Real Estate

The 7 Best Real Estate Online Schools with Certificates[Free]

Real estate schools across the world teach online lessons for agents and brokers. In order to pass the examination to get your licenses,  Here I suggested a few best Real Estate education Schools where they teach you courses whenever you’re free? Before appearing for the exam, students need to attend online classes and complete a […]

How to Start a Real Estate Business with No Money in India

Do you want to start a real estate business without investment or no money?  are you new to this business?  don’t you have a single penny or rupee in your pocket? if so, what do you do to start a real estate business? as a real estate agent or investor, I have some experience in […]

What is Real Estate Investment(Types of real estate)

In this article, we will know about what is Real Estate Business? its definition, its type, and how to start it? Role of the agent in the business, top 10 companies, Real Estate services websites, and more in detail. What is The Meaning of Real Estate Business The real meaning of real estate is a […]

How long does it take to become a real estate agent

Are you thinking to start your career as a real estate agent? As a new agent, do you have confusion? How long does it take to become a successful real estate agent? Not only the above question but also you might have doubt about how much money does a real estate agent make?  These questions […]

How Much Money Does a Real Estate Agent Make in a Year

As an agent, how much money do you earn in a year, month, and in a lifetime? These doubts arise in your mind when you initiate a career as an agent. It is common for all new agents in real estate. Because I also had the same doubts when I started my career as a […]

How to Become a Real Estate Agent in India

To become a real estate agent, what do you do? That is to become a successful real estate agent. As an agent and broker, I know how to become a reliable real estate agent? In the journey of real estate, as an agent, I experienced and faced many ups and downs. Sometimes, unexpected disappointments, sudden […]

Real Estate Business: Plan, Ideas, Types

From this content, you will learn what is real estate. Real estate types, definitions, and top real estate companies. Also, Investing methods in the real estate business and their pros and cons. Finally, a complete guide on Real estate. Since 2017, I have been in the real estate business in India. Since then I have […]

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