6 Steps for Spiritual Growth in Everyday Life

6 steps to spiritual growth in everyday life.

Six Paths to Spiritual Bliss!

When the new year comes, we will read dozens of books. We want to get rid of the habits that haunt us. I want to train anyway. All these things are fine and for our hearts to be happy. If you want to reach spiritual maturity, you must know what to do.

We have an early morning puja as part of our routine, sometimes we go to the temple. everyone does it. I am proposing.

Pray with a pure heart

Prayer with a pure heart yields excellent results. Prahlad’s life is a good example of how a person who thinks God is all can face all problems with joy.

No matter how many misdeeds Prahlad had committed against Hiranyakashipu’s son, he suffered nothing. Prahlad, who spent his life meditating only on Hareena’s death, experienced it happily, never feeling that he had any real problems.

A person must be able to have such dedication. Prayer with a pure heart has great power. So we also need to purposely remember God for a few moments during the day. It is like direct communication with God.

Reading is essential

In modern life, every step of life’s journey is like a struggle. In order to withstand the pressures of war…you should think calmly. The Bhagavad Gita is a wonderful book that provides this power and promotes spiritual development.

According to psychologists, if we make it a habit to read many books throughout the year, and incorporate the Bhagavad Gita into it, our mindset will improve.

It is said that there will be a big change in mental maturity. It is enough to read one or two shlokas a day and understand their meaning. Even if I could go to Satsang, my heart would not change.

After all, if you have time, go to an orphanage, and donate food, and these are good habits. But we should be able to make this service an unstoppable part of our lives.

Offering some of our wealth, education, skills, time, and everything else.
should be used. Even if we chat a little with the elderly, sharing our education with poor children also grows our inner knowledge.

The immense happiness that comes from this charity is said to be like a stepping stone on a spiritual path.

Shrine time

Taking a vacation once in a while is something everyone does to escape the stress of work. This time around, we recommend including at least a few shrines in your list of places to visit.

Don’t underestimate that it’s too early to go to Gullu-Gopuras. Your body may become immobile in old age, so please be patient and visit many shrines.

As I sit in my old age with my eyes closed, the whole experience of the pilgrimage comes to mind. in memory of her… You can attain spiritual bliss.

Meditation is the key

Our bodies are likened to temples. We must be able to keep our hearts pure as the temple is kept clean. In other words, you need to eliminate distracting, unnecessary thoughts and develop a positive attitude. For this to be possible, meditation must be a habit.


Forgiveness is considered an adornment of the strong. Forgiveness can conquer the world itself. Gitacharya says forgiveness is one of the qualities a devotee should have.

He explains that not even Durjana can harm someone who wields the weapon of forgiveness. Moreover, if forgiveness is nurtured beyond passion, there is no other happiness.

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