How to Find Peace and Joy in Your Life(Happiness and Pleasure)

Happiness or joy and peace are essential things in everyone’s life but without them, we couldn’t find our complete life. Is it possible to always preserve peace and joy in our life? As per my knowledge, it may not possible to find happiness and peace in your life all the time because as human beings, sometimes we experience joy, sadness, physical inflicts, emotional prospects, and many psychological cycles that may occur in a day, twice for a week or whenever you experience positive or negative incidents that happen to you in your real life.

Whenever your results are positive at that moment you enjoy more but when you fail that time you feel sad. Why because you always think the actions should happen in your way. But it isn’t possible. In this society, some people may like you, some may not. Whether it is a working place, society, or home place. Even if you are the owner of a company, some of your company employees may hate your behavior, work, or words. So, positive and negative reactions are common in this society. But, it all depends on how you receive each reaction emotionally for each action.

One important thing you should always remember is that society never changes the way you think but partially it can happen if you try hard. Here, I will tell you what things frequently cause emotional and psychological feelings in your brain.

Conflicts between wife and husband, stress due to office work, colleague’s teasing, boss harassment, insults from your relatives, and backlashes from the society around you can impact your peace of mind and happiness.

So, how to find inner peace and happiness within yourself? Let us find some ways.

Know Yourself

First of all, knowing yourself is the initial step to start realizing yourself. Because without knowing and changing yourself you could not understand others and the objectives around you.

So, understand how your physical and psychological structure reflects your thoughts and actions every day. As well, how your biological system of the body is working and how you emotionally and physically react to every action you do.

Most of the people are sad about thinking about what had happened to them yesterday and also they overthink what will be going to happen tomorrow. What they think are only mere imaginations that may happen or may not happen. But ultimately overthinking causes complex psychological dimensions in their brain that pave to severe emotional and physical misbehaviors. Eventually, it turns into misery and unhappiness.

In order to achieve peace and joy within yourself, stop overthinking. Let things be the way they are because only we should focus on the final result. We can’t decide the future and change the past but what can you do? It is the only thing you should do hard work, results later. If you fail, try until you get success, and also if you win, just enjoy it and achieve more.

Now, let us know, how to know yourself? For this, Yoga is the ultimate destination. learn how to practice yoga and meditate for at least 1 hour per day. Unless you realize yourself, know what you are? What do you think? How do you react to each action that happens around you, how do you get emotional, and how your physical body behaves for each action? To know all these things, choose a calm and peaceful face where no one can disturb you until you realize yourself.

The time you realize and know yourself, then onwards you can understand what is society and people around you? Then, you don’t need anybody’s help and also ultimately you can enjoy joy and peace yourself.

Understand your surrounding world

Think now about how you have been understanding your surrounding world since childhood. Which incidents are making you worse or sad and which incidents are filling joy and peace in your mind till now. Introspect yourself deeply about all these things and how those things impact your present life and what are consequences of your past actions are. First of all, variate all these things separately and each of those impacts your life. To know all that will take some time. So, until you realize all these things, you have to wait with patience. Do this, sit lonely, close your eyes and start reminding yourself of your past actions and consequences. And how much have you lost from them and how much did you benefit from them and which results have deeply hurt you. Finally, your mind starts thinking about what mistakes you don’t make in the future and how to behave with your surrounding society?

Connect with People’s mind and Nature

If you are a busy person, then visit natural places like greenery forests, waterfalls, rivers, sea beaches, and beautiful natural faces at least once per month. These beautiful places change your mindset and also give immense joy and peace. Natural terrains calm your mind and instigate fresh thoughts that help you to start a new life and also helps to implement new ideas in your business.

As human beings, let us understand our surrounding people. It is our responsibility to recognize other people’s characteristics. Then only, we can understand their feelings and learn how to mingle with them? When we meet somebody, we are able to estimate their character. So, know what other people expect from you and how to interact with them? If you become an expert in these things, you can easily make bonding with even strangers. Ultimately, the best conversation and good relationship help you to grow your business. Because, well bonding employees or colleagues supports more to grow your personal growth. Conversely, when you get respect from a society that fills joy and peace that further encourages you to develop your social and financial growth.

Be Yourself, Don’t immerse into other Characters

As a person, you are your, never become another person. So, when you start following other characters, you will lose your own identity. For that, if you want your special recognition, don’t follow others’ paths. You should create your own identity so that you know what you are? What are your weaknesses and strengths? If you are weak in any area, concentrate on it and learn how to improve yourself. Sometimes, if you follow other paths, there are more chances to trap in others’ failures pits. So, be careful. If you believe your path or sense, you never regret yourself but when initiating something you have to assess. That means your own ideas and creativity can help to be calm and peaceful which enhances your energy physically and mentally.

Find peace in every object of this world

Just remember, we are not owners of any of the universe and also we can’t decide others’ character. So, for each and everything you have to adjust. Everything depends on our understanding of other objects in this universe so we have to find peace and joy from that.

First of all, you have to learn how to calm yourself? Then only, you can expect peace and joy from others. Start looking at everything positively, then your thoughts become positive. When you see everything positive, your actions get wonderful results.

When you exist, everything is there, when you perish, nothing is there.

Then, why are you assuming everything is yours.

Just know what you are? Be calm, do joy and achieve something easily. 

So, never fall into psychological depression regarding anything in this universe.


If you know more about how to get joy and peace, please express your thoughts in the comments.

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