How Many Ways You Can Define Success? Defining Success

Do you know? defining success is very hard. Likewise, explaining the exact meaning of success is also impossible.

Is there any parameter to measure success? As I know, there is no limit to success, rather you can define success in many ways.

Suppose you already have succeeded in a specific field, that means, are you a completely successful person?

Is there nothing left to achieve more in your life?

Can you tell me the answer to this question? If you know, please express your thoughts in the comment section.

Candidly, this is my personal view that there is no exact definition and measurement to validate success’s meaning.

But here, I found some definitions of success which are taken from different categories of life achievements and stories of successful people.

These definitions I have got from my own personal observations of my life till now and also from readings of most successful people’s biographies.

When you search for the “Success Meaning” in the google search engine, in its results you will find the definition of success or meaning of success is “ an accomplishment of purpose or goal” or “ getting fame, social status, and wealth”.

Therefore, why am I writing this article? And what is the basic motivation behind this effort?

Because, most people lose their confidence, desire, ambition, and efforts when they fail in a particular aim they chose.

How Many Ways Can You Define Success? Defining Success

However, you might have lost one area, but you will have many alternative success paths in another area. So, do not discourage failures that happen in certain fields. There would be many opportunities waiting for you in different forms.

Furtherly, From my own perspective, let us learn about Success Types and their definitions.

Social success

Family success, community success, regional success, artistic success, and occupational success come under social success. 

Firstly, Defining family success means improving the whole family life, raising children in a successful way, living peacefully and joyfully, and becoming all family members successful in their respective fields.

Likewise, Community level success is basically holding responsibilities of a group of people in the same community.

And leading their life and improving their livelihood, status, values, identity, and customs in the society and striving for their upliftment, and finally becoming leaders of that community.

Similarly, Regional success is getting fame in a certain area and serving, and helping to people of that region the achievement of social and financial progress.

Also, artistic success means getting genuine skills and becoming an expert in crafts, arts, and designing the useful small things that are useful in implementing activities of daily life.

Finally, occupational success is, in India people depend on different occupations to lead their village life.

From the ancient age, achieving and becoming successful in specific occupations and getting the rewards and respect in that occupation. 

Political Success

Some people around the world dream since their childhood to become the president, governor, parliamentarian, and legislative member of their own country or region.

In that way, they will join any political party, contest in the elections, and fight for social service on behalf of the people.

They participate in people movements, fight for people’s rights, and often hold meetings to gather people to put forward their social agenda, and schemes.

Thus, they will become successful politically. And They get portfolios, become president, or get any nominated berth.  

Corporate success

Business success, entrepreneurial success, organizational success, industrial success, and Startup success come under corporate success.

Establishing a software, or any service-based IT company, and proving the employment for IT students and running it successfully.

In the 21st century, many startups and small organizations are emerging and becoming successful in a short time. As well you can also find the best successful IT organizations on the world platform.

Some of the best examples and inspirational successful corporate people are Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Mukesh Ambani, and Steve Jobs.

Material success

Innovation and invention success and machinery success comes under Material success.

It is something that becomes successful in inventing machines, vehicles, gadgets, and technological things and getting a reputation and awards in this segment.

For example, Karl Benz is the best example and he became a successful person in inventing cars.

One more best example success story regarding material success is writing brothers who invented and flew in 1903 and became successful.

Self success

Getting a job, winning games, awards, and title-winning, and becoming a celebrity comes under self-success.

Defining self-success means individual success such as cracking the job interview, getting praise in sports and games, and winning medals and awards.

Because of social services, and earning huge fans from around the world by performing and acting on silver screens.

Spiritual success

There are many spiritually successful people around the world. They are enlightened and keen observers of people’s minds and society.

They will get the knowledge from scriptures and preach essential values to people’s wellbeing.

Martin Luther, Moses, Dalai Lama, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Osho, Guru Nanak, and Gautam buddha are the best examples of successful spiritual leaders.

Eternal Success

Permanent achievements and gifts for this world come under eternal success. It is permanent until This universe exists.

Eternal successful people define this universe in their own perspective, assessment, and long insight, and they impact people of the world and universe.

The best examples are Hindu gods Rama, Krishna, and also Allah, Christ, and in this modern world Sadhguru, and other supreme beings.

These superpowers define human life in their own definition. They influence and are eternal in people’s hearts.

And also, Thomas Alva Edison invented the bulb which gives light not only to the people but also to this world.

He is also in my opinion an eternal successful human being in this universe.

Universal Success: Some Eternals are like gods whatever they teach and preach it helps the universe. They regard every creature as wonderful in this universe and they will give valuable information to people.

Moral Success

Living his own life without harming any creature on this earth.  It is a selfless success. These kinds of people follow moral values in their entire life.

They are not greedy and do not have any desires. So, They live a very simple, calm, happier, and composed life. 

Whatever they do, completes morally. they do not lie, cheat, be jealous, or seek.

Immoral success

Making money by utilizing the resources of the public and becoming rich. Even though it is a bad thing, it is also one of the success types. 

Some people are very greedy and dominant. So these kinds of people choose bad paths to be successful in their life.

Whether it’s bad or good, they do not care, they only think about money and the reputation behind it.

Objective success

Setting up a goal and achieving it in life. Some people set up goals from their childhood and they strive for them and they become successful in that goals.

These people are goal-oriented. Till last, they travel on a single path and achieve success in that specific path.

Whereas accomplishment also has an alternative meaning for success that ambitious people work for something that they wish for and they will be successful in their life.

Similarly, Satisfaction is another form of success in many lives.

That is like some people are satisfied with whatever they do.

Validation is also one more definition of success. Because, some people assume that I did this work, achieved it, and become successful. So, they validate their success themselves.

Progress and growth also have similar meanings of success because some people progress in their knowledge, and efficiency because they assume it as success.

Actually, we never expect when, why, how, where, and what time success comes?

The real meaning of success

Success means to succeed. There is no one who does not think about not succeeding, but it is not so easy to succeed. The word success is easy and sweet, but we have to work hard to succeed.

Sometimes we have doubts about whether we can succeed in real life because of the circumstances we face.

A lot of people can achieve what they want, why can’t you? You might have thought the same thing in your mind many times.

Then my mind asked me a question. So what is success in your thought? Do you know what success means?

Can we do whatever we want and grow to the level where everyone takes us as inspiration! Thought. But that doesn’t really mean success! Wondering what else?

Most people think success is having a good job, money, property, and good respect from their peers. But do not neglect the goals required for a happy life.

Part of success is prioritizing family relationships, physical and mental health, safety, helping others, improving our creativity, being as happy as possible, and having the mental courage to not give up too much in adversity.


Dear readers, if you know more about “defining success” and success meaning” in your definition, please comment below, or share this content to help others.

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