How to Start a Blog and Make Money(Can Blogging Make Money)

One Day I am surfing the Internet, and suddenly, I found One famous Blogger’s Story which is about Making Online Money as a Blogger and who become Millionaire, Then I asked myself, can I achieve this goal if I follow that type of blogger make money in several ways. then I started creating a Blogspot which is my first experiment. As days on going, I found as imagined it was not easy to make with a blogger, but I did not kill my desire, I started writing Blog Posts day by day, and after several days, I got approved by Google Adsense from which I can earn money.

How to Start a Blog and Make Money?

Next, I learned How to get visitors for my blog to get good traffic to increase earnings and what types of blogs get more traffic and Money. moreover, I followed top-earning blogs, and how they are writing content to appear on organic results.

You want to make money, right? Of course, you do. Everyone wants – and needs -to make money. So you started a blog since you heard it’s an easy way to make cash, but you’re not quite sure how to make money doing it. Or maybe you already have a blog and you’re exploring ways to monetize It.

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No matter which group you’re in, making money with a blog – whether it’s a hobby blog or a business blog -is possible. It’s not a quick hit ordeal, but if you do it right, you could make enough to support your family and more. Let’s dive in and see how you can make a profit with your blog.

  • When to apply for Google Adsense
  • How to get Approval for Adsense
  • How to Earn Money Through Blogging

How Many Ways You Can Earn Money From Blogging

Ad networks

Ad networks Many bloggers are often very easy to earn and manage because it is possible to “set and forget it”. Bloggers sign up with popular ad networks such as Google Adsense or and put them in posts that display in the sidebar, header, footer, or third-party ads.

Monetize with CPC or CPM Ads:

One of the most common ways bloggers make money is by placing ads on their sites. There are two popular types of ads: CPC / PPC Ads: Cost-per-click ads are usually banners that you place in your content or sidebar. Each time a reader clicks on the ad, you are paid for that click.CPM Ads: CPM Ads, or “cost per 1,000 impressions,” are ads that pay you a fixed amount of money based on how many people view your ad.

Perhaps the most popular network for placing these types of ads is Google AdSense. With this program, you do not need to be in direct contact with advertisers; you simply place the banner on your site, Google selects your content for ads, and your viewers will click on ads. There are countless similar programs available if you find that AdSense does not work for you, such as Chitika, Infolinks, and

This usually means the bloggers pay a certain amount for a thousand dollars or a click.
Direct AdvertisingBloggers are often sold advertising rather than ad networks. Blogger is directly related to specific advertisers and can not adapt or accept advertisers based on whether advertisers want to promote or not suit their audience.

With ad networks, Blogger does not have much control over these issues, and many bloggers have direct control because they have the amount of control they have.

Sell ​​Private Ads:

Working with advertising networks is not your only option when it comes to selling ads. If you end up with enough traffic, advertisers may come directly to you and ask you to place their ad on your site. You can also contact advertisers yourself. The biggest difference from the above-mentioned option is that there is no middleman, which means you can set your own ad rates.

Selling private ads can come in the form of banners, buttons, or links. You can make money writing sponsored posts where you write about or give a review of an advertiser’s product or service. Another option is to write an underwritten post or series, which is where you can write about any topic, but the advertiser pays for a “Brought to you by” mention in the content.

The way you make money with this can vary. For instance, you may charge a one-time fee for a post within a post. If you are hosting banner ads, you may change your partner monthly.
Bonus tip: To maximize your income, you can also choose to sell sponsorship space in your email newsletters (here is the 5 best email marketing software), podcasts, and videos.


This is another form of advertising, but rather than paying a flat rate or a small number of clicks or feedback to advertisers, Blogger is paid for major or each sale to what they are promoting.

I will link to one of their offers on this blog and I can earn a commission each time I provide an affiliate link to the offer.

Then, if a reader clicks through the link and buys what I recommend or signs up, I earn a lead or a set amount for each sale!

As a blogger, you have full control over what products and services you want to be promoted in, so it is only possible to recommend things that you have accepted. Affiliate Marketing Making Sense is an excellent eCourse I recommend if you want to learn more about it. This course raised about $ 2,000 in my income from the affiliation, and I usually earned it in a month.

Include Affiliate Links in Your Content:

Affiliate marketing is another great tool for monetizing your blog. Here is how affiliate marketing works:
An advertiser has a product she wants to sell. She agrees to give you a commission from every sale if the buyer is coming from your site. She gives you a unique link that tracks your affiliate code. That way, she knows when a buyer used your link to make a purchase. You include your affiliate link on your site.

You can do this directly in the content or through the banner ads. If a reader clicks on your unique link and buys the product you have recommended, you earn a percentage of what she purchased. You can use affiliate marketing through ad networks like Amazon Associates, or you can create private partnerships with advertisers and businesses with an affiliate program.

Selling Your Own Products & Services

A blog is an excellent platform to sell your own items. I know many bloggers who provide services like coaching, graphic design, virtual help, and writing. Bloggers can sell products such as e-books that they can write or sell their artwork.

Another idea – if you do not participate in any direct sales opportunity (for example Avon or similar), you can use your blog as a platform to promote those themes and/or build your downline.

Sponsored posts do not have this much here, but many bloggers earn money by writing postpaid by advertisers to promote the products and services of different companies. A form of permanent advertising for companies because most bloggers charge hundreds of dollars for them.

However, sponsored posts should be sponsored, so the reader understands when they see the postpaid to the company.

Most bloggers simply do not do it for the advertiser and are very impressive because it reflects badly to help promote a company.

Sell ​​Digital Products

If you do not want to advertise other people’s products, consider selling digital products. This can include items like ebooks online courses / workshopsImages, videos, or music people can use their own content apps, plugins, or themes just remember that if you are going to choose one of these avenues that make it appropriate and useful to your readers.

A lot of bloggers make the mistake of assuming they are developing a product for their reader’s needs; listen to your readers first, and then create a digital product that will meet their needs.

Using it as a content marketing tool for your business also possible to sell physical products on your blog and make money as well.

Think about your blog as a marketing tool that can attract visitors to your business website, thinking about making money from your blog.

The practice is endless when developing a business blog. You can sell handmade products, books, manufacturing products, and much more. Or you can already trade and decide to start a blog to change trusted users.

But in the end, you are going to get out of your depth in the project down the road, at what time are you going to call? Are you going to call someone randomly found on Google or are you going to call someone who has seen their logo in the corner of the video a 14-minute tip?

This can be applied to all types of services as well. For example, if you provide electronic repair services for physical products, you can use the same blogging concept to increase brand awareness and change more clients.

Sell ​​subscriptions

Sell ​​subscriptions Another option to make money is to sell subscriptions to specific elements of your website. For example, a job blog will charge customers $ 10 per month for their job board. An early business blog sells membership for their forums, and people can get personalized advice about their business.

The key here is to make sure that your visitors are more valuable than someone else can find for free, and you are improving the value of the value and the price value.

Blogging can lead to many money-making opportunities to increase credibility. For example, tell you to start a blog in the finance industry.

People start reading your content and your blog is very popular. You are now a recognized person in the finance industry.

If you have that authority, people can contact you as a book co-authored on loan management or talk in meetings or employ employee financial training days.

This is certainly not a direct form of making blogging money, but it has worked for very popular bloggers, and it can also work for you.

If you see a direct revenue stream, popular blogs are sold to 4-7 people (sometimes more) by selling their branding and content.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that money blogging is not possible by putting your site and sitting there. “If you build it, they will come” mentality does not work here, so you are sure you will be ready at that time. Many bloggers can not see a spike in income for a few months (sometimes a few years) after starting their blog. Before you dive deep into blogging, remember these little bits of advice.

8. Use Social Media to Get Instant Visitors for Your BlogFaceBook Twitter Pinterest, and Instagram.

How to Write Blog Posts to reach suitable People Online

Create quality content

If you can not read money from your blog, you can not read it. After all, your readers are going to make money whether they’re clicking on your ads or buying your products. Always put your readers first.

Spend your time on your blog especially

The development of a successful blog is very much about building relationships. Other bloggers who run sponsors, affiliate partners, or direct traffic to your blog. Make sure you spend your time on these relationships and forums and other blogs (or whatever works for you) to build your blog.

Do not fear to experiment

These tips and all aspects of income do not work for you. Do not be afraid to adjust your methods to see what works best for you and your readers.

Money blogging is very stable, but if you start from scratch it can be paid in the long run. Remember that you can not use all these money earnings at once. Check out what other people are doing in your industry and start from there.

Over time, you will learn what you do and what will happen. If you are looking to make money from your blog, what option do you start?

If you follow this blog for a while, I recommend blogging as a way to work from home for you. Granted, this is not the fastest way to earn money. But once you have established your online presence, there are many opportunities to earn revenue with your blog.

When people asked me what I would do from home and I said I’m a blogger, the next question is almost always, “How does a blogger earn money?” I do not know that many lucrative blogs exist to exist!

The CPA I used was because I did not make a job title for “blogger” because I had to explain it to most people.

How do bloggers earn money?

When people ask me, I usually give them a small answer – advertisers. If it’s definitely a big part, it’s not the only way to earn money with a blog.

Today, I break down the primary ways that I earn bloggers’ homes, and you do not know that blogs make money for you. Because it is different, different companies pay in different ways – typically direct deposit, PayPal, or mailed check. However, a non-wage payment is a frequent payment.
Bloggers use bloggers to earn at least once a month – at the end of the month, in the middle, or at the beginning of the month, depending on their terms.

Can Make Bloggers Money? Believe it or not, I have complained to more than one person about my ads and affiliate relationships. Unfortunately, some people think bloggers work for free, and that what we do is not a “real job”. This is not the only blogger I have ever experienced.
Complete Guide on Google Adsense Payment Process: Updated 2017 Google Adsense Money Making Tricks, How to Increase Google Adsense Earnings Quickly, Some people who believe that their favorite blogger advertisers, affiliates, and sponsored posts accept money can decide who they believe is what the blogger says.

A blog running – especially traffic gets a good amount – easily takes 30 to 40 hours per week. To post updates, comment on old posts, and emails, update social media accounts, create graphics, and other times “things behind the scenes”

It will cost you money to run the blog successfully. My domain, hosting, newsletter, stock photos, writers, Facebook, and Pinterest are occasionally paid to pay for certain social media services that I use.

So in mind, why is it so easy to know that bloggers need to make money because they have a lot of time and effort to invest money. Blogging is real work for professional bloggers, and no one should work freely.

Do you have some blogging guidelines? Here are a few things you can do to go:
Read my post on starting a blog so it’s a good idea if you need to go in the right way and need to set yourself up for success. Many people know that blogging is a six-figure income, and others can easily replace the full-time job or bring extra money to the most needed. Invest in a blogging course. 

Best Tips for Profitable Blogging

There really are five useful tips about making money starting from launching a blog and taking away from the conference where really no one is the best way:

1. You blog on an item with enthusiasm:

I know it sounds painless. But many speakers have emphasized the importance of choosing the material that you can see in the coming years and day after day.

Most bloggers are posted at least several times each day to build traffic and are posted daily. How often do you like blogs? “What feels right, naturally comes,” David Leat, creator of the cooking blog, “Start with your taste.”

Another panelist, Cat Kinsman, founder of, emphasized the importance of having a standard voice to identify your blog from the competition. “What’s the story you say?” Asked.

2. Target underserved, but profitable, niches:

One of the best ways to stay out of the mass and monetize the blog is to write about what people are interested in, but other media outlets are generally ignored.

3. Improve your photography and social media skills:

Over the past few years, blogging has become a visual medium. As a result, visual social platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Vine provide traffic to the blocks. As a result, bloggers need to learn and develop strong photography, image editing, and social media skills.

4. Connect with other bloggers:

If blogging is separate, it does not need to be. In fact, the bloggers who are clearly aware of this event are surprised by me. So look for ways to create unauthorized virtual alliances with other bloggers with whom you share content, and to whom to promote and support the cross.

It can prove to be financially beneficial to all and is a good way to prevent home-based blogging.

5. Invest in innovative training:

The blogging landscape is constantly evolving. When I attended.

For bloggers three years ago, sites such as Pinterest and Instagram were just rolling. In this year’s program, there are several sessions to learn about various types of social media sites.

Best Profitable Google Adsense Alternatives for your Blog or Website.

As a profession, and blogging is a profession, it is critical to learn about the latest options for sharp and current as well as monetization of your skills by investing in professional training.

There are two main approaches to professional blogging: You can become a freelance or job blogger for a founded company or site (like our Life Hawker here) or you can start your own blog from Scratch.

Getting a job as a professional blogger is much easier than starting your ground zero with your own blog. Employers with an established company can get a better lifestyle from the bat.

Setting up your own blog, and monetizing (ugh), starting your own business will do a lot of work. There are no estimates of a realistic path or trajectory. Some people have made hundreds of thousands of dollars (or their blogs sold for millions) from their blogs, while others have some percentage of them.

The truth is, when blogging is new, it’s not easy to find your place on the web and it’s not easy to name yourself as a blogger today. This will take a long time for your audience to be successful. (The most successful, multi-million dollar blogs started in 2005 or earlier today.) So if most of your blogs are working full-time, you will be quick to get rich.

How much can you earn from Blogging?

How often your blog depends on how effective you are when your content quality is, how it is competing on your subject, how many people you build, and how to create traffic. Plus the generous sprinkling of luck.

A blog is not really a business – it’s more of a platform for other revenues. Your content does not make you money alone. Instead, you can offer products such as eBooks or premium content to sell advertising, advertising, or marketing, use affiliate marketing to get a sales percentage from people who click on your blog or actually generate revenue. ProBlogger has a wonderful post about these different ways you can make money.

Success does not come quickly or easily not discourage your discouragement, but spend a few months in order to start a lifestyle with your blog. Carefully inspect this advice from bloggers Amy Lin Andrews and Angela of the Coupon Project: Conclusion Talk, I hope this article will help new bloggers who want to make money from blogging in many ways. So please comment or share this article or if any questions, please reply from the comment box.

What Qualities Your Blog should have to Make Money 

Your blog needs to meet the following requirements:

  • Your Blog should have at least three months old.
  • You have to have original content.
  • In addition to paid posts, maintain regular content.
  • Enter your blog with your next step sponsor reviews.

It’s easy to get out of there. Once your blog is approved, you can search for opportunities to make money in blogging. If it sounds simple, it is. Check out ways to improve your blog depending on how many factors you have and make more money for your paid posts.

Now it’s time for you to watch your blog and watch the content.

Is not your blog the primary topic? What are the places where you want to focus on what your readers are looking for sponsor reviews for those opportunities?

Take time to earn your posts, all of them, even for those who do not pay. Create friendly, capable friendly captions. Funny words play funny, but nothing with your post.

Add at least one key point in your title and think of the title of your post as a short post. Spell Check – Post Grammar and Spelling If you do not have a strong suit, try again and hold a friend.

Well, you have crossed the quality factor on your blog, it’s time to start blogging for some money. Search for sponsor reviews accounts and search for opportunities.

New bloggers are often disappointed if advertisers do not accept their bids. The blog is good when speaking. Search for your blog category and reader-matching options. Your blog right sponsor reviews provide tips based on your blog statistics and provide reasonable bidding.

Write quality posts and great reviews.

Write a well-researched, well-thought-out post and related images. Link to appropriate tags on the images and link those photos outside of your blog. Quality writing is going to stand and look more professional.

Get Personal – Create an “About Me” page
Another big way to improve your blog is to increase your blog readers.

Enter your blog with directory sites.
The network with other bloggers.
Blog there for your blog and see it on Twitter.

Great for everyone! You are ready to earn headaches and money blogging! Is this the best? Not only do you make money, but also taking important steps to improve your blog, focus on quality, and boost your blog’s readership. This is a crucial step to earning a large amount of your paid posts. Wait for future posts to make your blog better.
Article By Bandapally Srinivas Goud.

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How to start a free blog

How to create a blog or website

How to Get Google AdSense Approval for Your Blog

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How to Create Images for Website Free (Custom Graphics)

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