The Patanjali Yoga History[Patanjali Yoga Sutras]

On this International Yoga Day, 21 June 2020. Do you want to know more about Yoga History, Asanas, and their benefits? Let us thoroughly discuss yoga(Meditation) today. 

Patanjali Yoga History.

Do you know? Yoga was started over 5,000 years ago, at the time of the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India. It was first cited in Rig-Veda. But it was perfectly codified by the great Patanjali Maharshi

Patanjali Maharshi 

Although it was exemplified in the Rig-Veda, Patanjali Maharshi encoded all aspects of Yoga in a particular format known as Yoga Sutra. This is a collection of 196 verses or principles on yoga. Hence, Patanjali is known as the father of modern yoga. 

Patanjali’s yoga principles are a collection of 196 Sanskrit sutras (miniatures) on the theory and practice of yoga. The principles of yoga were compiled from 500 to 200 BC by sage Patanjali, India, who drafted and maintained the knowledge of yoga from ancient traditions. 

Yoga seeks our well-being. It wishes for world peace. It makes us physically, mentally, and spiritually superior. This is the way of salvation for spiritual practitioners. 

Also. it is like unprecedented treatment for the sick. All the major universities in the world are studying yoga. All the famous hospitals accept yoga therapy as a treatment. 

On this auspicious Yoga International Day, we will pay tribute to Yogarshi Patanjali with a clean soul. 

Yoga is a process made up of eight elements: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, pratyahara, Dharana, dhyana, samadhi. Patanjali Maharishi the belief associates Yoga with spirituality and that spirituality can make your life better. 

Spiritual life and common life are not two separate lives. You do have only one life. what makes your life perfect is a spirituality’s belief that God exists, while others believe that God does not exist. 

The feeling of spirituality is the key. You have to know empirically, don’t believe someone. The only way to do this is through yoga. 

Sarvajana Yogam 

Yoga is a way of development. It is not connected to any religion, language, or region. Since physics was invented in Christianity, it is not possible to consider Christianity as such! Also, since it originated in India, yoga isn’t limited to Hindus. 

One god in India, one god in England, and another in Nepal. The temples belonging to them are revered with their usual affairs. If one glorifies in Sanskrit, another praise in English. 

The other is spoken in Hebrew. God has nothing to do with any language, beliefs, or structures. God, divinity is a matter of heart and soul. Spirituality is superior to religion. “Spirit of religion” means “Spirit of religion”. 

There are three elements in every religion, the Body of Religion, the Mind of Religion, and the Spirit of Religion. This is the difference and all the differences because the Spirit of Religion renounces and prefers the Body of Religion to the outward appearance. 

Yoga is also the subject of the spirit of religion. The process of promoting transformation in the heart of man. What is the mind and how to overcome it? How to get out of psychological worries. Also, it does not touch on any affairs of religion. 


The original Yoga model is the science of man’s body, mind, heart, and soul. The topic of any science is not experienced as memorized. Spirituality is a living science. Its aspects should be applied to life and followed. 

Yoga Dharmam 

Dharma and Yoga. If yoga is the body, then Dharma is the soul. Dharma is not a complicated concept. If done right, it will happen well. When bad is done, bad happens. 

This is the law of nature, cosmology. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity are not all forms of religion. Those who heat the water evaporate near 100 degrees centigrade. Who burns in the fire? 

This is the same virtue. Virtue applies equally to everyone. The investment in blobs and not the investment are external factors. They have nothing to do with mysticism. 

Yoga is the science of transcendence. These actions say that this type of results. Buddha achieved meditation through meditation. He preached about meditation as long as he lived. 

In the Vijnana Bhairava tantrum, Lord Shiva explained 113 types of meditation to Parvati. We must adopt the methods preached by the great ones. We must follow the paths they have suggested. 

Meditation purifies our minds by eliminating odors and culture. Free from pain and suffering. They all explain some of the processes in yoga to achieve this state. 

Prakriya Yoga is made up of eight elements: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi. 

Types of Yoga: 

  • Yama (Principles) 
  • Niyama (Personal Disciplines) 
  • Asana (Yoga Positions or Yogic Postures) 
  • Pranayama (Yogic Breathing) 
  • Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses) 
  • Dharana (Concentration on Object) 
  • Dhyan (Meditation) 
  • Samadhi (Salvation). 

Yama (Principles) 

Yama indicates how to behave as a man in society? Nonviolence(ahimsa), Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, and Aparigraha are the sub-elements of Yama. Violence is not the only killing and physical injury. 

Cruelty in thoughts is also violence. The idea of harming someone is similar to bloodshed. Nonviolence is to avoid harming anyone physically and mentally. Sathya isn’t the only thing that tells the truth. 

Satya means truth. This is the moment. There is also a reference to living in the present. The past and the future are imaginary. Ashtanga means living happily and happily with those who don’t wait for them but don’t despair. 

Brahmacharya means not running away into the woods and leaving married life. Brahma means God, and action means verbs. 

Any work should be done as a divine act and as a god. The aparigraha means to know your truth and your soul. 

Niyama (Personal Disciplines) 

Niyama indicates how to act as a person in society. Sucha, Santhosha, Tapha Swadhyaya, and Ishwara Pranidhana are the sub-elements of the rule (Niyama). 

shoucha is not only physical hygiene but also mental purity. Bathing with a bucket of water and Going to the temple is not a shoucha. The filth should be removed from the heart and mind. happiness means balanced Satisfaction and every moment perfectly. 

It means staying in balance without going to extremes. Only then, the tides of life will not overwhelm us. Swadhyaya means is not a knowledge of the book. Know yourself and realize what yours truly is. 

To know empirically that there is no duality, everything is Advaita. Ishvara pranidhana means to live consciously like Ishwar. Corpse means the equivalent of unconsciousness. 

Shivam‘means Consciousness, activeness. In every act, we must live like Ishwara

Pranayama (Yogic Breathing) 

Asana does not mean tilting the body in several ways. Asana should be stable and comfortable. Movements in the body can cause disturbances in the mind. 

Patanjali Maharshi describes only four types of asanas. Pranayama means developing life. Practicing ‘Pranayama Niva Sarvabadha Prashayati Malayayati‘ removes the culture and sins within us. 

(Tasmin Sati shwasa prashwasa yorgathi vichedha pranayama )- breathing is always performed without our involvement. Pranayama means breathing consciously by breaking the unconscious process. 

If the soul is stable, the mind is constant. The practice of pranayama increases the state of senselessness between thought and thought and Mental tranquility has improved. 

Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses) 

Pratyahara means transforming the senses into an alternative diet. The senses always run-on earthly matters. 

The alternative is to interface with the senses. “Swavishaye sampra yoge chittasya swaruoanuakara ivendriyam pratyahara”– Pratyahara is the best form of substitute for senses. 

When we live in the moment, we have a wonderful process. The journey begins when you are calm, pure, and honest. The sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell are all interfaced. Advaita is experienced empirically. 

Dharana means concentration. ‘Deshabhanda chittasya Dharana is the concentration of the mind on something outside or outside the body. 

Dhyan (Meditation) 

Meditation, the specialty of the Tantras is meditation(Dhyanam ‘tatra pratyekatanata dhyanamDhi means Conscious. Yanam means to travel. Meditation is always staying in the consciousness. 

Samadhi means balance. Dhi means awareness. An equal aspect is an awareness. The observer, observed and the note all are the same. 

Samadhi (Salvation) 

Yoga is a very simple process. It is not necessary to memorize and remember the above. Start meditating. Pranayama, Asana, dharana, and samadhi are intrinsic. 

Yama, don’t start with the rules and start meditating slowly. Starting from one of these, everything else will change. If you practice meditation, you will gradually eliminate all the filth present in your mind and Divinity in itself. 

Surya Namaskars 

Surya Namaskars has a total of 12 Asana positions. Surya Namaskars are not simple exercises. Most people doing Surya namaskars do not follow inhale breathing and exhale breathing exercises properly. 

If you exhale breath when whatever asanas performing, all the impurity and negativity within you go away. We must keep in mind that the divine fills in the breath while we are breathing. 

you fill life and divinity within you. You should do it with the awareness that I am increasing integrity. But, don’t practice Yoga merely. There are some basic rules for any Asana

some of them are breathing while bending the abdomen, inhalation of air while bending backward and exhalation of breath when bending the sides. If you follow breathing patterns perfectly when doing asanas, Pranayam will be done automatically within you. 

Surya Namaskars have a mantra for each asana. When the mantra is pronounced, the character of the mantra needs to be attributed to yourself. 


  • Improve digestion and eliminate constipation. It prevents abdominal infections and improves blood circulation in the thighs. 


  • Anger is controlled by emotion. 


200 years ago, the atmosphere contained 37 percent oxygen. Today it has dropped to 19.6 percent. In addition, the changes in the diet we consume due to the influence of the western lifestyle have further reduced the oxygen content. 

Pranayama practice is essential if the body has to gradually reduce the oxygen content. This allows for both success and satisfaction in life. Whatever health problems you have, the practice of pranayama provides relief. 

Asanas are exercises for the body. Pranayama is an exercise for the brain. The left brain is activated by breathing through the left nostril. Pranayama practice is indispensable in today’s situation. 

International universities have also confirmed that pranayama is free from many chronic diseases. 

Yoga Mudrasanam 

  • Excite the back and neck. 

Setu Bandhasana 

  • Relieves asthma and bronchitis. 


  • Corrects the problems of the digestive system. Corrects thyroid defects and strengthens your spine. 


  • Strengthens the liver, kidneys, and spine. 


  • Relieves hip pain and diarrhea. Stimulates the nervous system. Strengthens the neck and waist. Increases appetite. 


  • Relieves sciatica and neck pain. Excites the heart and lungs. Corrects deficiencies in various glands. It gives exercise to the kidneys and improves digestion. 


  • Relieves diabetes, kidneys, and arthritis. 


  • It prevents piles, asthma, bronchitis, and abdominal diseases. It gives immunity and Corrects genital defects. 

Arogya Mudra 

Mudras are a kind of gesture that uses the fingertips. The body, mind, and spirit are hidden on the tip of our fingers. These impressions are essentially the four types of handprints, brains, eyelids, and vigor. 

They are also called psycho neuro symbols. Impressions correct physical and mental defects. It improves the vitality of the body. 

Vital energy diseases accumulate in the body. All these errors can be corrected by the printouts. Impressions can affect all chemical and electrical activities in the body. 

To observe the subtle changes caused by impressions, the mind must be very calm and warm. 

Meditation (Yoga) benefits: 

  • Increases mental health and reduces stress 
  • Help you sleep well at night 
  • It can help you with a hangover 
  • Help with chronic back pain 
  • Fight heart disease 
  • Ease the pain of arthritis 
  • Reduce asthma symptoms 
  • Greater flexibility 
  • Increased muscle strength and tone 
  • Improved breathing, strength, and energy 
  • Maintaining a balanced metabolism 
  • Weight loss 
  • Cardiovascular and circulatory health 
  • Improved athletic performance 
  • Injury protection 
  • Manage symptoms for people with multiple sclerosis 
  • Reduce the symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 


Let me know if you know more about Yoga History, benefits, and Asanas through comments or share this with helping others.

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