How to Write a Blog Post(Blog Post Format)

How to Write Meaningful and Quality Blog Posts [Summary in 2022] 

In spite of your having more than 4 years of experience in your blogging career, still, are you struggling to write perfect blog posts? As I have 4 years of experience in this platform, from my own experience, I will suggest to you the most important tips write a Blogger BlogSpot, WordPress, Wix, and any website blog posts.

Don’t give up whatever field you are in, try consistently until you become successful“. 

What qualities should you have to write a Perfect Blog Post?

Generally, how to write a blog post that is a perfect SEO post that should have a suitable title, H3 H4 headings, relevant meta description, Image Optimisation, keyword phrases, and short paragraphs.

Now if you don’t know how to write a perfect blog post? Plenty of resources are available online that help you with how to write and apply SEO for your blog post.

Actually, what is the post on how it can help full for the people? What pattern should you follow for writing valuable content which gives the solution to the people’s problems? 

Write comprehensive paragraphs

What do you require to write a comprehensive and complete meaningful full blog post? And what elements do you need to add to the blog post?

At the beginning of my blogging career, I was struggling to write a 500 words blog post, At present, I am completely mature to write a post that contains more than  5000 words because my continuous experience helped me a lot to improve my writing skills and efficiency.

Would you like to learn complete SEO skills to write a meaningful blog post? In my own experience, I hope you don’t require it, only you require context and essence of the topic and also just basic English grammatical skills.

How to Write Meaningful and Quality Blog Post[Summary in 2021]

Here, as a unique and special blogger, you should have two qualities of skills. One is you have to provide meaningful and problem-solved content for the online searching people, and the second one is Analysis power on that topic. Then only, you can render valuable and quality content for visitors’ doubts.

Write a unique content

As well as, draw the outline of the post initially,  that it should have an accurate title, and summarised subheadings through which the reader can understand your blog post quickly. If he feels it is an interesting one, then they would like to read, share, and comment on your post.

I don’t like to expand more on this topic, but I would like to announce that just start practicing your writing. Gradually, you will improve when to use appropriate vocabulary, and how to produce quality content for readers.

Are you hesitating to write more content? Then don’t disappoint and also don’t copy the content of the other to fill the content within your post.  If you continue your work like this, you will lose your genuine skills that will impact your long-time career.

Whether you are an expert in writing or not, it is not essential in the early stage. Every blogger feels like that but if you practice writing content consistently without living persistent efforts, one day you will become an expert writer, and blogger.

The simple logic is, that if you do the hard work now, definitely you will be successful and easier to work in the future, or you lose the huge time and opportunity in the blogging career. 

Blog Writing Format(Outline) for Students(How to Write Blog Post Paragraphs)

In the previous post, we learned how to write a perfect blog post?

In that post, we have thoroughly discussed what are the important elements of a blog post to render meaningful content.

Today,  we are going to discuss one of them to improve on-page SEO. As far as beginners are concerned, writing format is a more important thing to produce the best content for your blog.

Keep in mind paragraphs are the heart of any blog post. Because you have to deliver better and more understandable content for the readers as well as paragraphs also part of the SEO strategy to boost the traffic.

Blog Writing Format for Students(How to Write Blog Post Paragraphs)

The simple logic behind a great blog post is the well-organized paragraph that delivers an accurate message and quality content to get the attention of the organic visitors.

To become a popular blogger,  you should have two qualities. One is SEO and the second one is the best writing skills on any topic. As writing is important here, you have to learn and follow your own style of writing format to create the most attractive content.

Why do most popular bloggers always tell the content is King? Because the blog is a collection of related articles that have to create to solve the problems of searching for people online.

What is a Paragraph?

The paragraph is a collection of correlated sentences that contains complex sentences but each Clause is related to one another. Altogether supports one idea but while writing the paragraph of a blog post,  it is better to use short paragraphs to produce simple, and understandable content.

Types of Paragraphs

There are four types of paragraphs such as narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive.

 Narrative paragraphs describe the events of a story.

 Descriptive paragraphs describe the descriptions of the story.

 Expository paragraphs provide information about the story.

 Persuasive paragraphs convince the reader of their story.

Here you can use different paragraph types to give the appropriate message to the reader but all content should support a single idea till the end.

How to start and close a Paragraph?

Each and every paragraph contains the starting and closing sentences. While writing a paragraph, begin with a starting idea. In the middle of a paragraph, use supportive sentences. And also, at the end of the paragraph, use the closing idea of the paragraph to conclude.

How to write clear and short paragraphs in Your Blog?

As a content writer, you have to follow some basic writing rules to produce quality content that should be understandable and meaningful. Then only, returning visitors increase as well as the Bouncing rate reduces. That’s why write clear and short paragraphs with accurate meaning.

Use only 2 to 3 sentences for each paragraph if you use more than five sentences in your paragraph, then, the reader confuses to understand you are content. In fact, sometimes, it is inevitable to use more than five sentences in a paragraph but I always suggest using less than three sentences in each paragraph of your blog post.

How do short paragraphs improve the SEO score of your content?

As per my experience, if you observe the content of popular blogs, they always follow the unique structures to create compelling content, well-organized, and lengthy posts with short paragraphs.

This is my genuine inquiry as per my knowledge. I hope this guide will help you more and more to create more engaging content to convince The Reader as they retain as possible.

If you know more about blog writing format for beginners or students, and how to write organized paragraphs? Please comment below, or don’t forget to share this contact to help other people.

How Long Should a Blog Post Title Be(Catchy Blog Post Titles)

After a Long time of struggle, I realized how to give excellent and catchy titles for your blog post that keeps readers on your blog for a long time. Then how to write titles and headlines of your post to acquire its own meaning. That’s why today decided to reveal my secret about how I have learned in writing or giving suitable titles for each post on my blog.

Write Catchy Titles

As for my experience, simple, easy, and short titles could be very understandable and more accurate. The title should be very short that it should not long more than 6 words.

It has to be meaningful that readers can understand easily and also it should be attractable. Then only visitors can stay for a long time which increases more click-through rate.

In order to learn to write catchy titles, you should know the brief meaning of your blog post. when you know the complete meaning of your article, then you are able to give an apt title for your content.

So, what type of content you are going to present before your readers that you should think about before publishing the content. Readers can be at any mature level which means they can understand merely by looking at your post titles and how much essence your content has. So that frame titles that are simple, meaningful, and motivated. 

If you are a new blogger, if you don’t know how to write titles, then visit the topmost sites that you can find in the top search results. Just see how they are giving titles and headlines for their posts but just see their titles and not copy their titles because you can lose your own identity. 

Because search engines want unique titles and content but they don’t want cloned content. So that you have to learn to create unique and fresh content that is helpful for the readers.

Include keywords in post titles

Naturally, it will take some time to get confidence in writing excellent titles for your blog post but you have to be patient until you get the confidence for creating very easy, understandable titles. 

I want to tell you one more thing before giving a title to your blog post, you have to confirm that title has the keywords of the search results.

Because keyword density is important within the title otherwise it won’t rank on the search results.

So, to rank your content on search results, you have to include keywords in your blog post title. Then there are more choices to rank easily on the first page of search results.

Check Grammar

And one more thing you should remember that give titles without English grammar mistakes and also you should care about the meaning of the title and its essence.

In the initial stage, you may confuse but after some time you can understand what type of title should be apt for your blog post? Frankly, here I am saying that from the beginning onwards, do more hard work to create unique and fresh content, eventually, you will get enormous results in your blogging career believe me.

Conclusion: Please express your ideas for writing catchy titles for blog posts through comments if you know.


If you have an idea about writing a perfect blog post, please comment below, or share this article to help other people.

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