How to Create Blogger Blogspot Step by Step [Google Blogger]

If you’re looking for a creative outlet to express yourself, connect with others, and even make some money, starting a blog is an excellent idea. Every day, numerous blogs emerge covering various topics, and many of them have turned into influential brands. While you don’t have to aim for the same level of success as Mashable, Hubspot, or Copyblogger, you can still generate a significant income through blogging.

If you’ve chosen Blogger, Google’s free blogging platform, to kickstart your blogging journey, this article will guide you through the process of setting it up.

Blogger vs. Blogspot

It’s important to understand the distinction between Blogger and BlogSpot. Blogger is a free platform for creating and managing blogs, while BlogSpot is a free domain service provided by Google. Both are integrated within the Blogger platform, with Google hosting your blog on the default BlogSpot domain.

Pros and Cons of Using Blogger

Before diving into the setup process, let’s explore some advantages and disadvantages of using Blogger as your chosen platform.


  • It’s completely free to use.
  • Comes with a free SSL certificate, ensuring secure browsing for your readers.
  • User-friendly interface, making it easier to navigate compared to other platforms like WordPress.
  • Blogger sites are quickly indexed by search engines, often appearing in Google search results within 24 hours of publication.
  • Offers reliable and secure hosting as it is backed by Google.
  • Seamless integration with other Google products, expanding your blogging capabilities.
  • Allows for additional earning potential through display ads.


  • A limited selection of themes and templates.
  • Lack of customization options compared to more advanced platforms.
  • Does not offer built-in eCommerce features or plugins.
  • Google retains complete control over your blog.
  • Customer support can be lacking, especially for the latest updates.

How to Create a Blog on Blogger?

Now, let’s get started with the process of creating your blog on Blogger without the need to purchase a domain or hosting.

Step 1: Log in to Blogger
Visit and sign in using your Gmail ID and password. If you don’t have a Google account, you can easily create one for free. Keep in mind that a Gmail account is required to blog on the Blogger platform, as Google owns it.

Step 2: Choose a Name for Your Blog
Select an engaging and relevant name for your blog that reflects its content and purpose.

Step 3: Choose a URL for Your Blog
Pick a unique URL for your blog. If your desired domain name is already taken, you’ll need to try different options until you find an available one.

Step 4: Confirm Your Display Name
Set a display name for your blog, which can include relevant keywords to enhance its search engine ranking. Once you’re satisfied with the display name, click “Finish,” and your blog is ready to go!

Step 5: Visit Your Website
Enter your new blog’s address in your browser’s address bar to see how it looks. Initially, you may not be satisfied with the appearance, but don’t worry! We’ll explain how to customize and enhance its design to achieve a professional and appealing look.

How to Change the Theme on Blogger?

To change the theme of your Blogger blog and give it a fresh look, follow these steps:

Go to the “Theme” section from the left-hand menu.
Scroll down to explore the various theme options available.
Select the theme you prefer and preview it before applying.
If you want more attractive designs and customization options, consider purchasing premium themes for your Blogspot blog.
Check if Your Blog Is Visible to Search Engines

To ensure your blog can be discovered by search engines, follow these steps:

  • Go to “Settings.”
  • Scroll down to the “Privacy” section.
  • Enable the option that says “Visible to search engines.”

How to Add a Favicon?

A favicon is a small image that appears in the browser’s tab when your website is open. To change the default favicon on Blogger, follow these steps:

  • Go to “Layout” and select “Edit Favicon.”
  • Upload a square image with a file size below 100 KB.
  • Click “Save” to apply the new favicon.

How to Add a Gadget?

You can enhance your blog’s functionality by adding gadgets such as an archive display, label list, or your profile on every page. Here’s how you can add a gadget to your blog:

  • Go to “Layout” in the left menu.
  • Click “Add a Gadget” in the desired area you want to change.
  • Select the desired gadget from the pop-up window and click “Add.”
  • Customize the gadget’s settings by clicking “Edit.”
  • How to Create New Pages for Your Blog?

Creating static pages like “About” or “Contact” can provide additional information to your readers. You can display these pages as tabs at the top or as sidebar links. Follow these steps to create new pages:

  • Log in to your Blogger account.
  • Choose your blog from the drop-down menu.
  • Select “Layout” from the left-hand menu.
  • Click “Add a Gadget” in the section where you want the pages to appear.
  • Click “Add” next to “Pages” in the pop-up window.
  • Set up your page and click “Save.”
  • To save the arrangement, click “Save” again in the bottom-right corner.
  • To add, delete, or edit pages, follow these instructions:
  • Log in to your Blogger account.
  • Choose your blog from the drop-down menu.
  • Select “Pages” from the left-hand menu.
  • Click “New Page” in the upper-left corner to create a new webpage.
  • Fill in the necessary details, including the page title.
  • Click “Save,” “Preview Page,” or “Publish” in the top-right corner.
  • Switch to a Custom Domain

While Blogspot provides a free domain, you can also opt for a custom domain by purchasing one. To switch to a custom domain, navigate to “Settings” and then “Basic.” Select “Add a custom domain” and enter the purchased domain name.

Track Your Website’s Traffic Stats

By visiting “Stats” and then “Overview,” you can access real-time information about your website’s traffic. It displays valuable data such as traffic sources, audience demographics, and keyword insights. Use this information to understand which posts, articles, or pages attract the most traffic.


If you wish to make changes to your blog’s template, go to “Template” and then “Edit HTML.” This section allows you to modify the existing template and even add scripts to the header and footer sections.

Monetize Your Blogspot Blog

There are two ways to monetize a Blogger-based blog:

Placing ads via Blogspot themes: Use the theme settings to display advertising units on every page of your website.
Placing ads on separate blog post pages: This approach allows you to experiment with new ad formats or maintain ad-free pages.
For detailed guidance on monetizing your Blogspot blog using Adsterra ad formats, refer to our comprehensive guide. Regardless of your business’s stage or reputation, these tips can help you generate income through ads.

In conclusion, starting a blog on Blogger is a fantastic opportunity to express yourself, connect with others, and even earn money. In this article, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using Blogger and provided a step-by-step guide on how to create a blog, customize its appearance, add additional functionalities, and optimize it for search engines. Additionally, we covered topics like switching to a custom domain, tracking website traffic stats, editing HTML, and monetizing your blog. By following these instructions, you’ll be well-equipped to establish a successful and engaging blog on Blogger.

Read More:

How to start a free blog

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