Is It Worth Blogging in 2024?

Тhinking about launching a blog in 2024? The chances are you are also wondering whether it is something worth doing at this point. Well, the short answer is as follows: yes—but there is a twist. Blogging has evolved, and with the advent of AI, social media, and the transformation of user habits you must be on the ball to stay afloat. In today’s article, I will delve into reasons to believe that blogging is still a strong player in town in 2024 while also dedicating time to the must-have strategies to get noticed and enable your blog to blossom. Are you ready to conquer the blog sphere? Let’s go!


Ok, I mean that many are just bananas to even think about, but what is more pertinent is that there are 600M+ blogs in the world today and counting. Yep — I hear you, that is a lot of competition! But you may be wondering: is blogging still worth it in 2024? I mean, never mind social media and video platforms (and AI-creating stuff), the blogosphere is perhaps … I’m a little busy. But wait a second, because in reality? Blogging is just as alive now as it was then — it simply looks different.

The reality of the matter is, things have changed. Once upon a time, the secret was to publish as much as you possibly can and hope for the best. Now? It’s all about strategy. Don’t be too scared by the word “strategy” though. Instead, consider it much like perfecting a recipe for a great cup of coffee: small tweaks to SEO, a pinch of social media promotion, and most importantly a heaping helping of engaging with your readers. And honestly? There are still several big benefits to blogging if you go about it correctly.

Here’s the million-dollar question: is blogging going to be worth it in 2024? Absolutely! However, it is no longer as easy as posting a few posts and getting relaxed. No sir, nowadays it is an art that evolves — from SEO to social media and trends in AI. The good news though is that if you evolve, blogging could still be a truly great platform to build an audience, make money, or just express yourself.

In this blog, we are going to discuss |pros and cons| of Blogging in 2024. From the skills you should develop for your success to how long it takes to rank on Google and what you can do to boost your blog; we got it covered. In fact, I will share a preview of what the future holds in blogging — especially with AI. With that, let’s dig in and get started over coffee (or tea if you are a tea person).

Section 1: Starting a New Blog in 2024 – Does It Stand a Chance?

And so there you are with the question worth a million dollars: “Is it even worth it to start a new blog in 2024?” Blogging has changed so much, after all… and it seems like everyone and their dog already has a blog. Don’t sweat it, here’s the best part: you can still get in there. You just have to tackle it the right way, especially with all that competition out there.

Competition Will Only Increase — And Why That’s a Good Thing

Competition is, not gonna lie — tough. There are 600 million blogs and they are churning out content like there is no end in sight. Before you give up, listen to me. Well, this isn’t so bad. Why? It comes down to — lots of content there may be, but that does not saturate the need for niche-specific good quality content. Hell, everyone craves the latest and most relatable shit all the time.

Here is an analogy: So, you are at a very big party (oh yes, with snacks). Honestly, There Will Be a lot of Noise, But If You Really Have Something Unique To Say Then the Whole Public Will Gather around you!!!! The secret here is to discover your own niche, something that you truly love and you must develop it around a specific audience who even take an interest in it. You are not just word vomiting for a sea of … you are writing to your tribe.

Why You Should Start a Blog Today

“But why start now?” you might ask. The potential is still there…if you play your cards right. And the fact of the matter is, this is what Google truly cares about — new, recent content (it has to be related). By using long-tail keywords (those less competitive phrases) you can also rank faster and with a good SEO strategy, I´m sure that your blog can see some momentum coming. Also, the more high-quality backlinks that point to your blog, the higher your blog can rise in the ranks.

For example, “Nomadic Matt” began his travel blog back in 2008 (forever ago, huh?). It was a bloated space but he differentiated himself by writing about budget travel. That was almost 10 years ago now, and to the present day, he is still a big name in the travel blogging industry. In short, it is still possible to outsize the world — even now.

Stats and Success Stories

For reference, around 77% of web users read blog posts regularly. That is a large pool of people you can reach out to! Blogs that consistently produce quality material end up with a 13x higher chance of positive ROI. The key takeaway? There is certainly an opportunity to do well, but you need to be willing to work hard.

This means, yes — blogging in 2024 does still have a fighting chance if you take your time, be persistent, and always keep it relevant.

Section 2: Is Blogging Still Worth It in 2024 in India and Globally?

In case you are thinking that is it profitable to go into blogging in India in 2024 still the answer will be No way! The potential of the digital market is rising at a fast pace and every day more people use the web. Think of it like a gold rush, but rather than sifting through dirt to find shiny rocks, you publish content that resonates with your target customer.

The new wave of digitization in India is a pretty cool thing at the moment. The internet is larger than ever, and we have more users now, right? Most of these are starving for content in their vernaculars. So, that means if you are a blogger here in India then it provides you an edge to cater to this vast and diversified crowd. Think of it like being at a party with random eaters — you just have to be the snack! Pick your niche—Hindi, Tamil, Telugu—and you can pretty much have a little run with it! Trust me, people will notice.

Now, let us go global because the US scene for blogging is still vibrant albeit with a new-age twist to it. Yes, it is a little aggressive out there, but guess what?! Localized and regional content is the need of the hour. Generic articles are not of any use, they want something which seems like theirs and can be easily related to their culture or region. If you can capitalize on the stories and experiences, or local occurrences of trends — be it India, or US, or Nepal — riding audiences will consistently tune in.

Happy to share a real-life example — Do you know Harsh Agrawal? He is an Indian blogger, who has grown his blog ShoutMeLoud from zero and built it into something REALLY big! He started blogging and teaching others about blogging, and how to make money online in INDIA and now he is a living example of a full-time blogger in India. It’s not just writing — it’s talking to people and fixing things that matter to them.

Going global, Pat Flynn (from Smart Passive Income) has nailed how to serve a niche audience and monetize his blog. Harsh and Pat are living proof that you can grow your blog beyond boundaries with a proper approach.

Yes, in 2024 as well it is worth Blogging wherever you are or from India too. But, again — always make sure anything you publish is and feels human beings like me find it beneficial. That is what keeps people coming back!

Section 3: Ranking on Google in 2024 – Techniques Every Blog Needs

First, will you be ranking on Google in 2024 or not? It is a never-ending puzzle, isn’t it? Fortunately for you, there are some awesome ways that we can break the code times 10! Trying to rank a blog can feel like scaling an enormous mountain, but you can reach the top faster than you think if you are smart about it (and I know you are). Alright — get a cup of coffee in hand & let’s spill the secrets starting with blogging!

Keyword Research: How to Target Low Competition Keywords

Let us take a look at keyword research first. Now, yes I know this sounds like something only tech wizards would use unfamiliar phrases with complicated formulas about how the answer to life is 4 and a smile but it really isn’t that bad. Picture this: you are browsing around a flea market and there is one stall that has gathered quite a crowd around it. As in not getting seen anytime soon, I HOPE? OK, now what if you went to a more isolated stall where fewer people are? BAM — you would get noticed immediately! And that is how low-competition keywords work. Identify those “silent stalls” (less competitive keywords), and you are golden! Sniff out these gems with tools like Ubersuggest or Ahrefs. You’ll rank faster, trust me.

Media and Marketing → Search Content Optimization: Long-Tail Keywords, Headers, Multimedia.

Since then, let’s turn the focus on ensuring your content really sparkles. The Magic of Content Optimization One way to do this? Long-tail keywords. That is all — just longer, more detailed search queries. Instead of deciding “coffee” while searching, think about it as a substitute for the “best coffee for cold brew in India”? These will be important in helping you connect with the right crowd.

Oh, and headers as well. I mean those headings that are H2 and H3 tags. This will make your content readable and Google surely only hops on this. Add some visual content or even a short video — multimedia turns your page into an engaging experience. Plus, readers (like me!) would also be more likely to stay around.

How to Build Backlink {Quality Over Quantity}

OK, so here is a little tale. Yours truly used to think he could skyrocket rankings by just blasting a bunch of backlinks. But no, not Google. And remember, backlinking isn’t about the most, but the best. Consider it as receiving a recommendation from the stars vs. Middle street folk You should try to get the highest quality links from authority sites. Guest post or collaborate with other bloggers in your niche (it is like making friends online) Better fewer, but better.

Responsive Design and Fast Load Speeds (Mobile Optimization)

Finally, some good ol’ mobile optimization action. You know the feeling: you try to browse on your phone only to have the website load incredibly slowly or look a little… off. You’d leave, right? Your readers feel the same way. Ensure your blog is mobile-friendly. Ensure it works on any screen and loads quickly with responsive design. Google PageSpeed Insights or similar tools can assist you in identifying what is slowing you down.

So, there you have it! Those are the key strategies that will rank on Google in 2024. Implement it now and have a boost on your blog climbing the search results. And… listen, if you get stuck, just know — everyone starts at zero.

Ready to rank? Let’s do this!

Section 4: Essential Skills for Successful Blogging in 2024

Here’s a list of 5 such skills that you will need for your blog to take off – whether you start it in 2024 or between now and then. Blogging might seem easy at first — who has a hard time with writing, hitting publish, and they are scuttling off the life of those server reads? But honestly, there is more. In this post, I am going to take you around four core competencies that are required to build a thriving, and not just surviving blog.

SEO Skills: On-Page and Off-Page SEO Techniques

First things first—SEO. It reminds me of how a built-in GPS for your blog,g to guide search engines right to you. It is and your blog is otherwise like a treasure chest buried with no map. On-page SEO deals with what you do on your website– keyword density, headings, meta descriptions (Go Aperian way), and internal links. In the off-page, You are talking about backlinks, social shares, and external-based stuff. However, as they work hand in hand to increase your SERP Standing, rest assured neither of them is as intimidating as it may sound. The number-one thing you need to understand as a beginner is how to write keyword-rich content and gain backlinks. Remember, the algorithms of Google change often — stay ahead with concepts like E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust).

Creating Content: How To Write Quality, Compelling Content

I mean, maybe SEO drives people to your blog, but content is what will keep them there. Keyword stuffing will not get you anywhere with a potential blog post. People want value. They are all looking for answers, entertainment, or a fresh viewpoint. This is why readability and relevance are of concern when writing. Write short paragraphs, bullet points, and headings that will make the content easier to scan through by humans who love it. And never forget that you have a voice, unlike anyone else. At the end of the day, humans read your work. Inject a little personality and maybe even whip out a couple of jokes — but don’t go overboard.

Marketing & Relationships — Love Thy…

You might as well write the best content in the world because if nobody reads it, what is even the point? Yes, marketing and networking are as important as blogging itself — creating relationships with other bloggers or influencers or your readers can help a lot. Be part of communities, help others by sharing their content, and engage genuinely with us. Don’t just self-post 24/7 — no one will appreciate that. Be friends with it, Push and Pull through simulation.

Analysis: Measuring and Boosting Performance

Now it starts to get a little nerdy — but bear with me! Your secret sauce is mastery of data analysis. Things like Google Analytics show you where you’re good and what’s not…well, not. You can see how many visitors you get to your blog, how long they stay, and which posts are the most (or least) popular. Based on this data, you can tweak your strategy. Perhaps your readers adore “how-to” guides but never read up on your product reviews. Knowing this allows you to produce more of what they might want.

And there you have it. And Not Blogging in 2024 shouldn’t be too difficult to understand either!_ If you are good with SEO, generate content that people want to read, build relationships, and have an outsized ability to analyze data then that list is your oyster. So, what are you waiting for? Get in there and start blogging professional style!

Section 5: Growing a Blog from 0 to Higher Traffic

So, you’ve started a blog. That’s awesome! And now the hard part — encouraging people to read it. Seriously, trust me I have actually been there staring at blog analytics wishing that anyone other than my mother would click on my posts. And now we get into how to increase that blog traffic, even if you’re just starting out. And we mean actual, real-life things you can start doing today.

Regular Content: Have a Publication Schedule and Stick to It

This is probably something you have heard a million times before because it is so true. And guess what? It’s true. It is like how you go to a gym. Going once a month, results are not going to be seen. The same goes for your blog. Develop a content calendar (and follow it). Your readers will get accustomed to it, and so will Google. Also, knowing what is coming next can make it easier for you to think of “Well what do I post now?”. and keeps you motivated.

PRO TIP: Schedule writing time, and set reminders. I promise you, your future self will thank you.

Guest Posting: Guest Blogging For Increasing Audience

That is when you have to start thinking a little three-dimensional. In digital marketing, Guest posting is akin to being invited to a party that no one knew you were coming to but you leave with new friends. While this will take longer, guest blogging on other blogs in your niche introduces you to a greater audience. Tip: you normally receive a link back to your blog — good for SEO. I started out writing for a large blog, and my traffic exploded overnight. I mean it, this is a biggie.

Pro Tip: Go with smaller, or mid-sized blogs before going for the big players. Getting your first job is a lot easier.

Sphinx search for Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram individual campaigns 12 Pure grid social media integration (via Kenneth J.)

Ah, social media — where the magic happens. It can be daunting, I get it but know that you matter everywhere. Concentrate on a couple of systems where your intended interest group invests their energy. Pinterest is an example of a platform that is great for traffic if you blog because it’s search engine friendly rather than social. It’s quick updates on Twitter and visual storytelling on Instagram.

And engage, not just throw up links! Show behind the scenes, ask questions, and engage with your followers. I will never forget how I stumbled on to my first viral post on Pinterest. It felt like winning the lottery!

Why Email Marketing is an Essential Tool to Build an Email List for Long-Term Success

Let’s talk via email. Yes, it may seem archaic but email marketing is golden. Unlike Facebook or other social networks, you own your list. No one can take it from you. Also, the readers who subscribe to you via email are your most loyal. Since they gave you their email, they are obviously interested in what it is that you have to offer.

Start simple. Create a lead magnet, like a free checklist or eBook, and put an email sign-up form on your blog. In the beginning, I was resistant to starting my email list but now it is one of my favorite parts about blogging — I feel like I have a little posse of die-hard fans.

You can increase your blog traffic without difficulty or stress. Bottom Line Remember: keep things consistent, use guest posts strategically, leverage social media for bigger wins, and do not miss out on email! You got this! Now, get on writing the next one cause your readers are waiting!

Section 6: How Long Does It Take to Rank a New Blog in 2024?

You are probably excited that you have finally launched your blog and you cannot wait to start seeing it on the first page of Google right? This is the scary part right — ranking a new blog in 2024 is not easy but it also isn’t impossible. Although you can definitely speed it up with a little patience and some smart strategies.

Regular Content: Get on a Posting Schedule, Damnit

You know what’s crucial? Consistency. Google loves it. If you wanted to get back in shape, are you only going to work out once a month and call it good? The same goes for blogging. You have to set a schedule and follow it. Being consistent with blogging lets Google know that you are an effective content marketer, not a merely one-hit wonder. Also, your audience will be grateful that you keep them informed as to when they can expect new content. A good rule of thumb? Shoot for a minimum of 2 posts/week.

Guest Posting: The Cool Way To Build Your Audience

If you have not yet jumped into the guest posting train, then what are you waiting for? Guest blogging is not only sharing your knowledge with others, it means you are borrowing the audience of someone else. By writing a guest post, you are not just earning backlinks (what Google values), but you are also getting some readers who may never have discovered your blog. Back door entrance into the world of blogging.

How to optimize social media strategies, Twitter & Pinterest

Ah, social media. It is either you love it or hate it, case closed. Places like Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram can provide the reach a blog needs while waiting on Google. Picture this: You write an amazing post, pin it to Pinterest & all of a sudden, you have a viral pin npm set Now you have traffic coming in, and guess what? Google notices that too. It’s a win-win.

The Secret to Long-Term Success with Email Marketing

Email marketing is like having a direct line to your audience (seriously, check out this data). By building an email list, you foster relationships and establish the readers’ trust in your site which can prevent them from wandering too far off elsewhere when your latest post is not ranking yet. Moreover, traffic that is yours whenever you release a newsletter with your newest content. And the best part? It is yours — free from algorithm changes and arbitrary rules. Just you and your readers.

In fact, How Long Will It Really Take to Rank?

Now, let’s talk about timelines. When it comes to the updates that Google implements, it can take around 3 to 6 months before you can actually observe any improvements. Months, not weeks (yes, you read that right). But, there’s good news! Long-tail keywords, backlink building, and optimizing for featured snippets can help you get even quicker results.

Basically playing the long game and being strategic. So, what’s the takeaway? With some practice of the methods listed above, alongside consistency, guest posts (as well) social media, and email marketing over time could expedite the process and cool you in sooner than expected by Google. Hang in there!

Section 7: Strategies to Follow for Ranking on Google in 2024

Refresher Content: Breathe Life Into Old Posts

You know, reread an old blog post and think to yourself, “Man, that sounds ancient…?” You’re not alone! Content Refreshing: Possibly the best way to keep your blog alive in 2024. It is much like renovating your blog. Spruce up an older post with updated stats, fresh links, or even just a tweak to your intro. Google is the biggest fan of fresh Content and believe me, this will revive all your old posts. Also, it is easier than coming up with completely new content. Pro tip: And then you write a post targeting that one keyword, make it rank at the top of Google every time a new keyword is popping up because we started to mention it in the article.

First come, first serve: Featured Snippets.

The holy grail of SEO — featured snippets. If you have ever seen a tiny box located at the top of Google search results, that is what we are looking for. Essentially you are in a type of race to achieve this rank, but the trick → answer the question with content that easily flows. For example, if you are writing a post on “How to rank a blog,” begin with a quick and easy answer just below your header, then explain yourself. Google loves that. Sort of like presenting the search engine with your biggest and best content on a silver platter. And we can all be true to ourselves here, everyone likes winning.

Use Structured Data To Talk To Google

Have you ever felt like you are talking but no one is really listening? That is what your blog looks like without structured data (a.k.a. schema markup). And it’s akin to showing Google a map of your stuff. Schema is also important because it helps search engines understand what your page actually is and means: you increase your chances of landing on the prime spots known as rich snippets. It is getting you heard, not overheard.

E-A-T: How to Build the Trustworthiness of Your Blog

Now, what does E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) mean? It all sounds very posh but essentially this is just Google trying to work out — are you for real? You need to demonstrate that you are an authority on your subject to build a reputation. Have you used them yourself, do outsiders attest; show proof and your badges! Well, if you have been in the game for years, show it off! Bonus points if you have actual testimonials or case studies. The result is that trust will build over time — and in 2024, trust means everything.

Fact: The higher the trust people have in you, the more they return and the more Google knows. Simple, right?

These strategies are helping you to play the SEO game not only play but win it. Then: Yes, by all means, show your blog a little love!

Section 8: Getting Traffic Beyond Google – Other Ways to Drive Traffic

And you’re probably busting your chops trying to get your blog ranked on Google, right? But did you know that there are other super effective ways to explode your blog’s traffic? True, you do not need to prioritize a basket with all of your eggs called Google. In this article, we are going to discuss some fun and creative ways to reach more eyeballs to your content!

Load the viral baster and start social media marketing.

You know when you scroll through Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and something just.. Blows up? So, that could very well be your blog content! Fast lane organic traffic: Social media If the catchy, engaging, or straight-up hilarious content is there then people will share faster than you can believe. The truth is, that short videos, memes, or posts about stuff that people across the world can relate to are likely to go viral. On a single viral post and, believe me — more traffic then you can imagine.

Also, do not limit to one channel Insta, Facebook, Twitter + Pinterest. Your audience could be anywhere of the above. Well, it is going to be backed by hashtags are your friends? The Individuals To IncorporateWhat will assist you in captivating a wider market are the appropriate kinds of individuals. On a personal note, I shared one quirky little graphic on Instagram for blogging tips as well, and my traffic jumped in a day it was….

By Teaming Up with Other Bloggers & Referral Traffic

A one-to-the-million chance: working with another blogger feels almost like hiring a vigilante or two. There is a mutual benefit for both of you to share the load and work together towards growing each other’s audience. Therefore you can write guest posts, you can link to each other, or even set up interviews. It is the virtual equivalent of inviting a whole bunch of friends over, and they end up introducing you to their other friends. This has worked wonders for me too personally! I coordinated a guest post swap with another blogger in my niche. The result? Both of our sites saw a good increase in traffic.

Moving Beyond the Written Word: Podcasting and Youtube

If you haven’t started podcasting and YouTube, are you asleep nowadays?? Seriously. Seeing as how the year is 2024, diversification of your content delivery is key. Podcasts have got people HOOKED, and videos are CRAZY popular. Picture giving a casual chatty podcast on whatever the core topics of your blog are about or filming an entertaining YouTube where you share fast little tips. You get audiences that you would never have access to from Google fines.

In reality, I started an unassuming YouTube channel a while back sharing the history of blogging and while I may not be the next big thing on YouTube; it did convert viewers into regular readers for my blog.

When It Makes Sense to Pay to Advertise

I am aware that the phrase paid ads can send shivers down your spine but, SORT NOW!!! Not a bad idea to put in some money on Google/other ads to get that traffic flow into your blog, especially when you are just starting out. The key is to not overdo it. Begin as a small entity, find out what resonates, and expand accordingly. Give your blog a fill-up — A little can get it steaming ahead, or added in too-big doses can burn it out.

Plus, it doesn’t need to cost a fortune. A small budget on Facebook or Instagram ads might be all you need to further push your content. I ran a Facebook ad for only $10 once and it drove a noticeable amount of blog traffic that week.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it; some other methods of driving traffic to your blog that don’t involve Google or even make it the most significant one. The key? Experiment, refuse to allow fear to paralyze you, and have compassion on your journey- it is a marathon, not a sprint. Ready to give it a go?

Section 9: Best Blogs of 2024 and What They’re Doing Right

Have you ever been scrolling through a blog and thought, wait, how the heck did they get so good? But it is worth diving a bit deeper because there are some blogs out there that are performing exceptionally well indeed in 2024 — and there is much to be gleaned from their example.

What Sets These Blogs Apart?

This one is for Blog A — wellness, because of how it consistently appears on search. They have mastered storytelling. After all, every piece feels like a conversation with a pal — and that is imperative. Your audience must be emotionally satisfied. ☹ Their secret sauce? Consistency. They don’t post whenever they want, no — they have a schedule to follow and adhere to. Readers know when to check back in for more and they do.

And also Blog B – The tech review type. What really sets them apart? The way they communicate their content is exciting, and it translates the complex stuff in layman’s words such that it makes you say, “Oh, I see. Not to mention they also kick ass at product comparisons and lists, because c’mon, who doesn’t like a good top 10? It can feel as if tech shopping has been demystified for you.

Strategies They’re Using

It is not all writing, but writing smartly. Most read blogs in 2024 are:

You Need SEO Optimization: Although it is a bit around the block, it works. They find the perfect (not keyword-stuffed) keywords, conduct research, and basically outrank everyone.

Engagement Techniques: They get their audience talking in the comments, and are shared on social media or through newsletters. More conversations result in more traffic!

Multiple Traffic Sources (not just all from Google) Nope. They amass readers from Pinterest, YouTube, or even TikTok.

What Replaced Blogging? — Future of Blogging After AI

So you might be thinking: Ok, AI is already well on its way to invading content creation… is traditional blogging ever going to survive? Yeah, it is changing still but not quite dead—promise.

AI Tools in Content Creation

AI is without a doubt revolutionary. It helps bloggers put out content faster, optimize the crap outta it for SEO, and even know what their audience wants to read next. But the thing is. AI cannot take over your voice. Instead, people want to see humans being human. The best blogs will always have that human touch, so as useful as AI can be, it might not take over quite yet.

Are Video and Podcasts the New Kings?

Like, what sane person doesn’t enjoy a grip of the latest chapters in their favorite YouTube series or some podcast listening to them bang-out reps? Yeah, same here. People are just adding video and audio to what has always already been done online, including blog posts. Blogs are dead and gone, long live the blog Podcasters vlog syndicated Posts Bugs conflicts_documentation Improvements pervasive_features_drafts a year ago On March 26, 2018 — I don’t think this subject can be covered too much; blogging is an important element of your online reputation.

The Rise of Microblogging

It is a game-changer for even platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Microblogging —Super-brief, punchy posts that are great for encouraging engagement. A mini-blog post the Instagram caption. It’s small, quick and effective.

Hybrid Strategies: Something For Everyone

If you want to stay up-to-date, you must switch between them. Blog, video, social media, newsletters, and even AI-generated summaries — the future of blogging is a hybrid. You can start thinking about it as killing two birds with one stone.


Alright, let’s recap! Therefore, is blogging even a thing in 2024? Absolutely! Then let’s face it, now it’s not quite a walk in the park. Writing IQ is not sufficient anymore: Because there is already so much out there. You need dynamic strategies — be it SEO, stellar content creation, or even a healthy dose of social media. To be completely honest, blogging these days is akin to trying to juggle a dozen things at the same time but once you find your rhythm, it feels so good.

Now I want to know… Action Step: Thinking about starting a blog this year? Or maybe you have been thinking about it for a long time and you do not know where to start. Either that or you have started and come up against a brick wall. Leave a comment below, and let’s have a discussion through it! Like we are stuck knee-deep all in all of this together —Greg, brother Ferguson Without a what???

Last words: if I had to sum up my thoughts, it would be like this: blogging in 2024 is A tree. The first thing about Bitcoin, it takes time to grow, patience is needed and lots of care in the beginning BUT once you get a hand on how it grows this thing is kinda amazing. Regardless of whether you blog for fun, business, or just to raise awareness about a topic you are passionate about; always be learning, being open-minded, and willing to try. And you know what, if you fall harder, then that is life too.

And so, dream those blogging dreams! Systematic Pension Plan In a month or two, maybe you’ll have some success tips of your own to share with aspiring bloggers. And admit it, you would probably be amazing.

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