can set up your payment within your Facebook page so people can buy your products directly through your page. 

But this only works in the U.S. for a while, those shops outside of the U.S., need to integrate Facebook shop with e-commerce platforms like Shopify. 

4th Step: Promote your Facebook Shop Products 

Image credit to Facebook 

The next aim of your shop is to promote your shop through Facebook advertising or by sharing particular products. 

On the timeline of your Facebook shop, you can see the desktop and the mobile version. 

Facebook initiated a new loyalty program to encourage store customers to increase sales. The QR will be available for shop visitors to get discounts and loyalty points. Similarly, you can find your rewards in the Facebook App’s Burgers menu. 

Even if it’s easy to create a new Facebook store, driving traffic to a shop is somewhat difficult. So, some important ways are there to get different sorts of traffic to your store. 

Initially, Facebook provides you with store traffic advertisements that permit you to create ad campaigns, drive traffic, and boost sales for your FB store

Likewise, you can customize your ads, use a store locator map and call-to-action buttons and deliver ads. Thus, apply this formula for your close distant people to increase your local physical store traffic. 

a) Promote Facebook Shop Page through Ads 

Here is a question about how you can leverage this shop business. Because, it’s an undeniable fact that there’s, you have so many opportunities in the e-commerce space. For instance, Facebook shops come back with a lot of positive changes in the e-commerce space. 

Such as, you know Google just a few weeks back announced a free shopping ad. And it is fact that e-commerce is by far the best business model that is booming during this time. 

Once, set up a shop on your Facebook page and you can use it for your own product sales. These products can be presented on your page and you can advertise them as well. 

And adding a catalog to your shop gives you the opportunity to promote and target your products. As well, you can advertise more specifically from the Facebook shop. 

After setting up a shop on your Facebook page, promote and offer prices for your products and also add a ‘shop now’ button. 

b) Adding Product Collections to Your Facebook Shop 

Once people click on the products, the store link directs them to your online web store where they can place the order for their desired products. 

Here, you can add an unlimited number of products that you want to feature in your shop like any shopping catalog. 

Facebook allows you to organize your products in collections so that buyers can easily find the products which they are looking for. And by activating the messaging button, people can ask questions or even place an order. 

The first question you have to answer yourself is how do you want people to buy the products from your shop. Both options are either through a message to your number or through your online selling website. 

5th Step: Integrating your Facebook Store with its partners 

Image credit to Facebook 

Further, Shopify products also integrate directly into Facebook shops which means, a store set up directly on Shopify can also be displayed those products on your Facebook and Instagram store. 

a) Shopify Store 

Once you have a Shopify store, you can now automatically connect your Shopify business to the Facebook store

while the different customers’ shopping experiences can be unique for each individual. Likewise, you can sell items directly on Facebook through your business page and also through your Instagram page rather than going directly on to the Shopify domain. 

b) WooCommerce Shop 

Other than the Shopify store, you can also harvest good sales by integrating your Facebook store with the WooCommerce business shop

Any collections or categories already on the Shopify store can also be available to your Facebook shops or vice versa. 

Facebook shops work also with Instagram. It is a really amazing fact that it’s 100% customization. 

Therefore, you can integrate it also with Facebook Messenger, Instagram DMS, and WhatsApp to talk directly with your customers, and even track deliveries of your products. 

Many online store builders who have e-commerce shops can integrate their existing products on their store with their Facebook page. 

Meanwhile, you can connect your existing online shop with Facebook, and then your existing products will automatically be uploaded to your new Facebook shop. additionally, the Facebook catalog expands the capabilities of your Facebook shop. 

6th Step: Facebook Fees for Your products Sales 

When the customer buys the product from your Facebook store, Facebook charges you some fees. The fees will deduct automatically from your payout. 

Facebook incurs fees including taxes, the cost of payment processing, all checkout transactions for all product categories, and funds other programs for a good buying and selling experience. 

7th Step: Manage a Facebook Shop traffic ad advertisement 

Image credit to Facebook.

Thereafter, you should use or set up a Facebook catalog as a folder with all the products which you want to promote and advertise

Once you’ve set up your Facebook catalog, you can target people with specific product ads, based on their browsing behavior in your shop. 

For example, when somebody clicked on a specific product in your shop. You can target them with an ad for that product. 

When next time they are on Facebook, your shop is ready to target people who visit your shop or your online shop on your website by setting up a Facebook catalog. 

a) Facebook Shop Catalogue 

In order to set up a Facebook catalog, you have to be the ad’s manager. When you click on the ad’s manager, you go down on their assets, where can you seed catalogs. 

Because we’ve created the catalog when we set up our shop. That’s why it will automatically show up here in your list of catalogs. 

Further, when you click on the catalog, you get to the screen where you can select different types of ads that you want to run for the particular products. 

You can see what products you have in your catalog and what product sets you to have in your catalog. 

And moreover, you can find their catalog data sources, settings for your catalog and the name of your catalog or notification settings, etc. 

So back to the Diagnostics area of your catalog where you are going to decide what type of ad you’re going to use for your catalogs. 

So, you can have generic ads or dynamic ads. Generic ads are basically when you can feature an ad for a specific product in your catalog. 

b) Facebook Ads 

Whereas when you do a dynamic ad, you can actually retarget people who see specific products on your website. As a result, they can receive an ad with that particular product that they saw on your website. 

Thus, if you click on the ad to drive traffic, it will ask you which accounts do you want to use. 

Then it takes you to the ad manager where you go through the standard process of your campaign settings which are ad account settings, ad set, and the creation of the ad itself. 

You can create an instant experience which is a much more multi-product type of ad that you can select within your catalog. 

For instance, you can select the unique products for the ads in order dynamically or you can even specify the order sort of collections that you want to use for this ad. 

c) Facebook Dynamic Ads 

Rather than covering video and image, what about the call-to-action button on your ad. Next, is the ad set creation where you are looking into the traffic for the ad and within that segmentation, you can implement the process of developing your ad using Facebook dynamic ads. 

Here are a few more details about the Facebook dynamic ads which promote products from your catalog to people who are more likely to respond to them. 

Because they have seen that particular product before in your shop or in your app or they have shown an interest in the category. 

For instance, if people are browsing tourist places, you can target them with specific product ads from your catalog, based on their travel preferences. 

Finally, it is important that promote your Facebook shop. You can promote your products in many ways by making them stand out through videos, photography, and enabling ratings, and reviews

Often, people look at customer reviews before making a buying decision. 

If you have a physical store, it will also help to add all your shop details like the address and opening times. And one more thing, you must be remembered that when people message you with questions or even an order, make sure, you have to respond quickly. 


More and more, I have raised the points on setting up a Facebook shop including adding products, promoting the store, shop fees, payment section on your page store, and driving traffic with the help of Facebook advertisement.

Ping below if you know more about the Facebook store otherwise share this with helping others.

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